path: root/app/views
diff options
authorStefan Wintermeyer <>2013-01-22 15:31:47 +0100
committerStefan Wintermeyer <>2013-01-22 15:31:47 +0100
commit6f69c1a85055ec7c2515719d79d2a7a4e60cec50 (patch)
tree6c88289c9f99be0af8635636fcdf64102090e5ec /app/views
parent343f8028a226e2239207194a13890454c696cd38 (diff)
UI improvements.
Diffstat (limited to 'app/views')
8 files changed, 97 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/call_histories/_index_core.html.haml b/app/views/call_histories/_index_core.html.haml
index 9a52148..f9d2150 100644
--- a/app/views/call_histories/_index_core.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/call_histories/_index_core.html.haml
@@ -1,68 +1,58 @@
-= form_tag(destroy_multiple_sip_account_call_histories_path(@sip_account), :method => :delete, :id => 'call_history_form') do
- %header.entries-nav= render :partial => "call_histories/navigation"
- .content
- - cache(['call_history_table', I18n.locale, @sip_account, call_histories.first, call_histories.last, call_histories.count]) do
- %table{:class => 'table table-striped'}
- - for call_history in call_histories
- - tr_background_colour = cycle('odd', 'even')
- - cache(['call_history_table_row', I18n.locale, call_history, tr_background_colour]) do
- - phone_number = call_history.display_number
- - voicemail_message = call_history.voicemail_message
- - if phone_number
- - phone_book_entry = call_history.phone_book_entry_by_number(phone_number)
-{:class => tr_background_colour}
- %td.select_box= check_box_tag("selected_ids[]",, false, :id => "select_item_#{}", :class => 'select_item')
- %td.thumbnail
- - image = call_history.display_image(:small, phone_book_entry)
- - if image
- = image_tag(image, :itemprop => 'image')
- %td.time
- - if voicemail_message
- .voicemail-message
- %a{:href => sip_account_voicemail_messages_path(@sip_account, :anchor => "message_#{}")}
- = image_tag('icons/gs_envelope_16x.png', :class => 'display')
- = call_history.display_call_date(t("call_histories.index.date_format"), t("call_histories.index.date_today_format"))
- - elsif call_history.entry_type == 'forwarded'
- .call-forwarded= call_history.display_call_date(t("call_histories.index.date_format"), t("call_histories.index.date_today_format"))
- - if call_history.callee_account_type.to_s.downcase == 'voicemail'
- = t("call_histories.index.voicemail")
- - else
- = call_history.destination_number
- - elsif call_history.entry_type == 'dialed'
- .call-placed= call_history.display_call_date(t("call_histories.index.date_format"), t("call_histories.index.date_today_format"))
- - elsif call_history.entry_type == 'received'
- .call-received= call_history.display_call_date(t("call_histories.index.date_format"), t("call_histories.index.date_today_format"))
- - elsif call_history.entry_type == 'missed'
- .call-missed= call_history.display_call_date(t("call_histories.index.date_format"), t("call_histories.index.date_today_format"))
- - else
- .call-unknown
- = t("call_histories.index.#{call_history.entry_type}")
- = call_history.display_call_date(t("call_histories.index.date_format"), t("call_histories.index.date_today_format"))
- - if call_history.forwarding_service && call_history.entry_type != 'forwarded'
- = t("call_histories.index.forwarded_by")
- = call_history.display_auth_account_name
- %td.user
- - display_name = call_history.display_name
- - if display_name.blank?
- - display_name = phone_book_entry.to_s
- - if phone_book_entry
-{:href => phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(phone_book_entry.phone_book, phone_book_entry), :itemprop => "name"}= display_name
- - else
- .name= display_name
- .phone= phone_number
- %td.status
- - if call_history.display_duration
- .duration= call_history.display_duration
- - else
- .disposition= t("call_histories.call_results.#{call_history.result}")
- %td.actions
- - if @sip_account.registration && can?(:call, call_history)
- = link_to t(''), call_sip_account_call_history_path(@sip_account, call_history), :method => :put
- %td.actions
- - if can? :destroy, call_history
- = link_to t('call_histories.index.actions.destroy'), sip_account_call_history_path(@sip_account, call_history), :method => :delete
+= render :partial => "call_histories/navigation"
- %footer.entries-nav= render :partial => "call_histories/navigation"
- = image_submit_tag('icons/cross-16x.png', :confirm => t("call_histories.index.actions.confirm_selected"))
- = t("call_histories.index.actions.destroy_multiple")
+%table{:class => 'table table-striped'}
+ - for call_history in call_histories
+ - phone_number = call_history.display_number
+ - voicemail_message = call_history.voicemail_message
+ - if phone_number
+ - phone_book_entry = call_history.phone_book_entry_by_number(phone_number)
+ %td.thumbnail
+ - image = call_history.display_image(:small, phone_book_entry)
+ - if image
+ = image_tag(image, :itemprop => 'image')
+ %td.time
+ - if voicemail_message
+ .voicemail-message
+ %a{:href => sip_account_voicemail_messages_path(@sip_account, :anchor => "message_#{}")}
+ = image_tag('icons/gs_envelope_16x.png', :class => 'display')
+ = call_history.display_call_date(t("call_histories.index.date_format"), t("call_histories.index.date_today_format"))
+ - elsif call_history.entry_type == 'forwarded'
+ .call-forwarded= call_history.display_call_date(t("call_histories.index.date_format"), t("call_histories.index.date_today_format"))
+ - if call_history.callee_account_type.to_s.downcase == 'voicemail'
+ = t("call_histories.index.voicemail")
+ - else
+ = call_history.destination_number
+ - elsif call_history.entry_type == 'dialed'
+ .call-placed= call_history.display_call_date(t("call_histories.index.date_format"), t("call_histories.index.date_today_format"))
+ - elsif call_history.entry_type == 'received'
+ .call-received= call_history.display_call_date(t("call_histories.index.date_format"), t("call_histories.index.date_today_format"))
+ - elsif call_history.entry_type == 'missed'
+ .call-missed= call_history.display_call_date(t("call_histories.index.date_format"), t("call_histories.index.date_today_format"))
+ - else
+ .call-unknown
+ = t("call_histories.index.#{call_history.entry_type}")
+ = call_history.display_call_date(t("call_histories.index.date_format"), t("call_histories.index.date_today_format"))
+ - if call_history.forwarding_service && call_history.entry_type != 'forwarded'
+ = t("call_histories.index.forwarded_by")
+ = call_history.display_auth_account_name
+ %td.user
+ - display_name = call_history.display_name
+ - if display_name.blank?
+ - display_name = phone_book_entry.to_s
+ - if phone_book_entry
+{:href => phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(phone_book_entry.phone_book, phone_book_entry), :itemprop => "name"}= display_name
+ - else
+ .name= display_name
+ .phone= phone_number
+ %td.status
+ - if call_history.display_duration
+ .duration= call_history.display_duration
+ - else
+ .disposition= t("call_histories.call_results.#{call_history.result}")
+ %td.actions
+ - if @sip_account.registration && can?(:call, call_history)
+ = link_to t(''), call_sip_account_call_history_path(@sip_account, call_history), :method => :put
+ %td.actions
+ - if can? :destroy, call_history
+ = link_to t('call_histories.index.actions.destroy'), sip_account_call_history_path(@sip_account, call_history), :method => :delete
diff --git a/app/views/call_histories/_navigation.html.haml b/app/views/call_histories/_navigation.html.haml
index a1999d9..d72ad64 100644
--- a/app/views/call_histories/_navigation.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/call_histories/_navigation.html.haml
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
- %li
- %a{ :href => "?type=" }= t("call_histories.index.navigation.all", :calls => @calls_count)
- %a{ :href => "?type=missed" }= t("call_histories.index.navigation.missed", :calls => @calls_missed_count)
- %a{ :href => "?type=received" }= t("call_histories.index.navigation.received", :calls => @calls_received_count)
- %a{ :href => "?type=dialed" }= t("call_histories.index.navigation.dialed", :calls => @calls_dialed_count)
- %a{ :href => "?type=forwarded" }= t("call_histories.index.navigation.forwarded", :calls => @calls_forwarded_count)
+%ul{:class => 'nav nav-pills'}
+ %li
+ %a{ :href => "?type=" }= t("call_histories.index.navigation.all", :calls => @calls_count)
+ %li
+ %a{ :href => "?type=missed" }= t("call_histories.index.navigation.missed", :calls => @calls_missed_count)
+ %li
+ %a{ :href => "?type=received" }= t("call_histories.index.navigation.received", :calls => @calls_received_count)
+ %li
+ %a{ :href => "?type=dialed" }= t("call_histories.index.navigation.dialed", :calls => @calls_dialed_count)
+ %li
+ %a{ :href => "?type=forwarded" }= t("call_histories.index.navigation.forwarded", :calls => @calls_forwarded_count)
- = will_paginate @call_histories
+/ .pagination
+/ = will_paginate @call_histories
diff --git a/app/views/layouts/_footer.html.haml b/app/views/layouts/_footer.html.haml
index 73f12e0..61ea546 100644
--- a/app/views/layouts/_footer.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/layouts/_footer.html.haml
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
- cache(['application_footer', I18n.locale]) do
- %footer
- %ul{:class => 'nav nav-pills'}
- - if !GsParameter.get('GEMEINSCHAFT_BUILDNAME').nil?
- %li
- %a{:href => "", :ref => 'tooltip', :title => "Gemeinschaft Version " + GsParameter.get('GEMEINSCHAFT_VERSION') + "\nBuild #" + GsParameter.get('GEMEINSCHAFT_BUILDNAME')} Gemeinschaft #{GsParameter.get('GEMEINSCHAFT_VERSION')}
- - else
- %li
- %a{:href => ""} Gemeinschaft #{GsParameter.get('GEMEINSCHAFT_VERSION')}
- - if GuiFunction.display?('amooma_commercial_support_link_in_footer', current_user)
- %li
- %a{:href => ""} Support und Consulting
- - if GuiFunction.display?('gemeinschaft_mailinglist_link_in_footer', current_user)
- %li
- %a{:href => ""} Mailingliste
- %li{:class => 'pull-right'}
- = link_to 'brought to you by AMOOMA GmbH', '' \ No newline at end of file
+ %footer
+ %ul{:class => 'nav nav-pills'}
+ - if !GsParameter.get('GEMEINSCHAFT_BUILDNAME').nil?
+ %li
+ %a{:href => "", :ref => 'tooltip', :title => "Gemeinschaft Version " + GsParameter.get('GEMEINSCHAFT_VERSION') + "\nBuild #" + GsParameter.get('GEMEINSCHAFT_BUILDNAME')} Gemeinschaft #{GsParameter.get('GEMEINSCHAFT_VERSION')}
+ - else
+ %li
+ %a{:href => ""} Gemeinschaft #{GsParameter.get('GEMEINSCHAFT_VERSION')}
+ - if GuiFunction.display?('amooma_commercial_support_link_in_footer', current_user)
+ %li
+ %a{:href => ""} Support und Consulting
+ - if GuiFunction.display?('gemeinschaft_mailinglist_link_in_footer', current_user)
+ %li
+ %a{:href => ""} Mailingliste
+ %li{:class => 'pull-right'}
+ = link_to 'brought to you by AMOOMA GmbH', '' \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/phone_books/_index_core.html.haml b/app/views/phone_books/_index_core.html.haml
index 4763155..accded6 100644
--- a/app/views/phone_books/_index_core.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/phone_books/_index_core.html.haml
@@ -14,6 +14,5 @@
= number_with_delimiter( phone_book.phone_book_entries.count )
- = render :partial => 'shared/create_link', :locals => {:parent => phone_book, :child_class => PhoneBookEntry, :short_link => true}
=render :partial => 'shared/index_view_edit_destroy_part', :locals => {:parent => phone_book.phone_bookable, :child => phone_book} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/phone_numbers/_index_core.html.haml b/app/views/phone_numbers/_index_core.html.haml
index b8540e7..f41c949 100644
--- a/app/views/phone_numbers/_index_core.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/phone_numbers/_index_core.html.haml
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
- if phone_numbers.count > 1 && phone_numbers.first.phone_numberable_type == 'PhoneBookEntry'
%th= t('')
%th= t('phone_numbers.index.number')
+ %th{:colspan => '3'}
- for phone_number in phone_numbers.order(:position)
diff --git a/app/views/phone_sip_accounts/_index_core.html.haml b/app/views/phone_sip_accounts/_index_core.html.haml
index 5aee417..1e6d3ca 100644
--- a/app/views/phone_sip_accounts/_index_core.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/phone_sip_accounts/_index_core.html.haml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
%th= t('phone_sip_accounts.index.phone_id')
%th= t('phone_sip_accounts.index.sip_account_id')
%th= t('phone_sip_accounts.index.position')
+ %th{:colspan => '3'}
- for phone_sip_account in phone_sip_accounts
diff --git a/app/views/phones/show.html.haml b/app/views/phones/show.html.haml
index 87b8d3d..faf4061 100644
--- a/app/views/phones/show.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/phones/show.html.haml
@@ -31,9 +31,17 @@
- if @phone.ip_address.blank? && @phone.phone_model.manufacturer.ieee_name == 'SNOM Technology AG'
- Sollten Sie Ihren DHCP-Server noch nicht für das automatische Konfigurieren der GS5 Provisionierungs-URL konfiguriert haben, können Sie manuell in Ihrem Telefon die folgende Provisionierungs-URL eingeben. Das "{mac}" bitte genau so eingeben, es wird vom Telefon automatisch mit der eigenen MAC-Adresse befüllt:
+ Sollten Sie Ihren DHCP-Server noch nicht für das automatische Konfigurieren der GS5 Provisionierungs-URL konfiguriert haben, können Sie manuell in Ihrem Telefon die folgende Provisionierungs-URL eingeben.
+ %p
+ Das entsprechende Eingabefeld finden Sie unter
+ %br
+ Advanced -> Update -> Setting URL
+ %p
+ Das "{mac}" bitte genau so eingeben, es wird vom Telefon automatisch mit der eigenen MAC-Adresse befüllt:
= "http://#{}/settings-{mac}"
+ %p
+ Danach müssen Sie die Konfiguration abspeichern und das Telefon booten.
= render :partial => 'shared/show_edit_destroy_part', :locals => { :parent => @phone.phoneable, :child => @phone }
diff --git a/app/views/sip_accounts/_index_core.html.haml b/app/views/sip_accounts/_index_core.html.haml
index a24d0d3..8d9791d 100644
--- a/app/views/sip_accounts/_index_core.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/sip_accounts/_index_core.html.haml
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
- if sip_account.phone_numbers.count > 0
= render 'phone_numbers/listing', :phone_numbers => sip_account.phone_numbers.order(:number)
- %br
- = render :partial => 'shared/create_link', :locals => {:parent => sip_account, :child_class => PhoneNumber, :short_link => true}
- sip_account.phones.each do |phone|