path: root/misc/freeswitch/scripts/dialplan/dialplan.lua
diff options
authorStefan Wintermeyer <>2012-12-17 12:01:45 +0100
committerStefan Wintermeyer <>2012-12-17 12:01:45 +0100
commitb80bd744ad873f6fc43018bc4bfb90677de167bd (patch)
tree072c4b0e33d442528555b82c415f5e7a1712b2b0 /misc/freeswitch/scripts/dialplan/dialplan.lua
parent3e706c2025ecc5523e81ad649639ef2ff75e7bac (diff)
Start of GS5.
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/freeswitch/scripts/dialplan/dialplan.lua')
1 files changed, 996 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/freeswitch/scripts/dialplan/dialplan.lua b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/dialplan/dialplan.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4dca9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/dialplan/dialplan.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,996 @@
+-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: dialplan class
+-- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012
+Dialplan = {}
+-- local constants
+local CONFIG_FILE_NAME = '/opt/freeswitch/scripts/ini/dialplan.ini';
+local DIAL_TIMEOUT = 120;
+local MAX_LOOPS = 20;
+local DIALPLAN_FUNCTION_PATTERN = '^f[_%-].*';
+ USER_BUSY = 'busy',
+ CALL_REJECTED = 'busy',
+ NO_ANSWER = 'noanswer',
+ USER_NOT_REGISTERED = 'offline',
+ HUNT_GROUP_EMPTY = 'offline',
+ ACD_NO_AGENTS = 'offline',
+ ACD_TIMEOUT = 'noanswer',
+-- create dialplan object
+function, arg)
+ arg = arg or {}
+ object = arg.object or {}
+ setmetatable(object, self);
+ self.__index = self;
+ self.log = arg.log;
+ self.database = arg.database;
+ self.caller = arg.caller;
+ return object;
+function Dialplan.domain_get(self, domain)
+ require 'common.str'
+ local global_domain = freeswitch.API():execute('global_getvar', 'domain');
+ if common.str.blank(global_domain) then
+ if common.str.blank(domain) then
+ require 'common.database'
+ local database = common.database.Database:new{ log = self.log }:connect();
+ if not database:connected() then
+ self.log:error('[', uuid,'] DIALPLAN_DOMAIN - cannot connect to Gemeinschaft database');
+ else
+ require 'configuration.sip'
+ local domains = configuration.sip.Sip:new{ log = self.log, database = database }:domains();
+ if domains[1] then
+ domain = domains[1]['host'];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if database then
+ database:release();
+ end
+ if not common.str.blank(domain) then
+ self.log:notice('DIALPLAN_DOMAIN - setting default domain: ', domain);
+ freeswitch.API():execute('global_setvar', 'domain=' .. tostring(domain));
+ end
+ else
+ domain = global_domain;
+ end
+ if common.str.blank(domain) then
+ self.log:error('DIALPLAN_DOMAIN - no domain found');
+ end
+ return domain;
+function Dialplan.configuration_read(self, file_name)
+ require 'common.str'
+ require 'common.configuration_file'
+ -- dialplan configuration
+ self.config = common.configuration_file.get(file_name or CONFIG_FILE_NAME);
+ self.node_id = common.str.to_i(self.config.parameters.node_id);
+ self.domain = self:domain_get(self.config.parameters.domain);
+ self.dial_timeout = tonumber(self.config.parameters.dial_timeout) or DIAL_TIMEOUT;
+ self.max_loops = tonumber(self.config.parameters.max_loops) or MAX_LOOPS;
+ self.user_image_url = common.str.to_s(self.config.parameters.user_image_url);
+ self.phone_book_entry_image_url = common.str.to_s(self.config.parameters.phone_book_entry_image_url);
+ self.phonebook_number_lookup = common.str.to_b(self.config.parameters.phonebook_number_lookup);
+ self.geo_number_lookup = common.str.to_b(self.config.parameters.geo_number_lookup);
+ self.default_language = self.config.parameters.default_language or 'en';
+ self.send_ringing_to_gateways = common.str.to_b(self.config.parameters.send_ringing_to_gateways);
+ if tonumber(self.config.parameters.default_ringtone) then
+ self.default_ringtone = ';info=Ringer' .. self.config.parameters.default_ringtone .. ';x-line-id=0';
+ else
+ self.default_ringtone = ';info=Ringer1;x-line-id=0';
+ end
+ return (self.config ~= nil);
+function Dialplan.hangup(self, code, phrase, cause)
+ if self.caller:ready() then
+ if tonumber(code) then
+ self.caller:respond(code, phrase or 'Thank you for flying Gemeinschaft5');
+ end
+ self.caller:hangup(cause or 16);
+ else
+ self.log:info('HANGUP - caller sesson down - cause: ', self.caller.session:hangupCause());
+ end
+function Dialplan.check_auth(self)
+ local authenticated = false;
+ require 'common.str'
+ if self.caller.from_node then
+ self.log:info('AUTH_FIRST_STAGE - node authenticated - node_id: ', self.caller.node_id);
+ authenticated = true;
+ elseif not common.str.blank(self.caller.auth_account_type) then
+ self.log:info('AUTH_FIRST_STAGE - sipaccount autheticated by name/password: ', self.caller.auth_account_type, '=', self.caller.account_id, '/', self.caller.account_uuid);
+ authenticated = true;
+ elseif self.caller.from_gateway then
+ self.log:info('AUTH_FIRST_STAGE - gateway autheticated by name/password: gateway=', self.caller.gateway_id, ', name: ', self.caller.gateway_name);
+ authenticated = true;
+ else
+ local gateways = common.configuration_file.get('/opt/freeswitch/scripts/ini/gateways.ini', false);
+ if not gateways then
+ return false;
+ end
+ for gateway, gateway_parameters in pairs(gateways) do
+ if common.str.to_s(gateway_parameters.proxy) == self.caller.sip_contact_host then
+ self.caller.gateway_name = gateway;
+ self.caller.from_gateway = true;
+ self.log:info('AUTH_FIRST_STAGE - gateway autheticated by ip: gateway=', self.caller.gateway_id, ', name: ', self.caller.gateway_name, ', ip: ', self.caller.sip_contact_host);
+ authenticated = true;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return authenticated;
+function Dialplan.check_auth_node(self)
+ require 'common.node'
+ local node = common.node.Node:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_address(self.caller.sip_contact_host);
+ return (node ~= nil);
+function Dialplan.check_auth_ip(self)
+ self.log:info('AUTH - node: ', self.caller.from_node, ', auth_account: ', self.caller.auth_account_type, ', gateway: ', self.caller.from_gateway);
+ require 'common.str'
+ if self.caller.from_node then
+ return true;
+ elseif not common.str.blank(self.caller.auth_account_type) then
+ return true;
+ elseif self.caller.from_gateway then
+ return true;
+ else
+ return nil;
+ end
+function Dialplan.object_find(self, class, identifier, auth_name)
+ require 'common.str'
+ class = common.str.downcase(class);
+ if class == 'user' then
+ require 'dialplan.user'
+ local user = nil;
+ if type(identifier) == 'number' then
+ user = dialplan.user.User:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(identifier);
+ else
+ user = dialplan.user.User:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_uuid(identifier);
+ end
+ if user then
+ user.groups = user:list_groups();
+ end
+ return user;
+ elseif class == 'tenant' then
+ require 'dialplan.tenant'
+ local tenant = nil;
+ if type(identifier) == 'number' then
+ tenant = dialplan.tenant.Tenant:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(identifier);
+ else
+ tenant = dialplan.tenant.Tenant:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_uuid(identifier);
+ end
+ return tenant;
+ elseif class == 'sipaccount' then
+ require 'common.sip_account'
+ local sip_account = nil;
+ if auth_name then
+ sip_account = common.sip_account.SipAccount:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_auth_name(auth_name, identifier);
+ elseif type(identifier) == 'number' then
+ sip_account = common.sip_account.SipAccount:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(identifier);
+ else
+ sip_account = common.sip_account.SipAccount:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_uuid(identifier);
+ end
+ if sip_account then
+ sip_account.owner = self:object_find(sip_account.record.sip_accountable_type, tonumber(sip_account.record.sip_accountable_id));
+ end
+ return sip_account;
+ elseif class == 'huntgroup' then
+ require 'dialplan.hunt_group'
+ local hunt_group = nil;
+ if type(identifier) == 'number' then
+ hunt_group = dialplan.hunt_group.HuntGroup:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(identifier);
+ else
+ hunt_group = dialplan.hunt_group.HuntGroup:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_uuid(identifier);
+ end
+ if hunt_group then
+ hunt_group.owner = self:object_find('tenant', tonumber(hunt_group.record.tenant_id));
+ end
+ return hunt_group;
+ elseif class == 'automaticcalldistributor' then
+ require 'dialplan.acd'
+ local acd = nil;
+ if type(identifier) == 'number' then
+ acd = dialplan.acd.AutomaticCallDistributor:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, domain = self.domain }:find_by_id(identifier);
+ else
+ acd = dialplan.acd.AutomaticCallDistributor:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, domain = self.domain }:find_by_uuid(identifier);
+ end
+ if acd then
+ acd.owner = self:object_find(acd.record.automatic_call_distributorable_type, tonumber(acd.record.automatic_call_distributorable_id));
+ end
+ return acd;
+ elseif class == 'faxaccount' then
+ require 'dialplan.fax'
+ local fax_account = nil;
+ if type(identifier) == 'number' then
+ fax_account = dialplan.fax.Fax:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(identifier);
+ else
+ fax_account = dialplan.fax.Fax:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_uuid(identifier);
+ end
+ if fax_account then
+ fax_account.owner = self:object_find(fax_account.record.fax_accountable_type, tonumber(fax_account.record.fax_accountable_id));
+ end
+ return fax_account;
+ end
+function Dialplan.retrieve_caller_data(self)
+ self.caller.caller_phone_numbers_hash = {}
+ require 'common.str'
+ local dialed_sip_user = self.caller:to_s('dialed_user');
+ -- TODO: Set auth_account on transfer initiated by calling party
+ if not common.str.blank(dialed_sip_user) then
+ self.caller.auth_account = self:object_find('sipaccount', self.caller:to_s('dialed_domain'), dialed_sip_user);
+ self.caller:set_auth_account(self.caller.auth_account);
+ elseif not common.str.blank(self.caller.auth_account_type) and not common.str.blank(self.caller.auth_account_uuid) then
+ self.caller.auth_account = self:object_find(self.caller.auth_account_type, self.caller.auth_account_uuid);
+ self.caller:set_auth_account(self.caller.auth_account);
+ end
+ if self.caller.auth_account then
+ self.log:info('CALLER_DATA - auth account: ', self.caller.auth_account.class, '=',, '/', self.caller.auth_account.uuid);
+ if self.caller.auth_account.owner then
+ self.log:info('CALLER_DATA - auth owner: ', self.caller.auth_account.owner.class, '=',, '/', self.caller.auth_account.owner.uuid);
+ else
+ self.log:error('CALLER_DATA - auth owner not found');
+ end
+ else
+ self.log:info('CALLER_DATA - no data - unauthenticated call: ', self.caller.auth_account_type, '/', self.caller.auth_account_uuid);
+ end
+ if not common.str.blank(self.caller.account_type) and not common.str.blank(self.caller.account_uuid) then
+ self.caller.account = self:object_find(self.caller.account_type, self.caller.account_uuid);
+ if self.caller.account then
+ require 'common.phone_number'
+ self.caller.caller_phone_numbers = common.phone_number.PhoneNumber:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:list_by_owner(, self.caller.account.class);
+ for index, caller_number in ipairs(self.caller.caller_phone_numbers) do
+ self.caller.caller_phone_numbers_hash[caller_number] = true;
+ end
+ self.log:info('CALLER_DATA - caller account: ', self.caller.account.class, '=',, '/', self.caller.account.uuid, ', phone_numbers: ', #self.caller.caller_phone_numbers);
+ if self.caller.account.owner then
+ self.log:info('CALLER_DATA - caller owner: ', self.caller.account.owner.class, '=',, '/', self.caller.account.owner.uuid);
+ else
+ self.log:error('CALLER_DATA - caller owner not found');
+ end
+ if not self.caller.clir then
+ self.caller:set_caller_id(self.caller.caller_phone_numbers[1], self.caller.account.record.caller_name or;
+ end
+ else
+ self.log:error('CALLER_DATA - caller account not found: ', self.caller.account_type, '/', self.caller.account_uuid);
+ end
+ end
+function Dialplan.destination_new(self, arg)
+ require 'common.str'
+ local destination = {
+ number = arg.number or '',
+ type = arg.type or 'unknown',
+ id = common.str.to_i(,
+ uuid = arg.uuid or '',
+ phone_number = arg.phone_number,
+ node_id = common.str.to_i(arg.node_id),
+ call_forwarding = {},
+ data =,
+ }
+ destination.type = common.str.downcase(destination.type);
+ if not common.str.blank(destination.number) then
+ if destination.type == 'unknown' and destination.number:find(DIALPLAN_FUNCTION_PATTERN) then
+ destination.type = 'dialplanfunction';
+ elseif destination.type == 'phonenumber' or destination.type == 'unknown' then
+ require 'common.phone_number'
+ destination.phone_number = common.phone_number.PhoneNumber:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_number(destination.number);
+ if destination.phone_number then
+ destination.type = common.str.downcase(destination.phone_number.record.phone_numberable_type);
+ = common.str.to_i(destination.phone_number.record.phone_numberable_id);
+ destination.uuid = common.str.to_s(destination.phone_number.record.phone_numberable_uuid);
+ destination.node_id = common.str.to_i(destination.phone_number.record.gs_node_id);
+ if self.caller then
+ destination.call_forwarding = destination.phone_number:call_forwarding(self.caller.caller_phone_numbers);
+ end
+ elseif destination.type == 'unknown' then
+ require 'common.sip_account'
+ destination.account = common.sip_account.SipAccount:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_auth_name(destination.number);
+ if destination.account then
+ destination.type = 'sipaccount';
+ = common.str.to_i(;
+ destination.uuid = common.str.to_s(destination.account.record.uuid);
+ destination.node_id = common.str.to_i(destination.account.record.gs_node_id);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if destination.node_id == 0 then
+ destination.node_id = self.node_id;
+ destination.node_local = true;
+ else
+ destination.node_local = (destination.node_id == self.node_id);
+ end
+ self.log:info('DESTINATION_NEW - ', destination.type, '=',, '/', destination.uuid,'@', destination.node_id, ', number: ', destination.number);
+ return destination;
+function Dialplan.routes_get(self, destination)
+ require 'dialplan.route'
+ return dialplan.route.Route:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, routing_table = self.routes }:outbound(self.caller, destination.number);
+function Dialplan.set_caller_picture(self, entry_id, entry_type, image)
+ entry_type = entry_type:lower();
+ if entry_type == 'user' then
+ require 'dialplan.user'
+ local user = dialplan.user.User:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(entry_id);
+ if user then
+ self.caller:set_variable('sip_h_Call-Info', '<' .. self.user_image_url .. '/' .. tonumber(entry_id) .. '/snom_caller_picture_' .. tostring(user.record.image) .. '>;purpose=icon');
+ end
+ elseif entry_type == 'phonebookentry' and image then
+ self.caller:set_variable('sip_h_Call-Info', '<' .. self.phone_book_entry_image_url .. '/' .. tonumber(entry_id) .. '/snom_caller_picture_' .. tostring(image) .. '>;purpose=icon');
+ end
+function Dialplan.dial(self, destination)
+ require 'common.str'
+ destination.caller_id_number = destination.caller_id_number or self.caller.caller_phone_numbers[1];
+ if not self.caller.clir then
+ if destination.node_local and destination.type == 'sipaccount' then
+ local user_id = nil;
+ local tenant_id = nil;
+ destination.account = self:object_find(destination.type,;
+ if destination.account then
+ if destination.account.class == 'sipaccount' then
+ destination.callee_id_name = destination.account.record.caller_name;
+ self.caller:set_callee_id(destination.number, destination.account.record.caller_name);
+ end
+ end
+ if destination.account and destination.account.owner then
+ if destination.account.owner.class == 'user' then
+ user_id =;
+ tenant_id = tonumber(destination.account.owner.record.current_tenant_id);
+ elseif destination.account.owner.class == 'tenant' then
+ tenant_id =;
+ end
+ end
+ if user_id or tenant_id then
+ require 'common.str'
+ local phone_book_entry = nil;
+ if self.phonebook_number_lookup then
+ require 'dialplan.phone_book'
+ phone_book_entry = dialplan.phone_book.PhoneBook:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_entry_by_number_user_tenant(self.caller.caller_phone_numbers, user_id, tenant_id);
+ end
+ if phone_book_entry then
+ self.log:info('PHONE_BOOK_ENTRY - phone_book=', phone_book_entry.phone_book_id, ' (', phone_book_entry.phone_book_name, '), caller_id_name: ', phone_book_entry.caller_id_name, ', ringtone: ', phone_book_entry.bellcore_id);
+ destination.caller_id_name = common.str.to_ascii(phone_book_entry.caller_id_name);
+ if tonumber(phone_book_entry.bellcore_id) then
+ self.log:debug('RINGTONE - phonebookentry, index: ', phone_book_entry.bellcore_id);
+ self.caller:export_variable('alert_info', ';info=Ringer' .. phone_book_entry.bellcore_id .. ';x-line-id=0');
+ end
+ if phone_book_entry.image then
+ self:set_caller_picture(, 'phonebookentry', phone_book_entry.image);
+ elseif self.caller.account and self.caller.account.owner then
+ self:set_caller_picture(, self.caller.account.owner.class);
+ end
+ elseif self.caller.account and self.caller.account.owner then
+ self:set_caller_picture(, self.caller.account.owner.class);
+ elseif self.geo_number_lookup then
+ require 'dialplan.geo_number'
+ local geo_number = dialplan.geo_number.GeoNumber:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find(destination.caller_id_number);
+ if geo_number then
+ self.log:info('GEO_NUMBER - found: ',, ', ',;
+ if then
+ destination.caller_id_name = common.str.to_ascii( .. ', ' .. common.str.to_ascii(;
+ else
+ destination.caller_id_name = common.str.to_ascii(;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self.caller:set_caller_id(destination.caller_id_number, destination.caller_id_name or self.caller.caller_id_name);
+ else
+ self.caller:set_caller_id('anonymous', 'Unknown');
+ self.caller:set_privacy(true);
+ end
+ local destinations = { destination };
+ if self.caller.forwarding_service == 'assistant' and self.caller.auth_account and self.caller.auth_account.class == 'sipaccount' then
+ self.caller.auth_account.type = self.caller.auth_account.class;
+ local forwarding_destination = self:destination_new( self.caller.auth_account );
+ if forwarding_destination then
+ forwarding_destination.alert_info = ';info=Ringer0;x-line-id=0'
+ table.insert(destinations, forwarding_destination);
+ end
+ end
+ if common.str.to_b(self.config.parameters.bypass_media) then
+ self.caller:set_variable('bypass_media', true);
+ end
+ require 'dialplan.sip_call'
+ return dialplan.sip_call.SipCall:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, caller = self.caller }:fork(
+ destinations,
+ { timeout = self.dial_timeout_active,
+ send_ringing = ( self.send_ringing_to_gateways and self.caller.from_gateway ),
+ bypass_media_network = self.config.parameters.bypass_media_network,
+ }
+ );
+function Dialplan.huntgroup(self, destination)
+ local hunt_group = self:object_find('huntgroup', tonumber(;
+ if not hunt_group then
+ self.log:error('DIALPLAN_HUNTGROUP - huntgroup not found');
+ return { continue = true, code = 404, phrase = 'Huntgroup not found' }
+ end
+ self.caller:set_callee_id(destination.number,;
+ destination.caller_id_number = destination.caller_id_number or self.caller.caller_phone_numbers[1];
+ if not self.caller.clir then
+ self.caller:set_caller_id(destination.caller_id_number, tostring( .. ' '.. tostring(self.caller.caller_id_name));
+ if self.caller.account and self.caller.account.owner then
+ self:set_caller_picture(, self.caller.account.owner.class);
+ end
+ else
+ self.caller:set_caller_id('anonymous', tostring(;
+ self.caller:set_privacy(true);
+ end
+ self.caller.auth_account = hunt_group;
+ self.caller:set_auth_account(self.caller.auth_account);
+ self.caller.forwarding_number = destination.number;
+ self.caller.forwarding_service = 'huntgroup';
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_forwarding_service', self.caller.forwarding_service);
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_forwarding_number', self.caller.forwarding_number);
+ return hunt_group:run(self, self.caller, destination);
+function Dialplan.acd(self, destination)
+ local acd = self:object_find('automaticcalldistributor', tonumber(;
+ if not acd then
+ self.log:error('DIALPLAN_ACD - acd not found');
+ return { continue = true, code = 404, phrase = 'ACD not found' }
+ end
+ self.caller:set_callee_id(destination.number,;
+ destination.caller_id_number = destination.caller_id_number or self.caller.caller_phone_numbers[1];
+ if not self.caller.clir then
+ self.caller:set_caller_id(destination.caller_id_number, tostring( .. ' '.. tostring(self.caller.caller_id_name));
+ if self.caller.account and self.caller.account.owner then
+ self:set_caller_picture(, self.caller.account.owner.class);
+ end
+ else
+ self.caller:set_caller_id('anonymous', tostring(;
+ self.caller:set_privacy(true);
+ end
+ self.caller.auth_account = acd;
+ self.caller:set_auth_account(self.caller.auth_account);
+ self.caller.forwarding_number = destination.number;
+ self.caller.forwarding_service = 'automaticcalldistributor';
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_forwarding_service', self.caller.forwarding_service);
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_forwarding_number', self.caller.forwarding_number);
+ acd:caller_new(self.caller.uuid);
+ local result = acd:run(self, self.caller, destination);
+ acd:caller_delete();
+ return result;
+function Dialplan.conference(self, destination)
+ -- call local conference
+ require 'common.conference'
+ conference = common.conference.Conference:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(;
+ if not conference then
+ return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Conference not found' }
+ end
+ local cause = conference:enter(self.caller, self.domain);
+ return { continue = false, cause = cause }
+function Dialplan.faxaccount(self, destination)
+ require 'dialplan.fax'
+ local fax_account = dialplan.fax.Fax:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(;
+ if not fax_account then
+ return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Fax not found' }
+ end
+ self.log:info('FAX_RECEIVE start - fax_account=',, '/', fax_account.uuid, ', name: ',, ', station_id: ', fax_account.record.station_id);
+ self.caller:set_caller_id(self.caller.caller_phone_number);
+ self.caller:set_callee_id(destination.number,;
+ local fax_document = fax_account:receive(self.caller);
+ if not fax_document then
+ self.log:error('FAX_RECEIVE - error receiving fax document - fax_account=',, '/', fax_account.uuid);
+ return { continue = false, code = 500, phrase = 'Error receiving fax' };
+ end
+ fax_document.caller_id_number = self.caller.caller_phone_number;
+ fax_document.caller_id_name = self.caller.caller_id_name;
+ fax_document.uuid = self.caller.uuid;
+ self.log:info('FAX_RECEIVE end - success: ', fax_document.success,
+ ', remote: ', fax_document.remote_station_id,
+ ', pages: ', fax_document.transferred_pages, '/', fax_document.total_pages,
+ ', result: ', fax_document.result_code, ' ', fax_document.result_text);
+ if fax_document.success then
+ self.log:notice('FAX_RECEIVE - saving fax document: ', fax_document.filename );
+ if not fax_account:insert_document(fax_document) then
+ self.log:error('FAX_RECEIVE - error inserting fax document to database - fax_account=',, '/', fax_account.uuid, ', file: ', fax_document.filename);
+ end
+ end
+ return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK' }
+function Dialplan.callthrough(self, destination)
+ -- Callthrough
+ require 'dialplan.callthrough'
+ callthrough = dialplan.callthrough.Callthrough:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(
+ if not callthrough then
+ self.log:error('CALLTHROUGH - no callthrough for destination number: ', destination.number);
+ return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Fax not found' }
+ end
+ self.log:info('CALLTHROUGH - number: ' .. destination.number .. ', name: ' ..;
+ local authorization = callthrough:authenticate(self.caller);
+ if not authorization then
+ self.log:notice('CALLTHROUGH - authentication failed');
+ return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Authentication failed' }
+ end
+ if type(authorization) == 'table' and tonumber(authorization.sip_account_id) and tonumber(authorization.sip_account_id) > 0 then
+ local auth_account = self:object_find('sipaccount', tonumber(authorization.sip_account_id));
+ self.caller.forwarding_number = destination.number;
+ self.caller.forwarding_service = 'callthrough';
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_forwarding_service', self.caller.forwarding_service);
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_forwarding_number', self.caller.forwarding_number);
+ if auth_account then
+ self.caller.auth_account = auth_account;
+ self.caller:set_auth_account(self.caller.auth_account);
+ self.log:info('AUTH_ACCOUNT_UPDATE - account: ', self.caller.auth_account.class, '=',, '/', self.caller.auth_account.uuid);
+ if self.caller.auth_account.owner then
+ self.log:info('AUTH_ACCOUNT_UPDATE - auth owner: ', self.caller.auth_account.owner.class, '=',, '/', self.caller.auth_account.owner.uuid);
+ else
+ self.log:error('AUTH_ACCOUNT_UPDATE - auth owner not found');
+ end
+ self.log:info('CALLTHROUGH - use sip account: ',, ' (', auth_account.record.caller_name, ')');
+ end
+ else
+ self.log:info('CALLTHROUGH - no sip account');
+ end
+ local destination_number = '';
+ for i = 1, 3, 1 do
+ if destination_number ~= '' then
+ break;
+ end
+ destination_number = session:read(2, 16, "ivr/ivr-enter_destination_telephone_number.wav", 3000, "#");
+ end
+ if destination_number == '' then
+ self.log:debug("no callthrough destination - hangup call");
+ return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'No destination' }
+ end
+ local route = dialplan.route.Route:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, routing_table = self.routes }:prerouting(self.caller, destination_number);
+ if route and route.value then
+ destination_number = route.value;
+ end
+ if not callthrough:whitelist(destination_number) then
+ self.log:debug('caller not authorized to call destination number: ' .. destination_number .. ' - hangup call');
+ return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Unauthorized' }
+ end
+ return { continue = true, code = 302, number = destination_number }
+function Dialplan.voicemail(self, destination)
+ if not self.caller.auth_account or self.caller.auth_account.class ~= 'sipaccount' then
+ self.log:error('VOICEMAIL - incompatible destination');
+ return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Mailbox not found' }
+ end
+ require 'dialplan.voicemail'
+ local voicemail_account = dialplan.voicemail.Voicemail:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_sip_account_id(;
+ if not voicemail_account then
+ self.log:error('VOICEMAIL - no mailbox');
+ return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Mailbox not found' }
+ end
+ voicemail_account:leave(self.caller, self.caller.forwarding_number);
+ if self.caller:to_s("voicemail_message_len") == '' then
+ self.log:info('VOICEMAIL - no message saved');
+ end
+ return { continue = false, code = 200 }
+function Dialplan.dialplanfunction(self, destination)
+ require 'dialplan.functions'
+ return dialplan.functions.Functions:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, domain = self.domain }:dialplan_function(self.caller, destination.number);
+function Dialplan.switch(self, destination)
+ require 'common.str'
+ local result = nil;
+ self.dial_timeout_active = self.dial_timeout;
+ if not destination.node_local then
+ return self:dial(destination);
+ end
+ for service, call_forwarding in pairs(destination.call_forwarding) do
+ if self.caller.caller_phone_numbers_hash[call_forwarding.number] then
+ self.log:info('CALL_FORWARDING - caller number equals destination: ', call_forwarding.number,' - ignore service: ', service);
+ destination.call_forwarding[service] = nil;
+ end
+ end
+ if destination.call_forwarding.noanswer then
+ self.dial_timeout_active = tonumber(destination.call_forwarding.noanswer.timeout) or self.dial_timeout;
+ end
+ if destination.call_forwarding.always then
+ return { continue = true, call_forwarding = destination.call_forwarding.always }
+ elseif destination.call_forwarding.assistant then
+ if common.str.downcase(destination.call_forwarding.assistant.type) == 'huntgroup' then
+ require 'dialplan.hunt_group'
+ local hunt_group = dialplan.hunt_group.HuntGroup:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(;
+ self.log:info('CALL_FORWARDING - huntgroup - auth_account: ', self.caller.auth_account_type, '=', self.caller.auth_account_uuid);
+ if hunt_group and (hunt_group:is_member_by_numbers(self.caller.caller_phone_numbers)) then
+ self.log:info('CALL_FORWARDING - caller is huntgroup member - ignore service: ', destination.call_forwarding.assistant.service);
+ else
+ return { continue = true, call_forwarding = destination.call_forwarding.assistant }
+ end
+ else
+ return { continue = true, call_forwarding = destination.call_forwarding.assistant }
+ end
+ end
+ -- reset ringtone
+ self.caller:export_variable('alert_info', self.default_ringtone);
+ if destination.phone_number then
+ local ringtone = destination.phone_number:ringtone();
+ if ringtone and ringtone.bellcore_id then
+ self.log:debug('RINGTONE - ', ringtone.ringtoneable_type .. ', index: ' .. ringtone.bellcore_id);
+ self.caller:export_variable('alert_info', ';info=Ringer' .. tonumber(ringtone.bellcore_id) .. ';x-line-id=0');
+ end
+ end
+ if destination.type == 'sipaccount' then
+ result = self:dial(destination);
+ if CALL_FORWARDING_SERVICES[result.disposition] then
+ result.call_forwarding = destination.call_forwarding[CALL_FORWARDING_SERVICES[result.disposition]];
+ if result.call_forwarding then
+ result.continue = true;
+ end
+ end
+ return result;
+ elseif destination.type == 'conference' then
+ return self:conference(destination);
+ elseif destination.type == 'faxaccount' then
+ return self:faxaccount(destination);
+ elseif destination.type == 'callthrough' then
+ return self:callthrough(destination);
+ elseif destination.type == 'huntgroup' then
+ result = self:huntgroup(destination);
+ if CALL_FORWARDING_SERVICES[result.disposition] then
+ result.call_forwarding = destination.call_forwarding[CALL_FORWARDING_SERVICES[result.disposition]];
+ if result.call_forwarding then
+ result.continue = true;
+ end
+ end
+ return result;
+ elseif destination.type == 'automaticcalldistributor' then
+ result = self:acd(destination);
+ if CALL_FORWARDING_SERVICES[result.disposition] then
+ result.call_forwarding = destination.call_forwarding[CALL_FORWARDING_SERVICES[result.disposition]];
+ if result.call_forwarding then
+ result.continue = true;
+ end
+ end
+ return result;
+ elseif destination.type == 'voicemail' then
+ return self:voicemail(destination);
+ elseif destination.type == 'dialplanfunction' then
+ return self:dialplanfunction(destination);
+ elseif not common.str.blank(destination.number) then
+ local result = { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'No route' }
+ local routes = self:routes_get(destination);
+ if not routes or #routes == 0 then
+ self.log:notice('SWITCH - no route - number: ', destination.number);
+ return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'No route' }
+ end
+ destination.callee_id_number = destination.number;
+ destination.callee_id_name = nil;
+ if self.phonebook_number_lookup then
+ require 'common.str'
+ local user_id = common.str.try(self.caller, '');
+ local tenant_id = common.str.try(self.caller, 'account.owner.record.current_tenant_id');
+ if user_id or tenant_id then
+ require 'dialplan.phone_book'
+ local phone_book_entry = dialplan.phone_book.PhoneBook:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_entry_by_number_user_tenant({ destination.number }, user_id, tenant_id);
+ if phone_book_entry then
+ self.log:info('PHONE_BOOK_ENTRY - phone_book=', phone_book_entry.phone_book_id, ' (', phone_book_entry.phone_book_name, '), callee_id_name: ', common.str.to_ascii(phone_book_entry.caller_id_name));
+ destination.callee_id_name = common.str.to_ascii(phone_book_entry.caller_id_name);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if self.geo_number_lookup and not destination.callee_id_name then
+ require 'dialplan.geo_number'
+ local geo_number = dialplan.geo_number.GeoNumber:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find(destination.number);
+ if geo_number then
+ require 'common.str'
+ self.log:info('GEO_NUMBER - found: ',, ', ',;
+ if then
+ destination.callee_id_name = common.str.to_ascii( .. ', ' .. common.str.to_ascii(;
+ else
+ destination.callee_id_name = common.str.to_ascii(;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self.caller:set_callee_id(destination.callee_id_number, destination.callee_id_name);
+ for index, route in ipairs(routes) do
+ if route.class == 'hangup' then
+ return { continue = false, code = route.endpoint, phrase = route.phrase, cause = route.value }
+ end
+ if route.class == 'forward' then
+ return { continue = true, call_forwarding = { number = route.value, service = 'route', type = 'phonenumber' }}
+ end
+ destination.gateway = route.endpoint;
+ destination.type = route.class;
+ destination.number = route.value;
+ destination.caller_id_number = route.caller_id_number;
+ destination.caller_id_name = route.caller_id_name;
+ result = self:dial(destination);
+ if result.continue == false then
+ break;
+ end
+ if common.str.to_b(self.routes.failover[tostring(result.code)]) == true then
+ self.log:info('SWITCH - failover - code: ', result.code);
+ elseif common.str.to_b(self.routes.failover[tostring(result.cause)]) == true then
+ self.log:info('SWITCH - failover - cause: ', result.cause);
+ else
+ self.log:info('SWITCH - no failover - cause: ', result.cause, ', code: ', result.code);
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ return result;
+ end
+ self.log:error('SWITCH - destination not found - type: ', destination.type);
+ return { continue = true, code = 404, phrase = destination.type .. ' not found' }
+function, destination)
+ self.caller:set_variable('hangup_after_bridge', false);
+ self.caller:set_variable('ringback', self.config.parameters.ringback);
+ self.caller:set_variable('bridge_early_media', 'true');
+ self.caller:set_variable('send_silence_when_idle', 0);
+ self.caller:set_variable('default_language', self.default_language);
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_save_cdr', true);
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_call_service', 'dial');
+ self.caller.session:setAutoHangup(false);
+ self.routes = common.configuration_file.get('/opt/freeswitch/scripts/ini/routes.ini');
+ self.caller.domain_local = self.domain;
+ self:retrieve_caller_data();
+ if not destination or destination.type == 'unknown' then
+ require 'dialplan.route'
+ local route = nil;
+ if self.caller.from_gateway then
+ local route_object = dialplan.route.Route:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, routing_table = self.routes };
+ route = route_object:inbound(self.caller, self.caller.destination_number);
+ local inbound_caller_id_number = route_object:inbound_cid_number(self.caller, self.caller.gateway_name, 'gateway');
+ route_object.expandable.caller_id_number = inbound_caller_id_number;
+ local inbound_caller_id_name = route_object:inbound_cid_name(self.caller, self.caller.gateway_name, 'gateway');
+ self.log:info('INBOUND_CALLER_ID_REWRITE - number: ', inbound_caller_id_number, ', name: ', inbound_caller_id_name);
+ self.caller.caller_id_number = inbound_caller_id_number or self.caller.caller_id_number;
+ self.caller.caller_id_name = inbound_caller_id_name or self.caller.caller_id_name;
+ self.caller.caller_phone_numbers[1] = self.caller.caller_id_number;
+ else
+ route = dialplan.route.Route:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, routing_table = self.routes }:prerouting(self.caller, self.caller.destination_number);
+ end
+ if route then
+ destination = self:destination_new{ number = route.value }
+ self.caller.destination_number = destination.number;
+ self.caller.destination = destination;
+ elseif not destination or destination.type == 'unknown' then
+ destination = self:destination_new{ number = self.caller.destination_number }
+ self.caller.destination = destination;
+ end
+ end
+ self.log:info('DIALPLAN start - caller_id: ',self.caller.caller_id_number, ' "', self.caller.caller_id_name,'"',
+ ', number: ', destination.number);
+ local result = { continue = false };
+ local loop = self.caller.loop_count;
+ while self.caller:ready() and loop < self.max_loops do
+ loop = loop + 1;
+ self.caller.loop_count = loop;
+ self.log:info('LOOP ', loop,
+ ' - destination: ', destination.type, '=',, '/', destination.uuid,'@', destination.node_id,
+ ', number: ', destination.number);
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_destination_type', destination.type);
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_destination_id',;
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_destination_uuid', destination.uuid);
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_destination_number', destination.number);
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_destination_node_local', destination.node_local);
+ result = self:switch(destination);
+ result = result or { continue = false, code = 502, cause = 'DESTINATION_OUT_OF_ORDER', phrase = 'Destination out of order' }
+ if result.call_service then
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_call_service', result.call_service);
+ end
+ if not result.continue then
+ break;
+ end
+ if result.call_forwarding then
+ self.log:info('LOOP ', loop, ' CALL_FORWARDING - service: ', result.call_forwarding.service,
+ ', destination: ', result.call_forwarding.type, '=',,
+ ', number: ', result.call_forwarding.number);
+ local auth_account = self:object_find(destination.type,;
+ self.caller.forwarding_number = destination.number;
+ self.caller.forwarding_service = result.call_forwarding.service;
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_forwarding_service', self.caller.forwarding_service);
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_forwarding_number', self.caller.forwarding_number);
+ if auth_account then
+ self.caller.auth_account = auth_account;
+ self.caller:set_auth_account(self.caller.auth_account);
+ self.log:info('AUTH_ACCOUNT_UPDATE - account: ', self.caller.auth_account.class, '=',, '/', self.caller.auth_account.uuid);
+ if self.caller.auth_account.owner then
+ self.log:info('AUTH_ACCOUNT_UPDATE - auth owner: ', self.caller.auth_account.owner.class, '=',, '/', self.caller.auth_account.owner.uuid);
+ else
+ self.log:error('AUTH_ACCOUNT_UPDATE - auth owner not found');
+ end
+ end
+ destination = self:destination_new(result.call_forwarding);
+ self.caller.destination = destination;
+ if not result.no_cdr and auth_account then
+ require 'common.call_history'
+ common.call_history.CallHistory:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:insert_forwarded(
+ self.caller.uuid,
+ auth_account.class,
+ self.caller,
+ destination,
+ result
+ );
+ end
+ end
+ if result.number then
+ self.log:info('LOOP ', loop, ' NEW_DESTINATION_NUMBER - number: ', result.number );
+ destination = self:destination_new{ number = result.number }
+ self.caller.destination = destination;
+ end
+ end
+ if loop >= self.max_loops then
+ result = { continue = false, code = 483, cause = 'EXCHANGE_ROUTING_ERROR', phrase = 'Too many hops' }
+ end
+ self.log:info('DIALPLAN end - caller_id: ',self.caller.caller_id_number, ' "', self.caller.caller_id_name,'"',
+ ', destination: ', destination.type, '=',, '/', destination.uuid,'@', destination.node_id,
+ ', number: ', destination.number, ', result: ', result.code, ' ', result.phrase);
+ if self.caller:ready() then
+ self:hangup(result.code, result.phrase, result.cause);
+ end
+ self.caller:set_variable('gs_save_cdr', not result.no_cdr);