path: root/app/models/sip_account.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/models/sip_account.rb')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/models/sip_account.rb b/app/models/sip_account.rb
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/models/sip_account.rb
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+# encoding: UTF-8
+class SipAccount < ActiveRecord::Base
+ include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
+ attr_accessible :auth_name, :caller_name, :password, :voicemail_pin,
+ :tenant_id, :call_waiting, :clir, :clip_no_screening,
+ :clip, :description, :callforward_rules_act_per_sip_account,
+ :hotdeskable, :gs_node_id
+ # Associations:
+ #
+ belongs_to :sip_accountable, :polymorphic => true
+ has_many :phone_sip_accounts, :uniq => true
+ has_many :phones, :through => :phone_sip_accounts
+ has_many :phone_numbers, :as => :phone_numberable, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :call_forwards, :through => :phone_numbers
+ belongs_to :tenant
+ belongs_to :sip_domain
+ has_many :softkeys, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :voicemail_messages, :foreign_key => 'username', :primary_key => 'auth_name'
+ has_many :call_histories, :as => :call_historyable, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_one :voicemail_setting, :class_name => "VoicemailSetting", :primary_key => 'auth_name', :foreign_key => 'username', :dependent => :destroy
+ belongs_to :gs_node
+ # Delegations:
+ #
+ delegate :host, :to => :sip_domain, :allow_nil => true
+ delegate :realm, :to => :sip_domain, :allow_nil => true
+ # Validations:
+ #
+ validates_presence_of :caller_name
+ validates_presence_of :sip_accountable
+ validates_presence_of :tenant
+ validates_presence_of :sip_domain
+ validate_sip_password :password
+ validates_format_of :voicemail_pin, :with => /[0-9]+/,
+ :allow_nil => true, :allow_blank => true
+ validates_uniqueness_of :auth_name, :scope => :sip_domain_id
+ # Before and after hooks:
+ #
+ before_save :save_value_of_to_s
+ after_save :create_voicemail_setting, :if => :'voicemail_setting == nil'
+ before_validation :find_and_set_tenant_id
+ before_validation :set_sip_domain_id
+ before_validation :convert_umlauts_in_caller_name
+ before_destroy :remove_sip_accounts_or_logout_phones
+ # Sync other nodes when this is a cluster.
+ #
+ validates_presence_of :uuid
+ validates_uniqueness_of :uuid
+ after_create { self.create_on_other_gs_nodes('sip_accountable', self.sip_accountable.try(:uuid)) }
+ after_destroy :destroy_on_other_gs_nodes
+ after_update { self.update_on_other_gs_nodes('sip_accountable', self.sip_accountable.try(:uuid)) }
+ after_update :log_out_phone_if_not_local
+ def to_s
+ truncate((self.caller_name || "SipAccount ID #{}"), :length => TO_S_MAX_CALLER_NAME_LENGTH) + " (#{truncate(self.auth_name, :length => TO_S_MAX_LENGTH_OF_AUTH_NAME)}@...#{\./)[2,3].to_a.join('.') if })"
+ end
+ def call_forwarding_toggle( call_forwarding_service, to_voicemail = nil )
+ if ! self.phone_numbers.first
+ errors.add(:base, "You must provide at least one phone number")
+ end
+ service_id = CallForwardCase.where(:value => call_forwarding_service)
+ call_forwarding_master = self.phone_numbers.first.call_forwards.where(:call_forward_case_id => service_id).order(:active).all(:conditions => 'source IS NULL OR source = ""').first
+ if ! call_forwarding_master
+ errors.add(:base, "No call forwarding entries found that could be toggled")
+ return false
+ end
+ if
+ = false
+ else
+ if call_forwarding_service = 'assistant' && call_forwarding_master.call_forwardable_type == 'HuntGroup' && call_forwarding_master.call_forwardable
+ if call_forwarding_master.call_forwardable.hunt_group_members.where(:active => true).count > 0
+ = true
+ else
+ = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self.phone_numbers.each do |phone_number|
+ call_forwarding = phone_number.call_forwards.where(:call_forward_case_id => service_id).order(:active).all(:conditions => 'source IS NULL OR source = ""').first
+ if ! call_forwarding
+ call_forwarding =
+ call_forwarding.phone_number_id =
+ end
+ if to_voicemail == nil
+ to_voicemail = call_forwarding_master.to_voicemail
+ end
+ call_forwarding.call_forward_case_id = call_forwarding_master.call_forward_case_id
+ call_forwarding.timeout = call_forwarding_master.timeout
+ call_forwarding.destination = call_forwarding_master.destination
+ call_forwarding.source = call_forwarding_master.source
+ call_forwarding.depth = call_forwarding_master.depth
+ =
+ call_forwarding.to_voicemail = to_voicemail
+ if !
+ call_forwarding.errors.messages.each_with_index do |(error_key, error_message), index|
+ errors.add(error_key, "number: #{phone_number}: #{error_message}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if errors.empty?
+ return call_forwarding_master
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ def registration
+ return FreeswitchRegistration.where(:reg_user => self.auth_name).first
+ end
+ def call( phone_number )
+ require 'freeswitch_event'
+ return FreeswitchAPI.execute(
+ 'originate',
+ "{origination_uuid=#{},origination_caller_id_number='#{phone_number}',origination_caller_id_name='Call'}user/#{self.auth_name} #{phone_number}",
+ true
+ );
+ end
+ private
+ def save_value_of_to_s
+ self.value_of_to_s = self.to_s
+ end
+ def find_and_set_tenant_id
+ if self.new_record? and self.tenant_id != nil
+ return
+ else
+ tenant = case self.sip_accountable_type
+ when 'Tenant' ; sip_accountable
+ when 'UserGroup' ; sip_accountable.tenant
+ when 'User' ; sip_accountable.try(:current_tenant) || sip_accountable.try(:tenants).try(:last)
+ else nil
+ end
+ self.tenant_id = if tenant != nil
+ end
+ end
+ def set_sip_domain_id
+ self.sip_domain_id = self.tenant.try(:sip_domain_id)
+ end
+ def convert_umlauts_in_caller_name
+ if !self.caller_name.blank?
+ self.caller_name = self.caller_name.sub(/ä/,'ae').
+ sub(/Ä/,'Ae').
+ sub(/ü/,'ue').
+ sub(/Ü/,'Ue').
+ sub(/ö/,'oe').
+ sub(/Ö/,'Oe').
+ sub(/ß/,'ss')
+ self.caller_name = self.caller_name.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\,\:\. ]/,'_')
+ end
+ end
+ # Make sure that a tenant phone goes back to the tenant and doesn't
+ # get deleted with this user.
+ #
+ def remove_sip_accounts_or_logout_phones
+ self.phones.each do |phone|
+ if phone.sip_accounts.where(:sip_accountable_type => 'Tenant').count > 0
+ phone.user_logout
+ else
+ PhoneSipAccount.delete_all(:sip_account_id =>
+ end
+ end
+ self.reload
+ end
+ # log out phone if sip_account is not on this node
+ def log_out_phone_if_not_local
+ if self.gs_node_id && ! GsNode.where(:ip_address => HOMEBASE_IP_ADDRESS, :id => self.gs_node_id).first
+ self.phones.each do |phone|
+ phone.user_logout;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def create_voicemail_setting
+ voicemail_setting =
+ voicemail_setting.username = self.auth_name
+ voicemail_setting.domain = self.sip_domain.try(:host)
+ voicemail_setting.password = self.voicemail_pin
+ voicemail_setting.notify = true
+ voicemail_setting.attachment = true
+ voicemail_setting.mark_read = true
+ voicemail_setting.purge = false
+ end