path: root/app/views/phone_book_entries
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/views/phone_book_entries')
10 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/phone_book_entries/_form.html.haml b/app/views/phone_book_entries/_form.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c73d10a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/phone_book_entries/_form.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+= simple_form_for([@phone_book, @phone_book_entry]) do |f|
+ = f.error_notification
+ = render "form_core", :f => f
+ .actions
+ = f.button :submit, conditional_t('phone_book_entries.form.submit') \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/phone_book_entries/_form_core.html.haml b/app/views/phone_book_entries/_form_core.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c05139e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/phone_book_entries/_form_core.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ = f.input :is_male, :collection => [[true, t('phone_book_entries.form.gender.male')], [false, t('phone_book_entries.form.gender.female')]], :label_method => :last, :value_method => :first, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.male.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.gender.hint'), :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.gender.label'), :as => :radio
+ = f.input :first_name, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.first_name.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.first_name.hint')
+ = f.input :middle_name, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.middle_name.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.middle_name.hint')
+ = f.input :last_name, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.last_name.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.last_name.hint')
+ = f.input :birth_name, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.birth_name.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.birth_name.hint')
+ = f.input :title, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.title.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.title.hint')
+ = f.input :nickname, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.nickname.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.nickname.hint')
+ = f.input :organization, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.organization.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.organization.hint')
+ / = f.input :is_organization, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.is_organization.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.is_organization.hint')
+ = f.input :department, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.department.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.department.hint')
+ = f.input :job_title, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.job_title.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.job_title.hint')
+ = f.input :birthday, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.birthday.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.birthday.hint'), :start_year => - 100, :end_year => - 0, :order => [:day, :month, :year], :include_blank => true
+ = f.input :description, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.description.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.description.hint')
+ = f.input :image, { :as => :file, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.image.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.image.hint') }
+ = f.input :homepage_organization, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.homepage_organization.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.homepage_organization.hint')
+ = f.input :homepage_personal, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.homepage_personal.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.homepage_personal.hint')
+ / = f.input :twitter_account, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.twitter_account.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.twitter_account.hint')
+ / = f.input :facebook_account, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.facebook_account.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.facebook_account.hint')
+ / = f.input :google_plus_account, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.google_plus_account.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.google_plus_account.hint')
+ / = f.input :xing_account, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.xing_account.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.xing_account.hint')
+ / = f.input :linkedin_account, :label => t('phone_book_entries.form.linkedin_account.label'), :hint => conditional_hint('phone_book_entries.form.linkedin_account.hint')
diff --git a/app/views/phone_book_entries/ b/app/views/phone_book_entries/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01be65f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/phone_book_entries/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+~# To Look for the other fields, please look into Git History.
+ %header.entries-nav= render :partial => "phone_book_entries/navigation"
+ .content
+ - reset_cycle
+ %table
+ - for entry in phone_book_entries
+ ~# Dear IE7,
+ ~# Because of you we have to do this with a table.
+ ~# With Love,
+ ~# Mario.
+{:class => cycle('odd', 'even'), :"itemscope itemtype" => ""}
+ %td.thumbnail
+ = image_tag(entry.image_url(:small).to_s, :itemprop => 'image')
+ %td.user
+ - if entry.is_organization == true
+{:href=> phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(entry.phone_book, entry), :itemprop => "name"}= entry
+ - else
+{:href=> phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(entry.phone_book, entry), :itemprop => "name"}= entry
+{:href=> phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(entry.phone_book, entry), :itemprop => 'memberOf'}= entry.organization
+ - if @found_phone_numbers and @found_phone_numbers.where(:phone_numberable_id =>
+{:href=> phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(entry.phone_book, entry), :itemprop => 'telephone'}= @found_phone_numbers.where(:phone_numberable_id =>
+ - elsif entry.phone_numbers.first
+{:href=> phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(entry.phone_book, entry), :itemprop => 'telephone'}= entry.phone_numbers.first
+ - if entry.phone_numbers.count > 1
+ %a.more{:href => phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(entry.phone_book, entry)}= t('phone_book_entries.index.more_numbers', :numbers => (entry.phone_numbers.count-1))
+ %td.extra
+ - if !entry.description.blank?
+ %strong Beschreibung:
+ %div= entry.description
+ - if can? :edit, entry
+ %td= link_to t('phone_book_entries.index.actions.edit'), edit_phone_book_phone_book_entry_path( entry.phone_book, entry )
+ - if can? :destroy, entry
+ %td= link_to t('phone_book_entries.index.actions.destroy'), [entry.phone_book, entry], :confirm => t('phone_book_entries.index.actions.confirm'), :method => :delete
+ %footer.entries-nav= render :partial => "phone_book_entries/navigation"
diff --git a/app/views/phone_book_entries/_index_core.html.haml b/app/views/phone_book_entries/_index_core.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9cfe10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/phone_book_entries/_index_core.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+~# To Look for the other fields, please look into Git History.
+ %header.entries-nav= render :partial => "phone_book_entries/navigation"
+ .content
+ - reset_cycle
+ %table
+ - for entry in phone_book_entries
+ ~# Dear IE7,
+ ~# Because of you we have to do this with a table.
+ ~# With Love,
+ ~# Mario.
+{:class => cycle('odd', 'even'), :"itemscope itemtype" => ""}
+ %td.thumbnail
+ = image_tag(entry.image_url(:small).to_s, :itemprop => 'image')
+ %td.user
+ - if entry.is_organization == true
+{:href=> phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(entry.phone_book, entry), :itemprop => "name"}= entry
+ - else
+{:href=> phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(entry.phone_book, entry), :itemprop => "name"}= entry
+{:href=> phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(entry.phone_book, entry), :itemprop => 'memberOf'}= entry.organization
+ - if @found_phone_numbers and @found_phone_numbers.where(:phone_numberable_id =>
+{:href=> phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(entry.phone_book, entry), :itemprop => 'telephone'}= @found_phone_numbers.where(:phone_numberable_id =>
+ - elsif entry.phone_numbers.first
+{:href=> phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(entry.phone_book, entry), :itemprop => 'telephone'}= entry.phone_numbers.first
+ - if entry.phone_numbers.count > 1
+ %a.more{:href => phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(entry.phone_book, entry)}= t('phone_book_entries.index.more_numbers', :numbers => (entry.phone_numbers.count-1))
+ %td.extra
+ - if !entry.description.blank?
+ %strong Description:
+ %div= entry.description
+ - if can? :edit, entry
+ %td= link_to t('phone_book_entries.index.actions.edit'), edit_phone_book_phone_book_entry_path( entry.phone_book, entry )
+ - if can? :destroy, entry
+ %td= link_to t('phone_book_entries.index.actions.destroy'), [entry.phone_book, entry], :confirm => t('phone_book_entries.index.actions.confirm'), :method => :delete
+ %footer.entries-nav= render :partial => "phone_book_entries/navigation"
diff --git a/app/views/phone_book_entries/_navigation.html.haml b/app/views/phone_book_entries/_navigation.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd1e8a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/phone_book_entries/_navigation.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ - %w{# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}.each do |char|
+ %li
+ %a{ :href => "?name=#{char}" }= char
+ = will_paginate @phone_book_entries
diff --git a/app/views/phone_book_entries/edit.html.haml b/app/views/phone_book_entries/edit.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4fad4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/phone_book_entries/edit.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+- title t("phone_book_entries.edit.page_title")
+= render "form"
+ - if can? :edit, @phone_book_entry
+ = link_to t('phone_book_entries.edit.actions.edit'), @phone_book_entry
+ |
+ = link_to t('phone_book_entries.edit.actions.view_all'), phone_book_entries_path
diff --git a/app/views/phone_book_entries/index.html.haml b/app/views/phone_book_entries/index.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a17eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/phone_book_entries/index.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+- title t("phone_book_entries.index.page_title")
+- if @phone_books
+ %p
+ = t('phone_book_entries.index.available_phone_books')
+ - @phone_books.each do |phone_book|
+ = link_to phone_book, phone_book
+ - if can?(:create, PhoneBookEntry, :phone_book_id =>
+ (
+ = link_to "#{t('phone_book_entries.index.create_new_phone_book_entry')}", new_phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(phone_book)
+ )
+ - if phone_book != @phone_books.last
+ \,
+- if @phone_book_entries.count > 0
+ = render "index_core", :phone_book_entries => @phone_book_entries
+- if @phone_book
+ = render :partial => 'shared/create_link', :locals => {:parent => @phone_book, :child_class => PhoneBookEntry} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/phone_book_entries/new.html.haml b/app/views/phone_book_entries/new.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d72d1a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/phone_book_entries/new.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+- title t("")
+= render "form"
diff --git a/app/views/phone_book_entries/show.html.haml b/app/views/phone_book_entries/show.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6e8c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/phone_book_entries/show.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+- title nil
+ .content
+ %header
+ %h1.username
+ %a= @phone_book_entry
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.organization.blank?
+ .work
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.organization
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.department.blank?
+ \/
+ = @phone_book_entry.department
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.job_title.blank?
+ \/
+ = @phone_book_entry.job_title
+ .personal
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.nickname.blank?
+ %span.nickname
+ a.k.a
+ %strong= @phone_book_entry.nickname
+ - if @phone_book_entry.birthday
+ %span.birthday
+ = l(@phone_book_entry.birthday)
+ .tags
+ %a= l @phone_book_entry.created_at.utc.getlocal, :format => :short
+ ,
+ %a= l @phone_book_entry.updated_at.utc.getlocal, :format => :short
+ %section.activity
+ - if @user_log
+ %h2 User Log
+ - @user_log.each do |log_entry|
+ - if log_entry[:type] == 'voicemail'
+ .entry.voice-message
+ %span.motive
+ = log_entry[:text]
+ %span.timestamp
+ = log_entry[:timestamp]
+ - if log_entry[:type] == 'fax_document'
+ .entry.fax
+ %span.motive
+ = log_entry[:text]
+ %span.timestamp
+ = log_entry[:timestamp]
+ - if log_entry[:type] == 'call_placed'
+ %span.motive
+ log_entry[:text]
+ %span.timestamp
+ = log_entry[:timestamp]
+ - elsif log_entry[:type] == 'call_received'
+ %span.motive
+ = log_entry[:text]
+ %span.timestamp
+ = log_entry[:timestamp]
+ - elsif log_entry[:type] == 'call_missed'
+ %span.motive
+ = log_entry[:text]
+ %span.timestamp
+ = log_entry[:timestamp]
+ .sidebar
+ = image_tag @phone_book_entry.image_url(:profile).to_s, :class => 'display'
+ %p.description
+ = @phone_book_entry.description
+ .widget.phones
+ - @phone_book_entry.phone_numbers.each do |phone_number|
+ - case
+ - when /fax/
+ .fax
+ %a= phone_number
+ %span=
+ - when /home/
+ .home
+ %a= phone_number
+ %span=
+ - when /mobile/
+ .cellphone
+ %a= phone_number
+ %span=
+ - when /office/
+ .office
+ %a= phone_number
+ %span=
+ - else
+ .phone
+ %a= phone_number
+ %span=
+ = link_to t(''), phone_book_entry_phone_numbers_path(@phone_book_entry)
+ .widget.adresses
+ - @phone_book_entry.addresses.each do |address|
+ .home
+ %strong
+ - if !address.line1.blank?
+ = address.line1
+ %br
+ - if !address.line2.blank?
+ = address.line1
+ %br
+ - if !address.street.blank?
+ = address.street
+ %br
+ - if !
+ = "#{} #{address.zip_code}"
+ %br
+ - if !
+ =
+ %br
+ / %span Home
+ / .office
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.homepage_organization.blank?
+ .home
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.homepage_organization
+ %span www
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.homepage_personal.blank?
+ .home
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.homepage_personal
+ %span www
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.twitter_account.blank?
+ .twitter
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.twitter_account
+ %span Twitter
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.google_plus_account.blank?
+ .google_plus
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.google_plus_account
+ %span Google+
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.facebook_account.blank?
+ .facebook
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.facebook_account
+ %span Facebook
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.xing_account.blank?
+ .xing
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.xing_account
+ %span Xing
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.linkedin_account.blank?
+ .linkedin
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.linkedin_account
+ %span LinkedIn
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.mobileme_account.blank?
+ .mobileme
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.mobileme_account
+ %span MobileMe
diff --git a/app/views/phone_book_entries/show.html.haml.examlple b/app/views/phone_book_entries/show.html.haml.examlple
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..176ad04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/phone_book_entries/show.html.haml.examlple
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+- title nil
+ .content
+ %header
+ %h1.username
+ %a= @phone_book_entry
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.organization.blank?
+ .work
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.organization
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.department.blank?
+ \/
+ = @phone_book_entry.department
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.job_title.blank?
+ \/
+ = @phone_book_entry.job_title
+ .personal
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.nickname.blank?
+ %span.nickname
+ a.k.a
+ %strong= @phone_book_entry.nickname
+ - if @phone_book_entry.birthday
+ %span.birthday
+ = l(@phone_book_entry.birthday)
+ .tags
+ %a Developer
+ ,
+ %a Worked With
+ ,
+ %a Friend
+ %section.activity
+ %h2 User Log
+ = form_tag '/entry-whatever' do
+ %textarea{ :placeholder => "Leave a comment ..." }
+ .comment
+ = image_tag @phone_book_entry.image_url(:mini).to_s, :class => 'display'
+ .info
+ %span.commenter Random User
+ %span.time at 10:00 of Today
+ .body
+ I'm really tired and I still have to pack part of my baggage...
+ - 3.times do
+ .entry.voice-message
+ %span.motive
+ Stefan Wintermeyer left you a voice message 4 minutes ago.
+ %span.timestamp
+ 10:30 03/11/2011
+ %span.motive
+ Called Stefan Wintermeyer at
+ %a Work
+ with a duration of 5 minutes.
+ %span.timestamp
+ 10:30 03/11/2011
+ .comment
+ = image_tag @phone_book_entry.image_url(:mini).to_s, :class => 'display'
+ .info
+ %span.commenter Random User
+ %span.time at 10:00 of Today
+ .body
+ I'm really tired and I still have to pack part of my baggage...
+ .entry.fax
+ %span.motive
+ Stefan Wintermeyer sent you a fax with 3 pages.
+ %span.timestamp
+ 10:30 03/11/2011
+ %span.motive
+ Missed call from Stephan Wintermeyer.
+ %span.timestamp
+ 10:30 03/11/2011
+ .sidebar
+ = image_tag @phone_book_entry.image_url(:profile).to_s, :class => 'display'
+ %p.description
+ = @phone_book_entry.description
+ .widget.phones
+ - @phone_book_entry.phone_numbers.each do |phone_number|
+ - case
+ - when /fax/
+ .fax
+ %a= phone_number
+ %span=
+ - when /home/
+ .home
+ %a= phone_number
+ %span=
+ - when /mobile/
+ .cellphone
+ %a= phone_number
+ %span=
+ - when /office/
+ .office
+ %a= phone_number
+ %span=
+ - else
+ .phone
+ %a= phone_number
+ %span=
+ = link_to t(''), phone_book_entry_phone_numbers_path(@phone_book_entry)
+ .widget.adresses
+ - @phone_book_entry.addresses.each do |address|
+ .home
+ %strong
+ - if !address.line1.blank?
+ = address.line1
+ %br
+ - if !address.line2.blank?
+ = address.line1
+ %br
+ - if !address.street.blank?
+ = address.street
+ %br
+ - if !
+ = "#{} #{address.zip_code}"
+ %br
+ - if !
+ =
+ %br
+ / %span Home
+ / .office
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.homepage_organization.blank?
+ .home
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.homepage_organization
+ %span www
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.homepage_personal.blank?
+ .home
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.homepage_personal
+ %span www
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.twitter_account.blank?
+ .twitter
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.twitter_account
+ %span Twitter
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.google_plus_account.blank?
+ .google_plus
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.google_plus_account
+ %span Google+
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.facebook_account.blank?
+ .facebook
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.facebook_account
+ %span Facebook
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.xing_account.blank?
+ .xing
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.xing_account
+ %span Xing
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.linkedin_account.blank?
+ .linkedin
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.linkedin_account
+ %span LinkedIn
+ - if !@phone_book_entry.mobileme_account.blank?
+ .mobileme
+ %a= @phone_book_entry.mobileme_account
+ %span MobileMe
+/ = debug @phone_book_entry.attributes
+/ %p
+/ %strong= t('') + ":"
+/ = @phone_book_entry.first_name
+/ %p
+/ %strong= t('') + ":"
+/ = @phone_book_entry.middle_name
+/ %p
+/ %strong= t('') + ":"
+/ = @phone_book_entry.last_name
+/ %p
+/ %strong= t('') + ":"
+/ = @phone_book_entry.title
+/ %p
+/ %strong= t('') + ":"
+/ = @phone_book_entry.nickname
+/ %p
+/ %strong= t('') + ":"
+/ = @phone_book_entry.organization
+/ %p
+/ %strong= t('') + ":"
+/ = @phone_book_entry.department
+/ %p
+/ %strong= t('') + ":"
+/ = @phone_book_entry.job_title
+/ %p
+/ = link_to t(''), edit_phone_book_phone_book_entry_path( @phone_book_entry.phone_book, @phone_book_entry )
+/ |
+/ - if can? :destroy, @phone_book_entry
+/ = link_to t(''), phone_book_phone_book_entry_path( @phone_book_entry.phone_book, @phone_book_entry ), :confirm => t(''), :method => :delete
+/ - if @phone_book_entry.phone_numbers.count > 0
+/ = render "phone_numbers/index_core", :phone_numbers => @phone_book_entry.phone_numbers