path: root/lib/generators/nifty/authentication/templates/tests/shoulda/user.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/generators/nifty/authentication/templates/tests/shoulda/user.rb')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/generators/nifty/authentication/templates/tests/shoulda/user.rb b/lib/generators/nifty/authentication/templates/tests/shoulda/user.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..beb8bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/generators/nifty/authentication/templates/tests/shoulda/user.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class <%= user_class_name %>Test < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+<%- unless options[:authlogic] -%>
+ def new_<%= user_singular_name %>(attributes = {})
+ attributes[:username] ||= 'foo'
+ attributes[:email] ||= ''
+ attributes[:password] ||= 'abc123'
+ attributes[:password_confirmation] ||= attributes[:password]
+ <%= user_singular_name %> = <%= user_class_name %>.new(attributes)
+ <%= user_singular_name %>.valid? # run validations
+ <%= user_singular_name %>
+ end
+ def setup
+ <%= user_class_name %>.delete_all
+ end
+ should "be valid" do
+ assert new_<%= user_singular_name %>.valid?
+ end
+ should "require username" do
+ assert_equal ["can't be blank"], new_<%= user_singular_name %>(:username => '').errors[:username]
+ end
+ should "require password" do
+ assert_equal ["can't be blank"], new_<%= user_singular_name %>(:password => '').errors[:password]
+ end
+ should "require well formed email" do
+ assert_equal ["is invalid"], new_<%= user_singular_name %>(:email => '').errors[:email]
+ end
+ should "validate uniqueness of email" do
+ new_<%= user_singular_name %>(:email => '').save!
+ assert_equal ["has already been taken"], new_<%= user_singular_name %>(:email => '').errors[:email]
+ end
+ should "validate uniqueness of username" do
+ new_<%= user_singular_name %>(:username => 'uniquename').save!
+ assert_equal ["has already been taken"], new_<%= user_singular_name %>(:username => 'uniquename').errors[:username]
+ end
+ should "not allow odd characters in username" do
+ assert_equal ["should only contain letters, numbers, or .-_@"], new_<%= user_singular_name %>(:username => 'odd ^&(@)').errors[:username]
+ end
+ should "validate password is longer than 3 characters" do
+ assert_equal ["is too short (minimum is 4 characters)"], new_<%= user_singular_name %>(:password => 'bad').errors[:password]
+ end
+ should "require matching password confirmation" do
+ assert_equal ["doesn't match confirmation"], new_<%= user_singular_name %>(:password_confirmation => 'nonmatching').errors[:password]
+ end
+ should "generate password hash and salt on create" do
+ <%= user_singular_name %> = new_<%= user_singular_name %>
+ <%= user_singular_name %>.save!
+ assert <%= user_singular_name %>.password_hash
+ assert <%= user_singular_name %>.password_salt
+ end
+ should "authenticate by username" do
+ <%= user_singular_name %> = new_<%= user_singular_name %>(:username => 'foobar', :password => 'secret')
+ <%= user_singular_name %>.save!
+ assert_equal <%= user_singular_name %>, <%= user_class_name %>.authenticate('foobar', 'secret')
+ end
+ should "authenticate by email" do
+ <%= user_singular_name %> = new_<%= user_singular_name %>(:email => '', :password => 'secret')
+ <%= user_singular_name %>.save!
+ assert_equal <%= user_singular_name %>, <%= user_class_name %>.authenticate('', 'secret')
+ end
+ should "not authenticate bad username" do
+ assert_nil <%= user_class_name %>.authenticate('nonexisting', 'secret')
+ end
+ should "not authenticate bad password" do
+ new_<%= user_singular_name %>(:username => 'foobar', :password => 'secret').save!
+ assert_nil <%= user_class_name %>.authenticate('foobar', 'badpassword')
+ end
+<%- end -%>