path: root/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/freeswitch/scripts/common')
6 files changed, 409 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/call_forwarding.lua b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/call_forwarding.lua
index 192c694..3429dc9 100644
--- a/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/call_forwarding.lua
+++ b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/call_forwarding.lua
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ function, arg, object)
self.database = arg.database;
self.record = arg.record;
self.domain = arg.domain;
+ self.parent = arg.parent;
return object;
@@ -92,11 +93,191 @@ function CallForwarding.list_by_owner(self, call_forwardable_id, call_forwardabl
-function CallForwarding.presence_set(self, presence_state)
+function CallForwarding.presence_set(self, presence_state, id)
+ id = id or;
+ if not id or not presence_state then
+ return;
+ end
require 'dialplan.presence'
local presence = dialplan.presence.Presence:new();
- presence:init{log = self.log, accounts = { 'f-cftg-' .. tostring( }, domain = self.domain, uuid = 'call_forwarding_' .. tostring(};
+ presence:init{log = self.log, accounts = { 'f-cftg-' .. id }, domain = self.domain, uuid = 'call_forwarding_' .. id};
return presence:set(presence_state);
+function CallForwarding.service_id_by_name(self, service_name)
+ local service_id = nil;
+ sql_query = 'SELECT `id` FROM `call_forward_cases` WHERE `value` = ' .. self.database:escape(service_name, '"');
+ self.database:query(sql_query, function(record)
+ service_id = tonumber(;
+ end);
+ return service_id;
+function CallForwarding.camelize_type(self, account_type)
+ sipaccount = 'SipAccount',
+ conference = 'Conference',
+ faxaccount = 'FaxAccount',
+ callthrough = 'Callthrough',
+ huntgroup = 'HuntGroup',
+ automaticcalldistributor = 'AutomaticCallDistributor',
+ }
+ return ACCOUNT_TYPES[account_type] or account_type;
+function CallForwarding.call_forwarding_on(self, service, destination, destination_type, timeout, source)
+ require 'common.str'
+ if source then
+ sql_query = 'SELECT `id`, `destination`, `destinationable_type`, `destinationable_id`, `call_forward_case_id`, `position`, `timeout` FROM `call_forwards` \
+ WHERE `call_forwardable_id` = ' .. .. ' \
+ AND `call_forwardable_type` = "' .. self.parent.class .. '" \
+ AND `call_forward_case_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `call_forward_cases` WHERE `value` = "' .. service .. '") \
+ AND `source` = "' .. source .. '" ORDER BY `active` DESC LIMIT 1';
+ else
+ sql_query = 'SELECT `id`, `destination`, `destinationable_type`, `destinationable_id`, `call_forward_case_id`, `position`, `timeout` FROM `call_forwards` \
+ WHERE `call_forwardable_id` = ' .. .. ' \
+ AND `call_forwardable_type` = "' .. self.parent.class .. '" \
+ AND `call_forward_case_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `call_forward_cases` WHERE `value` = "' .. service .. '") \
+ AND (`source` = "" OR `source` IS NULL) ORDER BY `active` DESC LIMIT 1';
+ end
+ destination_type = destination_type or 'PhoneNumber';
+ local destination_id = nil;
+ destination = destination or '';
+ local service_id = nil;
+ local entry_id = nil;
+ self.database:query(sql_query, function(record)
+ entry_id = tonumber(;
+ service_id = record.call_forward_case_id;
+ timeout = tonumber(timeout) or tonumber(record.timeout);
+ if common.str.blank(destination) then
+ if not common.str.blank(record.destinationable_type) then
+ destination_type = common.str.downcase(record.destinationable_type);
+ end
+ if not common.str.blank(record.destination) then
+ destination = record.destination;
+ end
+ destination_id = tonumber(record.destinationable_id);
+ end
+ end)
+ if service == 'noanswer' then
+ timeout = tonumber(timeout) or '30';
+ else
+ timeout = nil;
+ end
+ if destination == '' and not estination_id and destination_type:lower() ~= 'voicemail' then
+ self.log:notice('CALL_FORWARDING_ON ', service, ' - for: ', self.parent.class, '=',, '/', self.parent.uuid,' - destination not specified: ', destination_type, '=', destination_id);
+ return false;
+ end
+ if not tonumber(service_id) then
+ service_id = self:service_id_by_name(service);
+ end
+ local call_forwarding_record = {
+ id = entry_id,
+ active = true,
+ uuid = { 'UUID()', raw = true },
+ updated_at = { 'NOW()', raw = true },
+ created_at = { 'NOW()', raw = true },
+ call_forwardable_id =,
+ call_forwardable_type = self:camelize_type(self.parent.class),
+ call_forward_case_id = service_id,
+ destination = destination,
+ destinationable_type = self:camelize_type(destination_type),
+ destinationable_id = destination_id,
+ timeout = timeout,
+ position = 1,
+ };
+ local result = self.database:insert_or_update('call_forwards', call_forwarding_record, { created_at = false, position = false });
+ if not result then
+ self.log:notice('CALL_FORWARDING_ON ', service, ' - could not be activated for: ', self.parent.class, '=',, '/', self.parent.uuid,' - destination: ', destination_type, '=', destination_id, '|', destination);
+ return false;
+ end
+ entry_id = entry_id or self.database:last_insert_id();
+ self.log:info('CALL_FORWARDING_ON ', service, ' - callforwarding=', entry_id, ', for: ', self.parent.class, '=',, '/', self.parent.uuid, ', destination: ', destination_type, '=', destination_id, '|', destination, ', timeout: ', timeout);
+ if tonumber(entry_id) then
+ if destination_type:lower() == 'voicemail' then
+ self:presence_set('early', entry_id);
+ else
+ self:presence_set('confirmed', entry_id);
+ end
+ end
+ return result;
+function CallForwarding.call_forwarding_off(self, service, source, delete)
+ local conditions = {}
+ table.insert(conditions, '`call_forwardable_id` = ' ..;
+ table.insert(conditions, '`call_forwardable_type` = "' .. self.parent.class .. '"');
+ if source then
+ table.insert(conditions, '`source` = "' .. source);
+ else
+ table.insert(conditions, '(`source` = "" OR `source` IS NULL)');
+ end
+ if service then
+ table.insert(conditions, '`call_forward_case_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `call_forward_cases` WHERE `value` = "' .. service .. '")');
+ end
+ local call_forwarding_ids = {}
+ local sql_query = 'SELECT `id` FROM `call_forwards` WHERE ' .. table.concat(conditions, ' AND ');
+ self.database:query(sql_query, function(record)
+ table.insert(call_forwarding_ids,;
+ end)
+ -- set call forwarding entry inactive
+ local sql_query = 'UPDATE `call_forwards` SET `active` = FALSE, `updated_at` = NOW() WHERE ' .. table.concat(conditions, ' AND ');
+ local call_forwards = {};
+ -- or delete call forwarding entry
+ if delete then
+ sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `call_forwards` WHERE ' .. table.concat(conditions, ' AND ');
+ self.database:query(sql_query, function(forwarding_entry)
+ table.insert(call_forwards, forwarding_entry)
+ end)
+ sql_query = 'DELETE FROM `call_forwards` WHERE ' .. table.concat(conditions, ' AND ');
+ end
+ if not self.database:query(sql_query) then
+ self.log:notice('CALL_FORWARDING_OFF ', (service or 'any'), ' - could not be deactivated for: ', self.parent.class, '=',, '/', self.parent.uuid);
+ return false;
+ end
+ if delete then
+ require 'common.sync_log'
+ local sync_log_class = common.sync_log.SyncLog:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, homebase_ip_address = '' }
+ for index, call_forward in ipairs(call_forwards) do
+ sync_log_class:insert('CallForward', call_forward, 'destroy', nil);
+ end
+ end
+ for index, entry_id in ipairs(call_forwarding_ids) do
+ if tonumber(entry_id) then
+ self:presence_set('terminated', entry_id);
+ end
+ end
+ return true;
diff --git a/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/database.lua b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/database.lua
index 345f69d..8aed1ac 100644
--- a/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/database.lua
+++ b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/database.lua
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ function Database.last_insert_id(self)
-function Database.insert_or_update(self, db_table, record, use_on_update)
+function Database.insert_or_update(self, db_table, record, ignore_on_update)
ignore_on_update = ignore_on_update or self.ignore_on_update;
local record_sql_create = {};
local record_sql_update = {};
diff --git a/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/group.lua b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/group.lua
index c4125bc..b9cae61 100644
--- a/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/group.lua
+++ b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/group.lua
@@ -86,3 +86,87 @@ function Group.name_id_by_member(self, member_id, member_type)
return group_names, group_ids;
+function Group.permission_targets(self, group_ids, permission)
+ if not group_ids or #group_ids == 0 or not permission then
+ return {};
+ end
+ local sql_query = 'SELECT DISTINCT `b`.`id`, `b`.`name` \
+ FROM `group_permissions` `a` \
+ JOIN `groups` `b` ON `b`.`id` = `a`.`target_group_id` \
+ WHERE `a`.`permission` = ' .. self.database:escape(permission, '"') .. ' \
+ AND `a`.`group_id` IN (' .. table.concat(group_ids, ',') .. ') \
+ AND `b`.`active` IS TRUE \
+ GROUP BY `a`.`target_group_id` LIMIT ' .. MAX_GROUP_MEMBERSHIPS;
+ local group_names = {};
+ local group_ids = {};
+ self.database:query(sql_query, function(account_entry)
+ table.insert(group_names,;
+ table.insert(group_ids, tonumber(;
+ end);
+ return group_names, group_ids;
+function Group.is_target(self, group_id, permission)
+ if not group_id or not permission then
+ return nil;
+ end
+ local sql_query = 'SELECT `b`.`name` \
+ FROM `group_permissions` `a` \
+ JOIN `groups` `b` ON `b`.`id` = `a`.`target_group_id` \
+ WHERE `a`.`permission` = ' .. self.database:escape(permission, '"') .. ' \
+ AND `a`.`group_id` = ' .. tonumber(group_id) .. ' \
+ AND `b`.`active` IS TRUE \
+ LIMIT 1';
+ return self.database:query_return_value(sql_query);
+function Group.union(self, ...)
+ local groups = {};
+ local group_sets = {...};
+ for set_index=1, #group_sets do
+ if type(group_sets[set_index]) == 'table' then
+ local group_ids = group_sets[set_index];
+ for index=1, #group_ids do
+ groups[tonumber(group_ids[index])] = true;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local group_ids = {};
+ for group_id, status in pairs(groups) do
+ table.insert(group_ids, group_id);
+ end
+ return group_ids;
+function Group.intersection(self, set_one, set_two)
+ if not set_one or not set_two then
+ return {};
+ end
+ local basic_set = {};
+ for index=1, #set_one do
+ basic_set[set_one[index]] = true;
+ end
+ local final_set = {};
+ for index=1, #set_two do
+ if basic_set[set_two[index]] then
+ table.insert(final_set, set_two[index]);
+ end
+ end
+ return final_set;
diff --git a/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/log.lua b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/log.lua
index 5aff2b8..b7c8d09 100644
--- a/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/log.lua
+++ b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/log.lua
@@ -37,33 +37,33 @@ function Log.message(self, log_level, message_arguments )
function Log.console(self, ...)
- self:message(self.level_console, arg);
+ self:message(self.level_console, {...});
function Log.alert(self, ...)
- self:message(self.level_alert, arg);
+ self:message(self.level_alert, {...});
function Log.critical(self, ...)
- self:message(self.level_critical, arg);
+ self:message(self.level_critical, {...});
function Log.error(self, ...)
- self:message(self.level_error, arg);
+ self:message(self.level_error, {...});
function Log.warning(self, ...)
- self:message(self.level_warning, arg);
+ self:message(self.level_warning, {...});
function Log.notice(self, ...)
- self:message(self.level_notice, arg);
+ self:message(self.level_notice, {...});
function, ...)
- self:message(self.level_info, arg);
+ self:message(self.level_info, {...});
function Log.debug(self, ...)
- self:message(self.level_debug, arg);
+ self:message(self.level_debug, {...});
diff --git a/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/object.lua b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/object.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5183b9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/object.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: object class
+-- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2013
+Object = {}
+-- create object object ;)
+function, arg)
+ arg = arg or {}
+ object = arg.object or {}
+ setmetatable(object, self);
+ self.__index = self;
+ self.class = 'object';
+ self.log = arg.log;
+ self.database = arg.database;
+ return object;
+-- find object
+function Object.find(self, attributes)
+ if not attributes.class then
+ return nil;
+ end
+ local object = nil;
+ require 'common.str';
+ local class = common.str.downcase(attributes.class);
+ if class == 'user' then
+ require 'dialplan.user';
+ if tonumber( then
+ object = dialplan.user.User:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(;
+ elseif not common.str.blank(attributes.uuid) then
+ object = dialplan.user.User:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_uuid(attributes.uuid);
+ end
+ if object then
+ object.user_groups = object:list_groups();
+ end
+ elseif class == 'tenant' then
+ require 'dialplan.tenant';
+ if tonumber( then
+ object = dialplan.tenant.Tenant:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(;
+ elseif not common.str.blank(attributes.uuid) then
+ object = dialplan.tenant.Tenant:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_uuid(attributes.uuid);
+ end
+ elseif class == 'sipaccount' then
+ require 'common.sip_account';
+ if not common.str.blank(attributes.auth_name) then
+ object = common.sip_account.SipAccount:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_auth_name(attributes.auth_name, attributes.domain);
+ elseif tonumber( then
+ object = common.sip_account.SipAccount:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(;
+ elseif not common.str.blank(attributes.uuid) then
+ object = common.sip_account.SipAccount:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_uuid(attributes.uuid);
+ end
+ if object then
+ object.owner = self:find{class = object.record.sip_accountable_type, id = tonumber(object.record.sip_accountable_id)};
+ end
+ elseif class == 'huntgroup' then
+ require 'dialplan.hunt_group';
+ if tonumber( then
+ object = dialplan.hunt_group.HuntGroup:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(;
+ elseif not common.str.blank(attributes.uuid) then
+ object = dialplan.hunt_group.HuntGroup:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_uuid(attributes.uuid);
+ end
+ if object then
+ object.owner = self:find{class = 'tenant', id = tonumber(object.record.tenant_id)};
+ end
+ elseif class == 'automaticcalldistributor' then
+ require 'dialplan.acd';
+ if tonumber( then
+ object = dialplan.acd.AutomaticCallDistributor:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, domain = self.domain }:find_by_id(;
+ elseif not common.str.blank(attributes.uuid) then
+ object = dialplan.acd.AutomaticCallDistributor:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, domain = self.domain }:find_by_uuid(attributes.uuid);
+ end
+ if object then
+ object.owner = self:find{class = object.record.automatic_call_distributorable_type, id = tonumber(object.record.automatic_call_distributorable_id)};
+ end
+ elseif class == 'faxaccount' then
+ require 'dialplan.fax';
+ if tonumber( then
+ fax_account = dialplan.fax.Fax:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(;
+ elseif not common.str.blank(attributes.uuid) then
+ fax_account = dialplan.fax.Fax:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_uuid(attributes.uuid);
+ end
+ if object then
+ object.owner = self:find{class = fax_account.record.fax_accountable_type, id = tonumber(fax_account.record.fax_accountable_id)};
+ end
+ end
+ if object then
+ require '';
+ object.groups, object.group_ids ={ log = self.log, database = self.database }:name_id_by_member(, object.class);
+ end
+ return object;
diff --git a/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/sip_account.lua b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/sip_account.lua
index 5b1ea56..6cc7d25 100644
--- a/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/sip_account.lua
+++ b/misc/freeswitch/scripts/common/sip_account.lua
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ function, arg)
self.log = arg.log;
self.database = arg.database;
self.record = arg.record;
+ self.domain = arg.domain;
return object;
@@ -128,15 +129,32 @@ function SipAccount.send_text(self, text)
-function SipAccount.call_state(self)
- local state = nil
- local sql_query = "SELECT `callstate` FROM `channels` \
- WHERE `name` LIKE (\"\%" .. self.record.auth_name .. "@%\") \
- OR `name` LIKE (\"\%" .. self.record.auth_name .. "@%\") LIMIT 1";
+function SipAccount.call_state(self)
+ local sql_query = 'SELECT `callstate` FROM `detailed_calls` \
+ WHERE `presence_id` LIKE "' .. self.record.auth_name .. '@%" \
+ OR `b_presence_id` LIKE "' .. self.record.auth_name .. '@%" \
+ LIMIT 1';
- self.database:query(sql_query, function(channel_entry)
- state = channel_entry.callstate;
- end)
+ return self.database:query_return_value(sql_query);
+function SipAccount.call_forwarding_on(self, service, destination, destination_type, timeout, source)
+ if not self.call_forwarding then
+ require 'common.call_forwarding';
+ self.call_forwarding = common.call_forwarding.CallForwarding:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, parent = self, domain = self.domain };
+ end
+ return self.call_forwarding:call_forwarding_on(service, destination, destination_type, timeout, source)
+function SipAccount.call_forwarding_off(self, service, source, delete)
+ if not self.call_forwarding then
+ require 'common.call_forwarding';
+ self.call_forwarding = common.call_forwarding.CallForwarding:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, parent = self, domain = self.domain };
+ end
- return state;
+ return self.call_forwarding:call_forwarding_off(service, source, delete)