Array.prototype.empty = -> if this.length <= 0 return true else return false $.ns('sk').add { # Search Box Helper searchBox: -> input = $('input.text', this) default_mes = input.val() input.focus(-> if input.val() == default_mes input.val '' ).blur(-> if input.val() == '' input.val default_mes ) # Simple Form Style Helper. simpleForms: -> max = 0 labels = $("div:not(.boolean) > label", this) hints = $("div:not(.boolean) > .hint", this) labels.each -> if $(this).width() > max max = $(this).width() $('> .hint.padded', this).css 'padding-left' : max # Get the horizontal-spacing (set on the css.) horizontal_spacing = parseInt(labels.first().css('margin-right')) hints.css 'padding-left' : (max + horizontal_spacing) $('.actions', this).css 'padding-left' : (max + horizontal_spacing) labels.width(max) }