// Survival ✚ Kit [ Bootstrapper File ] // Dependencies // ---------------------------------------- @import "vendor/survival-kit/secure"; @import "compass"; @import "vendor/boilerplate-1.0/reset"; @import "vendor/survival-kit/loader"; @import "vendor/fancy-buttons/fancy-buttons"; // Project Variables // ---------------------------------------- // Use @include debug; to show a color overlay on the element when this is set to true. $debug : false; // Typography $base-font-family : "Helvetica Neue", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; $base-font-size : 13px; $base-line-height : 1.231; $font-color : #222; $link-color : #00e; $link-hover-color : #06e; $link-visited-color : #551a8b; // ETC $hr-color : #ccc; // Selection $selected-font-color : #fff; $selected-background-color : #0084AC; // Lists $list-margin : 1em 0; $list-padding : 0 0 0 2em; // Container Width $container-width : 1000px; // Use @if in-compatibility-mode() to add conditional CSS (useful for mixins). $compatibility-mode : true, ie7 ie8 ie9 ff2 chrome9; // -- Project Variables Overrides --------- $site-total-width : 1000px; $vertical-margin : 15px; $global-border-radius : 8px; $global-inner-border-radius : 6px; // -- Colors ------------------------------ $link-color:#388DDA; $border-dark-color: #E3E3E8; // Hooks // ---------------------------------------- // Mixins that are called from the Library files to add some extra styling. @mixin sk-html() { } @mixin sk-body() { background:#F0F3F3 image-url('bg-body.png') left top repeat; } // h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 @mixin sk-header-tags() { font-weight:bold; } // Global Styling // ---------------------------------------- // Calculate all H# Tags. @include htags-sizes($base-font-size + 20); @include simple-forms(auto, block-hints no-stars ); ul { ul { margin:0; } } // Global Classes for extension. // ---------------------------------------- // Here you place classes which are used as extensions across all the project. // Prefix them with .ext- // The default fancy button, used across the SK. // @TODO: Turn this into a mixin @include sk-button(small/medium/big); .sk-button, .button { @include fancy-button(#1E81D5); } a.button { margin:10px 0;} // Border Radius // ---------------------------------------- .ext-bradius { @include border-radius($global-border-radius); } .ext-bradius-inner-t { @include border-radius($global-inner-border-radius $global-inner-border-radius 0 0); } .ext-bradius-inner-b { @include border-radius(0 0 $global-inner-border-radius $global-inner-border-radius); } .ext-bradius-inner { @include border-radius($global-inner-border-radius); } // The Partials // ---------------------------------------- // Base styles thanks to html5boilerplate. This one uses the Hooks defined before. @import "vendor/boilerplate-1.0/styles"; // -- Shared Partials // Headers and related material go here. @import "app/shared/headers"; // Footers and related material go here. @import "app/shared/footers"; // Content and Related Material go here. @import "app/shared/contents"; // -- Layouts Partials // The most general one goes first @import "app/layouts/app"; @import "app/layouts/phone-book-entry"; @import "app/layouts/conference"; // Compatibility.. oh jeez. @import "app/shared/ie";