class ConfigGigasetController < ApplicationController MAX_SIP_ACCOUNTS = 6 MAX_HANDSETS = 4 MAX_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES = 255 before_filter { @mac_address = params[:mac_address].to_s.upcase.gsub(/[^0-9A-F]/,'') @provisioning_key = params[:provisioning_key].to_s @build_variant = params[:build_variant].to_i @provisioning_id = params[:provisioning_id].to_i } def show if @mac_address @phone = Phone.where(:mac_address => @mac_address).first end if ! @phone && GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_AUTO_ADD_PHONE') @phone = create_phone(@mac_address, @build_variant, @provisioning_id) if @phone && GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_AUTO_ADD_SIP_ACCOUNT') create_sip_account(@phone) end end if ! @phone render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return false end @profile_name = 'GS5' @config_version ='%d%m%y%H%M') =begin countries_map = { => 0, # Albania => 1, # Argentina => 2, # Australia => 3, # Austria => 4, # Bahrain => 5, # Belarus => 6, # Belgium => 7, # Bolivia => 8, # Bosnia and Herzegovina => 9, # Brazil => 10, # Bulgaria => 11, # Canada => 12, # Chile => 13, # China => 14, # Colombia => 15, # Costa Rica => 16, # Croatia => 17, # Cyprus => 18, # Czech Republic => 19, # Denmark => 20, # Ecuador => 21, # Egypt => 22, # Estonia => 23, # Finland => 24, # France => 25, # Germany => 26, # Greece => 27, # Hong Kong => 28, # Hungary => 29, # Iceland => 30, # India => 31, # Indonesia => 32, # Ireland => 33, # Israel => 34, # Italy => 35, # Japan => 36, # Jordan => 37, # Korea, Republic of => 38, # Kuwait => 39, # Latvia => 40, # Lebanon => 41, # Liechtenstein => 42, # Lithuania => 43, # Luxembourg => 44, # Macedonia => 45, # Malaysia => 46, # Mexico => 47, # Morocco => 48, # Netherlands => 49, # New Zealand => 50, # Norway => 51, # Pakistan => 52, # Panama => 53, # Paraguay => 54, # Peru => 55, # Philippines => 56, # Poland => 57, # Portugal => 58, # Puerto => 59, # Romania => 60, # Russia => 61, # Saudi Arabia => 62, # Serbia => 63, # Singapore => 64, # Slovakia => 65, # Slovenia => 66, # South Africa => 67, # Spain => 68, # Sweden => 69, # Switzerland => 70, # Taiwan => 71, # Thailand => 72, # Turkey => 73, # United Arab Emirates => 74, # United Kingdom => 75, # United States of America => 76, # Uruguay => 77, # Venezuela => 78, # Other Country => 79, # Namibia => 80, # Palestine => 81, # Montenegro => 82, # Iran nil => 255, # undefined } time_zones_map = { => 0, # -12:00 - International Date Line West => 1, # -11:00 - Midway Island, Samoa => 2, # -10:00 - Hawaii => 3, # -09:00 - Alaska => 4, # -08:00 - Pacific Time (US and Canada), Tijuana => 5, # -07:00 - Arizona => 6, # -07:00 - Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan => 7, # -07:00 - Mountain Time (US and Canada) => 8, # -06:00 - Central America => 9, # -06:00 - Central Time (US and Canada) => 10, # -06:00 - Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey => 11, # -06:00 - Saskatchewan => 12, # -05:00 - Bogota, Lima, Quito => 13, # -05:00 - Eastern Time (US and Canada) => 14, # -05:00 - Indiana (East) => 15, # -04:00 - Atlantic Time (Canada) => 16, # -04:00 - Caracas, La Paz => 17, # -04:00 - Santiago => 18, # -03:30 - Newfoundland => 19, # -03:00 - Brasilia => 20, # -03:00 - Buenos Aires, Georgetown => 21, # -03:00 - Greenland => 22, # -02:00 - Mid-Atlantic => 23, # -01:00 - Azores => 24, # -01:00 - Cape Verde Is. => 25, # 00:00 - Casablanca, Monrovia => 26, # 00:00 - Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London => 27, # +01:00 - Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna => 28, # +01:00 - Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague => 29, # +01:00 - Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris => 30, # +01:00 - Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb => 31, # +01:00 - West Central Africa => 32, # +02:00 - Athens, Beirut, Istanbul, Minsk => 33, # +02:00 - Bucharest => 34, # +02:00 - Cairo => 35, # +02:00 - Harare, Pretoria => 36, # +02:00 - Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius => 37, # +02:00 - Jerusalem => 38, # +03:00 - Baghdad => 39, # +03:00 - Kuwait, Riyadh => 40, # +03:00 - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd => 41, # +03:00 - Nairobi => 42, # +03:30 - Tehran => 43, # +04:00 - Abu Dhabi, Muscat => 44, # +04:00 - Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan => 45, # +04:30 - Kabul => 46, # +05:00 - Ekaterinburg => 47, # +05:00 - Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent => 48, # +05:30 - Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi => 49, # +05:45 - Kathmandu => 50, # +06:00 - Almaty, Novosibirsk => 51, # +06:00 - Astana, Dhaka => 52, # +06:00 - Sri Jayawardenepura => 53, # +06:30 - Rangoon => 54, # +07:00 - Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta => 55, # +07:00 - Krasnoyarsk => 56, # +08:00 - Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi => 57, # +08:00 - Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar => 75, # +01:00 - Namibia => 76, # +02:00 - Jordan, Palestine } =end tone_schemes_map = { nil => 0, # International 1 => 1, # United States 41 => 2, # Switzerland 27 => 3, # South Africa 43 => 4, # Austria 420 => 5, # Czech Republic 34 => 6, # Spain 33 => 7, # France 44 => 8, # Great Britain 31 => 9, # Netherlands 48 => 10, # Poland 49 => 12, # Germany 7 => 11, # Russia 39 => 13, # Italy } codec_map = { 'ulaw' => 0, 'alaw' => 1, 'g726' => 2, 'g729' => 3, 'g722' => 5, nil => 255, } codecs_available = [1, 0, 5, 2, 3] codecs_preferred = [1, 0, 255, 255, 255] @settings = { 'BS_IP_Data.ucB_AUTO_UPDATE_PROFILE' => "1", 'BS_IP_Data3.ucI_ONESHOT_PROVISIONING_MODE_1' => "1", 'BS_IP_Data1.ucI_DIALING_PLAN_COUNTRY_ID' => "78", 'BS_IP_Data1.aucS_DATA_SERVER[0]' => "\"#{request.host_with_port}/gigaset\"", 'BS_IP_Data1.uiI_TIME_COUNTRY' => "25", 'BS_IP_Data1.uiI_TIME_TIMEZONE' => "27", 'BS_IP_Data1.ucB_CT_AFTER_ON_HOOK' => "1", 'BS_CUSTOM_ORG.bit.bEct' => "1", 'BS_AE_SwConfig.ucCountryCodeTone' => "9", 'BS_IP_Data1.ucB_ACCEPT_FOREIGN_SUBNET' => "1", 'BS_IP_Data1.ucB_ACCEPT_FOREIGN_SUBNET..attr' => "1", 'BS_XML_Netdirs.astNetdirProvider[1].aucServerURL' => '""', 'BS_XML_Netdirs.astNetdirProvider[1].aucWhitePagesDirName' => '"GS5"', 'BS_XML_Netdirs.astNetdirProvider[1].aucUsername' => '""', 'BS_XML_Netdirs.astNetdirProvider[1].aucPassword' => '""', # 'BS_XML_Netdirs.astNetdirProvider[0].aucYellowPagesDirName' => '"Company"', # 'BS_XML_Netdirs.aucNetdirSelForAutoLookup' => "0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00", # 'BS_XML_Netdirs.astNetdirProvider[0].aucWhitePagesDirName' => '"Name"', # 'BS_XML_Netdirs.astNetdirProvider[0].aucServerURL' => '""', # 'BS_XML_Netdirs.aucActivatedNetdirs' => "0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00", # 'BS_XML_Netdirs.astNetdirProvider[0].aucPassword' => '""', # 'BS_IP_Data.ucB_ADD_SIPID_TO_HTTP_REQ' => "1", # 'BS_XML_Netdirs.astNetdirProvider[0].aucUsername' => '""', # 'BS_XML_Netdirs.astNetdirProvider[0].aucProviderName' => '"Gemeinschaft"', } if ! @phone.http_password.blank? pin = @phone.http_password.to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/,'') + '0000' @settings['BS_CUSTOM.aucKdsPin[0]'] = "0x#{pin[0,2]},0x#{pin[2,2]}" end for index in 1..MAX_SIP_ACCOUNTS @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_ACCOUNT_NAME_#{index}"] = "\"SIP#{index}\"" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucB_SIP_ACCOUNT_IS_ACTIVE_#{index}"] = "0" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_VOIP_NET_AM_NUMBER_#{index}"] = '"*98#"' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucB_VOIP_NET_AM_ENABLED_#{index}"] = "1" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucB_SIP_ACCOUNT_IS_ACTIVE_#{index}..attr"] = "UI_LOCK" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucI_LOUDNESS_#{index}"] = "0" @settings["BS_Accounts.astAccounts[#{index-1}].aucAccountName[0]"] = "\"SIP#{index}\"" if index == 1 @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_DISPLAYNAME"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data3.aucS_SIP_LOGIN_ID"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_PASSWORD"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_USER_ID"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_DOMAIN"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_SERVER"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_REGISTRAR"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_STUN_SERVER"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_OUTBOUND_PROXY"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_PROVIDER_NAME"] = '"GS5"' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.uiI_SIP_SERVER_PORT"] = "5060" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.uiI_SIP_REGISTRAR_PORT"] = "5060" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucB_SIP_USE_STUN"] = "0" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.uiI_STUN_SERVER_PORT"] = "3478" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucI_OUTBOUND_PROXY_MODE"] = "1" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.uiI_OUTBOUND_PROXY_PORT"] = "5060" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.uiI_RE_REGISTRATION_TIMER"] = "60" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.uiI_RE_STUN_TIMER"] = "60" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucI_SIP_PREFERRED_VOCODER"] = codecs_preferred.join(',') @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucI_SIP_AVAILABLE_VOCODER"] = codecs_available.join(',') @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucB_VOIP_CALLFORWARDING_STATUS"] = "0" else @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_DISPLAYNAME_#{index}"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data3.aucS_SIP_LOGIN_ID_#{index}"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_PASSWORD_#{index}"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_USER_ID_#{index}"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_DOMAIN_#{index}"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_SERVER_#{index}"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_REGISTRAR_#{index}"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_STUN_SERVER_#{index}"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_OUTBOUND_PROXY_#{index}"] = '""' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_PROVIDER_NAME_#{index}"] = '"GS5"' @settings["BS_IP_Data1.uiI_SIP_SERVER_PORT_#{index}"] = "5060" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.uiI_SIP_REGISTRAR_PORT_#{index}"] = "5060" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucB_SIP_USE_STUN_#{index}"] = "0" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.uiI_STUN_SERVER_PORT_#{index}"] = "3478" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucI_OUTBOUND_PROXY_MODE_#{index}"] = "1" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.uiI_OUTBOUND_PROXY_PORT_#{index}"] = "5060" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.uiI_RE_REGISTRATION_TIMER_#{index}"] = "60" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.uiI_RE_STUN_TIMER_#{index}"] = "60" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucI_SIP_PREFERRED_VOCODER_#{index}"] = codecs_preferred.join(',') @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucI_SIP_AVAILABLE_VOCODER_#{index}"] = codecs_available.join(',') @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucB_VOIP_CALLFORWARDING_STATUS_#{index}"] = "0" end mask = 0 if index > MAX_HANDSETS @settings["BS_Accounts.astAccounts[#{index-1}].ucState"] = 0 else @settings["BS_Accounts.astAccounts[#{index-1}].ucState"] = 1 mask = 2**(index-1) end @settings["BS_Accounts.astAccounts[#{index-1}].uiSendMask"] = mask @settings["BS_Accounts.astAccounts[#{index-1}].uiReceiveMask"] = mask end for index in 1..MAX_HANDSETS @settings["BS_AE_Subscriber.stMtDat[#{index-1}].aucTlnName"] = "\"HS#{index}\"" end sip_accounts = @phone.fallback_sip_account ? [@phone.fallback_sip_account] : [] sip_accounts = @phone.sip_accounts.any? ? @phone.sip_accounts : sip_accounts sip_accounts.each_with_index do |sip_account, index| @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_ACCOUNT_NAME_#{index+1}"] = "\"#{sip_account.caller_name}\"" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.ucB_SIP_ACCOUNT_IS_ACTIVE_#{index+1}"] = "1" @settings["BS_Accounts.astAccounts[#{index}].aucAccountName[0]"] = sip_account.phone_numbers.first ? "\"#{sip_account.phone_numbers.first.number}\"" : "\"#{sip_account.caller_name}\"" if index == 0 @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_DISPLAYNAME"] = "\"#{sip_account.caller_name}\"" @settings["BS_IP_Data3.aucS_SIP_LOGIN_ID"] = "\"#{sip_account.auth_name}\"" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_PASSWORD"] = "\"#{sip_account.password}\"" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_USER_ID"] = "\"#{sip_account.auth_name}\"" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_DOMAIN"] = "\"#{sip_account.sip_domain}\"" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_SERVER"] = "\"#{sip_account.sip_domain}\"" else @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_DISPLAYNAME_#{index+1}"] = "\"#{sip_account.caller_name}\"" @settings["BS_IP_Data3.aucS_SIP_LOGIN_ID_#{index+1}"] = "\"#{sip_account.auth_name}\"" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_PASSWORD_#{index+1}"] = "\"#{sip_account.password}\"" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_USER_ID_#{index+1}"] = "\"#{sip_account.auth_name}\"" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_DOMAIN_#{index+1}"] = "\"#{sip_account.sip_domain}\"" @settings["BS_IP_Data1.aucS_SIP_SERVER_#{index+1}"] = "\"#{sip_account.sip_domain}\"" end if index <= MAX_HANDSETS-1 && sip_account.phone_numbers.first @settings["BS_AE_Subscriber.stMtDat[#{index}].aucTlnName"] = "\"#{sip_account.phone_numbers.first.number}\"" end end if sip_accounts.any? mask = 0 for index in 1..MAX_HANDSETS if sip_accounts.count <= index if sip_accounts.last.phone_numbers.first @settings["BS_AE_Subscriber.stMtDat[#{index-1}].aucTlnName"] = "\"#{index}:#{sip_accounts.last.phone_numbers.first.number}\"" end mask = mask + 2**(index-1) @settings["BS_Accounts.astAccounts[#{sip_accounts.count-1}].uiSendMask"] = mask @settings["BS_Accounts.astAccounts[#{sip_accounts.count-1}].uiReceiveMask"] = mask end end phone_book_url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/config_gigaset/#{}/#{}/phone_book.xml" @settings['BS_XML_Netdirs.astNetdirProvider[1].aucServerURL'] = "\"#{phone_book_url}\"" #@settings['BS_XML_Netdirs.astNetdirProvider[0].aucServerURL'] = "\"#{phone_book_url}\"" end if request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].index('N510') || request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].index('C610') "---> Phone #{@mac_address.inspect}, IP address #{request_remote_ip.inspect}" @phone.update_attributes({ :ip_address => request_remote_ip }) else "---> User-Agent indicates not a Gigaset phone (#{request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].inspect})" end end def binary file_name = params[:file_name].to_s block = case file_name when /^master/ block_encode(3, 'sifsroot.bin') when /^sifsroot/ block_encode(4, 'sih.bin') when /^sih/ block_encode(4, 'sit.bin') when /^sit/ block_encode(4, 'siu.bin') when /^siu/ block_encode(0, "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/gigaset/%DVID/settings-%MACD.xml") end send_data block, :type => 'application/octet-stream',:disposition => 'inline' end def phone_book @phone = Phone.where({ :id => params[:phone].to_i }).first if ! @phone render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return false end if @phone.sip_accounts.any? sip_accounts = @phone.sip_accounts else sip_accounts = [@phone.fallback_sip_account] end if ! sip_accounts.any? render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return false end if !params[:sip_account].blank? @sip_account = @phone.sip_accounts.where({ :id => params[:sip_account].to_i }).first || if !@sip_account && @phone.fallback_sip_account && == params[:sip_account].to_i @sip_account = @phone.fallback_sip_account end end base_url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/config_gigaset/#{}/#{}" phone_book_url = "#{base_url}/phone_book.xml" phone_books = if @sip_account phone_books = phone_books + @sip_account.sip_accountable.try(:phone_books).all if @sip_account.sip_accountable.class == User phone_books = phone_books + @sip_account.sip_accountable.try(:current_tenant).try(:phone_books).all end end phone_book_ids = phone_books.each do |phone_book| phone_book_ids << end ln = params[:ln].to_s.encode!('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', :invalid => :replace).gsub(/[^0-9a-zA-Z-_]/,'') + '%' hm = params[:hm].to_s + '%' @phone_book_entries = PhoneBookEntry.where(:phone_book_id => phone_book_ids).where('last_name LIKE ?', ln).order(:last_name).order(:first_name).limit(MAX_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES) @first = params[:first].to_i @type = params[:type].to_s count = params[:count].to_i @total = @phone_book_entries.count if @first && count @phone_book_entries = @phone_book_entries[@first-1, count] end @last = (@first+count-1) @last = @last < @total ? @last : @total end private def block_encode(block_type, value) return [ block_type, value.length+3, 0x03, value.length+1, value, ].pack("CCCCa#{value.length+1}") end def create_phone(mac_address, build_variant, provisioning_id) if !build_variant || !provisioning_id || !mac_address return nil end phone_model = 'Gigaset C610 IP' if build_variant == 42 && provisioning_id = 2 phone_model = 'Gigaset N510 IP PRO' end tenant = Tenant.where(:id => GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_AUTO_TENANT_ID')).first if ! tenant return nil end phone = phone.mac_address = mac_address phone.hot_deskable = true phone.tenant = tenant phone.phone_model = PhoneModel.where(:name => phone_model).first if ! return nil end return phone end def create_sip_account(phone) caller_name_index = 0 sip_account_last = phone.tenant.sip_accounts.where('caller_name LIKE ?', "#{GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_AUTO_SIP_ACCOUNT_CALLER_PREFIX')}%").sort { |item1, item2| item1.caller_name.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '').to_i <=> item2.caller_name.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '').to_i }.last if sip_account_last caller_name_index = sip_account_last.caller_name.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '').to_i end caller_name_index = caller_name_index + 1 sip_account = sip_account.caller_name = "#{GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_AUTO_SIP_ACCOUNT_CALLER_PREFIX')}#{caller_name_index}" sip_account.call_waiting = GsParameter.get('CALL_WAITING') sip_account.clir = GsParameter.get('DEFAULT_CLIR_SETTING') sip_account.clip = GsParameter.get('DEFAULT_CLIP_SETTING') sip_account.voicemail_pin = random_pin sip_account.callforward_rules_act_per_sip_account = GsParameter.get('CALLFORWARD_RULES_ACT_PER_SIP_ACCOUNT_DEFAULT') sip_account.hotdeskable = false loop do sip_account.auth_name = SecureRandom.hex(GsParameter.get('DEFAULT_LENGTH_SIP_AUTH_NAME')) break unless SipAccount.exists?(:auth_name => sip_account.auth_name) end sip_account.password = SecureRandom.hex(GsParameter.get('DEFAULT_LENGTH_SIP_PASSWORD')) if ! return nil end phone.fallback_sip_account = sip_account if ! return nil end return sip_account end end