class ConfigSnomController < ApplicationController MAX_SIP_ACCOUNTS_COUNT = 11 MAX_SOFTKEYS_COUNT = 12 + (42 * 3) - 1 MAX_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES = 20 KEY_REGEXP = { '0' => "[ -.,_0]+", '1' => "[ -.,_1]+", '2' => "[abc2\xC3\xA4]", '3' => "[def3\xC3\xA9]", '4' => "[ghi4\xC3\xAF]", '5' => "[jkl5]", '6' => "[mno6\xC3\xB6]", '7' => "[pqrs7\xC3\x9F]", '8' => "[tuv8\xC3\xBC]", '9' => "[wxyz9]", } skip_authorization_check before_filter { |controller| @mac_address = params[:mac_address].to_s.upcase.gsub(/[^0-9A-F]/,'') @provisioning_authenticated = false if !params[:provisioning_key].blank? @phone = Phone.where({ :provisioning_key => params[:provisioning_key] }).first if @phone @provisioning_authenticated = true @mac_address = @phone.mac_address end end if ! @mac_address.blank? then if !@phone @phone = Phone.where({ :mac_address => @mac_address }).first end if ! @phone && GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_AUTO_ADD_PHONE') tenant = Tenant.where(:id => GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_AUTO_TENANT_ID')).first if ! tenant render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end @phone = @phone.mac_address = @mac_address @phone.hot_deskable = true @phone.tenant = tenant mac_address_to_model = { '00041325' => 'Snom 300', '00041328' => 'Snom 300', '0004132D' => 'Snom 300', '0004132F' => 'Snom 300', '00041334' => 'Snom 300', '00041350' => 'Snom 300', '0004133B' => 'Snom 300', '00041337' => 'Snom 300', '00041324' => 'Snom 320', '00041327' => 'Snom 320', '0004132C' => 'Snom 320', '00041331' => 'Snom 320', '00041335' => 'Snom 320', '00041338' => 'Snom 320', '00041351' => 'Snom 320', '00041323' => 'Snom 360', '00041329' => 'Snom 360', '0004132B' => 'Snom 360', '00041339' => 'Snom 360', '00041390' => 'Snom 360', '00041326' => 'Snom 370', '0004132E' => 'Snom 370', '0004133A' => 'Snom 370', '00041352' => 'Snom 370', '00041340' => 'Snom 820', '00041345' => 'Snom 821', '00041348' => 'Snom 821', '00041341' => 'Snom 870', '00041332' => 'Snom meetingPoint', } @phone.phone_model = PhoneModel.where(:name => mac_address_to_model[@mac_address[0, 8]]).first if ! render( :status => 500, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end if ! GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_AUTO_ADD_SIP_ACCOUNT') return end caller_name_index = 0 sip_account_last = tenant.sip_accounts.where('caller_name LIKE ?', "#{GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_AUTO_SIP_ACCOUNT_CALLER_PREFIX')}%").sort { |item1, item2| item1.caller_name.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '').to_i <=> item2.caller_name.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '').to_i }.last if sip_account_last caller_name_index = sip_account_last.caller_name.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '').to_i end caller_name_index = caller_name_index + 1 @sip_account = @sip_account.caller_name = "#{GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_AUTO_SIP_ACCOUNT_CALLER_PREFIX')}#{caller_name_index}" @sip_account.call_waiting = GsParameter.get('CALL_WAITING') @sip_account.clir = GsParameter.get('DEFAULT_CLIR_SETTING') @sip_account.clip = GsParameter.get('DEFAULT_CLIP_SETTING') @sip_account.voicemail_pin = random_pin @sip_account.callforward_rules_act_per_sip_account = GsParameter.get('CALLFORWARD_RULES_ACT_PER_SIP_ACCOUNT_DEFAULT') @sip_account.hotdeskable = false loop do @sip_account.auth_name = SecureRandom.hex(GsParameter.get('DEFAULT_LENGTH_SIP_AUTH_NAME')) break unless SipAccount.exists?(:auth_name => @sip_account.auth_name) end @sip_account.password = SecureRandom.hex(GsParameter.get('DEFAULT_LENGTH_SIP_PASSWORD')) if ! render( :status => 500, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end @phone.fallback_sip_account = @sip_account if ! render( :status => 500, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end end elsif ! params[:phone].blank? then @phone = Phone.where({ :id => params[:phone].to_i }).first end if ! @phone render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) end if ! params[:sip_account].blank? @sip_account = @phone.sip_accounts.where({ :id => params[:sip_account].to_i }).first if ! @sip_account && @phone.fallback_sip_account && == params[:sip_account].to_i @sip_account = @phone.fallback_sip_account end if ! @sip_account render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) end end if ! params[:type].blank? @type = params[:type].to_s.strip.downcase end if ! params[:keys].blank? @dialpad_keys = params[:keys].to_s.strip end } def show send_sensitve = @provisioning_authenticated || !@phone.provisioning_key_active @phone_settings = if !GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_KEY_LENGTH').nil? && GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_KEY_LENGTH') > 0 if @phone.provisioning_key.blank? @phone.update_attributes({ :provisioning_key => SecureRandom.hex(GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_KEY_LENGTH')), :provisioning_key_active => false }) elsif @provisioning_authenticated @phone.update_attributes({ :provisioning_key_active => true }) end if send_sensitve if defined?(PROVISIONING_PROTOCOL) && PROVISIONING_PROTOCOL provisioning_protocol = PROVISIONING_PROTOCOL else provisioning_protocol = request.protocol end @phone_settings[:setting_server] = "#{provisioning_protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/snom-#{@phone.provisioning_key}.xml" end end if !GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_SET_HTTP_USER').nil? && @phone.http_user.blank? if GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_SET_HTTP_USER').class == Fixnum @phone.update_attributes({ :http_user => SecureRandom.hex(GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_SET_HTTP_USER')) }) elsif GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_SET_HTTP_USER').class == String @phone.update_attributes({ :http_user => GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_SET_HTTP_USER') }) end end if !GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_SET_HTTP_PASSWORD').nil? && @phone.http_password.blank? if GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_SET_HTTP_PASSWORD').class == Fixnum @phone.update_attributes({ :http_password => SecureRandom.hex(GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_SET_HTTP_PASSWORD')) }) elsif GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_SET_HTTP_PASSWORD').class == String @phone.update_attributes({ :http_password => GsParameter.get('PROVISIONING_SET_HTTP_PASSWORD') }) end end if send_sensitve @phone_settings[:http_user] = @phone.http_user @phone_settings[:http_pass] = @phone.http_password if defined?(PROVISIONING_ADMIN_PASSWORD) if PROVISIONING_ADMIN_PASSWORD.class == TrueClass @phone_settings[:admin_mode_password] = @phone.http_password elsif PROVISIONING_ADMIN_PASSWORD.class == String @phone_settings[:admin_mode_password] = PROVISIONING_ADMIN_PASSWORD end end end if ! request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].index('snom') "---> User-Agent indicates not a Snom phone (#{request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].inspect})" else "---> Phone #{@mac_address.inspect}, IP address #{request_remote_ip.inspect}" @phone.update_attributes({ :ip_address => request_remote_ip }) end @softkeys = @sip_accounts = phone_sip_accounts = if send_sensitve phone_parameters = GsParameter.get_list('phones', 'snom') if @phone.sip_accounts && @phone.sip_accounts.count > 0 phone_sip_accounts = @phone.sip_accounts elsif @phone.fallback_sip_account phone_sip_accounts.push( @phone.fallback_sip_account ) end expiry_seconds = GsParameter.get('SIP_EXPIRY_SECONDS') phone_sip_accounts.each do |sip_account| if (sip_account.sip_accountable_type == @phone.phoneable_type) and (sip_account.sip_accountable_id == @phone.phoneable_id) snom_sip_account = { :id =>, :active => 'on', :pname => sip_account.auth_name, :pass => sip_account.password, :host =>, :outbound =>, :name => sip_account.auth_name, :realname => 'Call', :user_idle_text => sip_account.caller_name, :expiry => expiry_seconds, } if sip_account.voicemail_account snom_sip_account[:mailbox] = "" end phone_parameters.each do |name, value| snom_sip_account[name.to_sym] = value.gsub!(/\{([a-z0-9_\.]+)\}/) { |v| source = sip_account $1.split('.').each do |method| source = source.send(method) if source.respond_to?(method) end source.to_s } end @sip_accounts.push(snom_sip_account) sip_account_index = @sip_accounts.length sip_account.softkeys.order(:position).each do |softkey| if softkey.softkey_function softkey_function = end case softkey_function when 'blf' @softkeys.push({:context => sip_account_index, :label => softkey.label, :data => "blf |f-ia-"}) when 'speed_dial' @softkeys.push({:context => sip_account_index, :label => softkey.label, :data => "speed #{softkey.number}"}) when 'dtmf' @softkeys.push({:context => sip_account_index, :label => softkey.label, :data => "dtmf #{softkey.number}"}) when 'log_out' @softkeys.push({:context => sip_account_index, :label => softkey.label, :data => "speed f-lo"}) when 'log_in' @softkeys.push({:context => sip_account_index, :label => softkey.label, :data => "speed f-li-#{softkey.number}"}) when 'conference' conference = softkey.softkeyable if conference.class == Conference @softkeys.push({ :context => sip_account_index, :function =>, :label => softkey.label, :softkey => softkey, :general_type => t("softkeys.functions.#{}"), :subscription => { :to => "sip:conference#{}@#{}", :for => "sip:conference#{}@#{}", }, :actions => [{ :type => :dial, :target => "f-ta-#{softkey.number}", :when => 'on press', :states => 'connected,holding', },{ :type => :dial, :target => softkey.number, :when => 'on press', }], }) end when 'parking_stall' parking_stall = softkey.softkeyable if parking_stall.class == ParkingStall @softkeys.push({ :context => sip_account_index, :function =>, :label => softkey.label, :softkey => softkey, :general_type => t("softkeys.functions.#{}"), :subscription => { :to => "sip:park+#{}@#{}", :for => "sip:park+#{}@#{}", }, :actions => [{ :type => :dial, :target => "f-cpa-#{}", :when => 'on press', :states => 'connected,holding', },{ :type => :dial, :target => "f-cpa-#{}", :when => 'on press', }], }) end when 'call_forwarding' if softkey.softkeyable.class == CallForward then @softkeys.push({ :context => sip_account_index, :function =>, :label => softkey.label, :softkey => softkey, :general_type => t("softkeys.functions.#{}"), :subscription => { :to => "sip:f-cftg-#{softkey.softkeyable_id}@#{}", :for => "sip:f-cftg-#{softkey.softkeyable_id}@#{}" }, :actions => [{ :type => :url, :target => "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/config_snom/#{}/#{snom_sip_account[:id]}/call_forwarding.xml?id=#{softkey.softkeyable_id}&function=toggle", :when => 'on press', }], }) end when 'call_forwarding_always' phone_number = PhoneNumber.where(:number => softkey.number, :phone_numberable_type => 'SipAccount').first if phone_number account_param = (phone_number.phone_numberable_id != snom_sip_account[:id] ? "&account=#{phone_number.phone_numberable_id}" : '') else phone_number = sip_account.phone_numbers.first account_param = '' end @softkeys.push({ :context => sip_account_index, :function =>, :label => softkey.label, :softkey => softkey, :general_type => t("softkeys.functions.#{}"), :subscription => { :to => "f-cfutg-#{}@#{}", :for => "#{sip_account.auth_name}@#{}" }, :actions => [{ :type => :url, :target => "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/config_snom/#{}/#{snom_sip_account[:id]}/call_forwarding.xml?type=always&function=toggle#{account_param}", :when => 'on press', }], }) when 'call_forwarding_assistant' phone_number = PhoneNumber.where(:number => softkey.number, :phone_numberable_type => 'SipAccount').first if phone_number account_param = (phone_number.phone_numberable_id != snom_sip_account[:id] ? "&account=#{phone_number.phone_numberable_id}" : '') else phone_number = sip_account.phone_numbers.first account_param = '' end @softkeys.push({ :context => sip_account_index, :function =>, :label => softkey.label, :softkey => softkey, :general_type => t("softkeys.functions.#{}"), :subscription => { :to => "f-cfatg-#{}@#{}", :for => "#{sip_account.auth_name}@#{}" }, :actions => [{ :type => :url, :target => "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/config_snom/#{}/#{snom_sip_account[:id]}/call_forwarding.xml?type=assistant&function=toggle#{account_param}", :when => 'on press', }], }) when 'hunt_group_membership' phone_number = PhoneNumber.where(:number => softkey.number, :phone_numberable_type => 'HuntGroup').first if phone_number hunt_group = HuntGroup.where(:id => phone_number.phone_numberable_id).first end sip_account_phone_numbers = SipAccount.where(:id => @sip_accounts.first[:id]).first.phone_numbers.each do |phone_number| sip_account_phone_numbers.push(phone_number.number) end hunt_group_member_numbers = PhoneNumber.where(:number => sip_account_phone_numbers, :phone_numberable_type => 'HuntGroupMember') hunt_group_member = nil if hunt_group and hunt_group_member_numbers hunt_group_member_numbers.each do |hunt_group_member_number| hunt_group_member = hunt_group.hunt_group_members.where(:id => hunt_group_member_number.phone_numberable_id).first if hunt_group_member break end end end if hunt_group_member @softkeys.push({ :context => sip_account_index, :function =>, :label => softkey.label, :softkey => softkey, :general_type => t("softkeys.functions.#{}"), :subscription => { :to => "f-hgmtg-#{}@#{}", :for => "#{sip_account.auth_name}@#{}" }, :actions => [{ :type => :url, :target => "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/config_snom/#{}/#{snom_sip_account[:id]}/hunt_group.xml?group=#{}&account=#{}&function=toggle", :when => 'on press', }], }) else @softkeys.push({:context => sip_account_index, :label => softkey.label, :data => 'none'}) end when 'acd_membership' acd_agent = nil phone_number = PhoneNumber.where(:number => softkey.number, :phone_numberable_type => 'AutomaticCallDistributor').first if phone_number acd = AutomaticCallDistributor.where(:id => phone_number.phone_numberable_id).first if acd acd_agent = acd.acd_agents.where(:destination_type => 'SipAccount', :destination_id => end end if acd_agent @softkeys.push({ :context => sip_account_index, :function =>, :label => softkey.label, :softkey => softkey, :general_type => t("softkeys.functions.#{}"), :subscription => { :to => "f-acdmtg-#{}@#{}", :for => "#{sip_account.auth_name}@#{}" }, :actions => [{ :type => :url, :target => "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/config_snom/#{}/#{snom_sip_account[:id]}/acd.xml?acd=#{}&agent=#{}&function=toggle", :when => 'on press', }], }) else @softkeys.push({:context => sip_account_index, :label => softkey.label, :data => 'none'}) end when 'hold' @softkeys.push({:context => sip_account_index, :label => softkey.label, :data => "keyevent F_R"}) else @softkeys.push({:label => softkey.label, :data => 'none'}) end end end end end languages_map = { 'ca' => 'Catalan', 'bs' => 'Bosanski', 'da' => 'Dansk', 'de' => 'Deutsch', 'cs' => 'Cestina', 'en' => 'English', 'es' => 'Espanol', 'fi' => 'Suomi', 'et' => 'Estonian', 'fr' => 'Francais', 'he' => 'Hebrew', 'hu' => 'Hungarian', 'it' => 'Italiano', 'nl' => 'Dutch', 'no' => 'Norsk', 'pl' => 'Polski', 'pt' => 'Portugues', 'si' => 'Slovenian', 'sk' => 'Slovencina', 'ru' => 'Russian', 'sv' => 'Svenska', 'tr' => 'Turkce', } tone_schemes_map = { '1' => 'USA', # United States '61' => 'AUS', # Australia '43' => 'AUT', # Austria '86' => 'CHN', # China '45' => 'DNK', # Denmark '33' => 'FRA', # France '49' => 'GER', # Germany '44' => 'GBR', # Great Britain '91' => 'IND', # India '39' => 'ITA', # Italy '81' => 'JPN', # Japan '52' => 'MEX', # Mexico '31' => 'NLD', # Netherlands '47' => 'NOR', # Norway '64' => 'NZL', # New Zealand '34' => 'ESP', # Spain '46' => 'SWE', # Sweden '41' => 'SWI', # Switzerland } if @phone.phoneable if @phone.phoneable_type == 'Tenant' tenant = @phone.phoneable language = tenant.language.code elsif @phone.phoneable_type == 'User' tenant = @phone.phoneable.current_tenant language = @phone.phoneable.language.code end end if tenant && tone_scheme = end @phone_settings[:tone_scheme] = tone_schemes_map.include?(tone_scheme.to_s) ? tone_schemes_map[tone_scheme.to_s] : 'USA' @phone_settings[:language] = languages_map.include?(language.to_s) ? languages_map[language.to_s] : 'English' xml_applications_url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/config_snom/#{}/#{(@sip_accounts.blank? ? '0' : @sip_accounts.first[:id])}" @dkeys = { :menu => 'keyevent F_SETTINGS', :retrieve => 'speed f-vmcheck', :conf => 'keyevent F_CONFERENCE', :redial => "url #{xml_applications_url}/call_history.xml?type=dialed", :directory => "url #{xml_applications_url}/phone_book.xml", :idle_ok => "url #{xml_applications_url}/call_history.xml?type=dialed", :idle_cancel => "keyevent F_CANCEL", :idle_up => "keyevent F_PREV_ID", :idle_down => "keyevent F_NEXT_ID", :idle_left => "url #{xml_applications_url}/call_history.xml?type=received", :idle_right => "url #{xml_applications_url}/call_history.xml?type=missed", :touch_idle_adr_book => "url #{xml_applications_url}/phone_book.xml", :touch_idle_list_missed => "url #{xml_applications_url}/call_history.xml?type=missed", :touch_idle_list_taken => "url #{xml_applications_url}/call_history.xml?type=received", :touch_idle_redial => "url #{xml_applications_url}/call_history.xml?type=dialed", :touch_idle_dialog => "url #{xml_applications_url}/call_history.xml", } # Remap conference key to first conference if found #conference = Conference.where(:conferenceable_type => @phone.phoneable_type, :conferenceable_id => @phone.phoneable_id).first #if conference and conference.phone_numbers # @dkeys[:conf] = "speed f_ta_#{conference.phone_numbers.first.number}" #end @sip_accounts.length().upto(MAX_SIP_ACCOUNTS_COUNT) do |index| snom_sip_account = { :id => index, :active => 'off', :pname => '', :pass => '', :host => '', :outbound => '', :name => '', :realname => '', :idle_text => '', } @sip_accounts.push(snom_sip_account) end @softkeys.length().upto(MAX_SOFTKEYS_COUNT) do |index| @softkeys.push({:label => "", :data => "none"}) end @state_settings_url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/config_snom/#{}/state_settings.xml" respond_to { |format| format.any { self.formats = [ :xml ] render } } end def idle_screen snom_360_bg = 'Qk0+BAAAAAAAAD4AAAAoAAAAgAAAAEAAAAABAAEAAAAAAAAEAAATCwAAEwsAAAIAAAACAAAA//// AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbbZxzbbAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG222222wAAAAAAAAAAAAAB9ttttt8AAAAA AAAAAAAAAbbbbbbbAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG222222wAAAAAAAAAAAAABttttttsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOPx xx+OAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAkkkkkkkkkkkkkkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJJJJJJJJJJJJJJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAACSSSSSSSSSSSSSQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA' @phone_xml_object = { :image => { :data => snom_360_bg, :location_x => 0, :location_y => 0, :invert => 0 }, :clock => { :location_x => 128, :location_y => 0, }, :date => { :location_x => 100, :location_y => 40, }, :line => { :location_x => 0, :location_y => 0, }, } respond_to { |format| format.any { self.formats = [ :xml ] render } } end def log_in base_url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}#{request.fullpath.split("?")[0]}" exit_url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}#{request.fullpath.rpartition("/")[0]}/exit.xml" log_in_number = params[:log_in].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/,'') pin = params[:pin].to_s.gsub(/[^0-9]/,'') if ! params[:user].blank? user = User.where(:id => params[:user].to_i).first phone_number = PhoneNumber.where(:number => log_in_number, :phone_numberable_type => 'SipAccount').first if phone_number sip_account = phone_number.phone_numberable end elsif ! params[:log_in].blank? phone_number = PhoneNumber.where(:number => log_in_number, :phone_numberable_type => 'SipAccount').first if phone_number && phone_number.phone_numberable && phone_number.phone_numberable.sip_accountable && phone_number.phone_numberable.sip_accountable_type == 'User' user = phone_number.phone_numberable.sip_accountable end end @phone_xml_object = { :name => "snom_phone_text", :title => "Error", :prompt => "Log in", :text => 'Log in failed!', :fetch_url => base_url, :fetch_mil => '2000', } if ! user @phone_xml_object = { :name => "snom_phone_input", :title => "Log In", :prompt => "Log In", :url => base_url, :display_name => "Log In", :query_string_param => "log_in", :default_value => log_in_number, :input_flags => "n", :softkeys => [ {:name => "F1", :label => "Exit", :url => exit_url} ] } elsif pin.blank? @phone_xml_object = { :name => "snom_phone_input", :title => "PIN", :prompt => "PIN", :url => base_url, :display_name => "PIN", :query_string_param => "user=#{}&log_in=#{log_in_number}&pin", :default_value => "", :input_flags => "pn", :softkeys => [ {:name => "F1", :label => "Exit", :url => exit_url} ] } elsif user.authenticate_by_pin?(pin) if @phone.user_login(user, sip_account) @phone_xml_object = { :name => "snom_phone_text", :title => "Log in successful", :prompt => "Log in", :text => "#{user.to_s} logged in", :fetch_url => exit_url, :fetch_mil => '1000', } end end respond_to { |format| format.any { self.formats = [ :xml ] render :action => "_#{@phone_xml_object[:name]}" } } end def log_out if ! @phone render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end exit_url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}#{request.fullpath.rpartition("/")[0]}/exit.xml" if @phone.user_logout() @phone_xml_object = { :name => "snom_phone_text", :title => "Log out successful", :prompt => "Log out", :text => 'Log out successful', :fetch_url => exit_url, :fetch_mil => '1000', } else @phone_xml_object = { :name => "snom_phone_text", :title => "Error", :prompt => "Log out", :text => 'Log out failed!', :fetch_url => exit_url, :fetch_mil => '2000', } end respond_to { |format| format.any { self.formats = [ :xml ] render :action => "_#{@phone_xml_object[:name]}" } } end def phone_book if ! @sip_account render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end @phone_xml_object = { :name => 'snom_phone_directory', :title => "$(lang:menu100_phone_book) #{@dialpad_keys}".strip, :entries => [], :softkeys => [], } key_regexp = '' if !@dialpad_keys.blank? @dialpad_keys.to_s.each_char do |dialpad_key| key_regexp.concat(KEY_REGEXP[dialpad_key].to_s) end key_regexp = '^' + key_regexp end phone_books = phone_books = phone_books + @sip_account.sip_accountable.try(:phone_books).all if @sip_account.sip_accountable.class == User phone_books = phone_books + @sip_account.sip_accountable.try(:current_tenant).try(:phone_books).all end phone_book_ids = phone_books.each do |phone_book| phone_book_ids << end if key_regexp.blank? phone_book_entries = PhoneBookEntry.where(:phone_book_id => phone_book_ids).order(:last_name).order(:first_name).limit(MAX_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES) else phone_book_entries = PhoneBookEntry.where(:phone_book_id => phone_book_ids).order(:last_name).order(:first_name).where('last_name REGEXP ? OR first_name REGEXP ? OR organization REGEXP ?', key_regexp, key_regexp, key_regexp).limit(MAX_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES) end phone_book_entries.each do |phone_book_entry| if phone_book_entry.phone_numbers.count > 1 @phone_xml_object[:entries] << { :text => phone_book_entry.to_s, :number => phone_book_entry.phone_numbers.first } end phone_book_entry.phone_numbers.each do |phone_number| if phone_book_entry.phone_numbers.count > 1 entry_name = "- #{} #{phone_number.number}" else entry_name = "#{phone_book_entry.to_s} #{phone_number.number}" end @phone_xml_object[:entries] << { :text => entry_name, :number => phone_number.number } end end base_url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}#{request.fullpath.split("?")[0]}" phone_book_url = "#{base_url}?type=#{@type.to_s}" for key_id in (0..9) @phone_xml_object[:softkeys] << {:name => key_id, :url => "#{phone_book_url}&keys=#{@dialpad_keys.to_s}#{key_id}" } end @phone_xml_object[:softkeys] << {:name => '*', :url => "#{phone_book_url}&keys=#{@dialpad_keys.to_s[0..-2]}" } @phone_xml_object[:softkeys] << {:name => '#', :url => "#{phone_book_url}&keys=" } respond_to { |format| format.any { self.formats = [ :xml ] render :action => "_#{@phone_xml_object[:name]}" } } end def call_history if ! @sip_account render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end if ['dialed', 'missed', 'received'].include? @type @phone_xml_object = { :name => "snom_phone_directory", :title => "$(lang:menu100_call_lists) - #{@type.to_s.camelize}", :entries => [] } if @type == 'missed' hunt_group_member_ids = PhoneNumber.where(:phone_numberable_type => 'HuntGroupMember', :number => {|a| a.number}).map {|a| a.phone_numberable_id} hunt_group_ids = HuntGroupMember.where(:id => hunt_group_member_ids, :active => true).map {|a| a.hunt_group_id} calls = CallHistory.where('entry_type = ? AND ((call_historyable_type = "SipAccount" AND call_historyable_id = ?) OR (call_historyable_type = "HuntGroup" AND call_historyable_id IN (?)))', @type,, hunt_group_ids).order('start_stamp DESC').limit(MAX_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES) else calls = @sip_account.call_histories.where(:entry_type => @type).order('start_stamp DESC').limit(MAX_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES) end calls.each do |call| display_name = call.display_name phone_number = call.display_number phone_book_entry = call.phone_book_entry_by_number(phone_number) if display_name.blank? display_name = phone_book_entry.to_s end @phone_xml_object[:entries].push({ :selected => false, :number => phone_number, :text => "#{call_date_compact(call.start_stamp)} #{display_name} #{call.display_number}", }) end else base_url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}#{request.fullpath.split("?")[0]}" @phone_xml_object = { :name => 'snom_phone_menu', :title => '$(lang:menu100_call_lists)', :entries => [ {:text => '$(lang:list_missed)', :url => "#{base_url}?&type=missed", :selected => false}, {:text => '$(lang:list_taken)', :url => "#{base_url}?&type=received", :selected => false}, {:text => '$(lang:list_dialed)', :url => "#{base_url}?&type=dialed", :selected => false}, ] } end respond_to { |format| format.any { self.formats = [ :xml ] render :action => "_#{@phone_xml_object[:name]}" } } end def state_settings @base_url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}#{request.fullpath.rpartition("/")[0]}" @sip_account_ids = @phone.sip_accounts.each do |sip_account| if (sip_account.sip_accountable_type == @phone.phoneable_type) and (sip_account.sip_accountable_id == @phone.phoneable_id) @sip_account_ids.push( end end if @phone.hot_deskable @enable_login = true if @phone.phoneable_type != 'Tenant' @enable_logout = true end end respond_to { |format| format.any { self.formats = [ :xml ] render } } end def call_forwarding if ! params[:type].blank? @type = params[:type] end if ! params[:function].blank? @function = params[:function] end if ! params[:id].blank? @call_forwarding_id = params[:id].to_i end if ! params[:sip_account].blank? @sip_account = SipAccount.where({ :id => params[:sip_account].to_i }).first end if ! params[:account].blank? @sip_account = SipAccount.where({ :id => params[:account].to_i }).first end if ! @sip_account render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end exit_url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}#{request.fullpath.rpartition("/")[0]}/exit.xml" if @function == 'toggle' if @call_forwarding_id call_forwarding = @sip_account.call_forwards.where(:id => @call_forwarding_id).first if !call_forwarding and @sip_account.softkeys.where(:softkeyable_id => @call_forwarding_id, :softkeyable_type => 'CallForward').count > 0 call_forwarding = CallForward.where(:id => @call_forwarding_id).first end if call_forwarding call_forwarding.toggle end elsif @type call_forwarding = @sip_account.call_forwarding_toggle(@type) end if !call_forwarding render( :status => 500, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end if !call_forwarding.errors.blank? error_messages = call_forwarding.errors.messages.each_pair do |key, message| error_messages.push(message.join(';')) end @phone_xml_object = { :name => 'snom_phone_text', :title => t(""), :prompt => t(""), :text => "ERROR #{error_messages.join(',')} #{call_forwarding.to_s})", :fetch_url => exit_url, :fetch_mil => '1000', } elsif @phone_xml_object = { :name => 'snom_phone_text', :title => t(""), :prompt => t(""), :text => "ON #{call_forwarding.to_s})", :fetch_url => exit_url, :fetch_mil => '1000', } else @phone_xml_object = { :name => 'snom_phone_text', :title => t(""), :prompt => t(""), :text => "OFF #{call_forwarding.to_s}", :fetch_url => exit_url, :fetch_mil => '1000', } end end respond_to { |format| format.any { self.formats = [ :xml ] render :action => "_#{@phone_xml_object[:name]}" } } end def hunt_group if ! params[:function].blank? @function = params[:function] end if ! params[:sip_account].blank? @sip_account = SipAccount.where({ :id => params[:sip_account].to_i }).first end if ! params[:group].blank? @hunt_group = HuntGroup.where({ :id => params[:group].to_i }).first end if ! @sip_account render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end if ! @hunt_group render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end if ! params[:account].blank? hunt_group_member = @hunt_group.hunt_group_members.where({ :id => params[:account].to_i }).first end if ! hunt_group_member render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end exit_url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}#{request.fullpath.rpartition("/")[0]}/exit.xml" if @function == 'toggle' if hunt_group_member.can_switch_status_itself == true if = false else = true end if ! render( :status => 500, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end end if @phone_xml_object = { :name => 'snom_phone_text', :title => 'Hunt Group', :prompt => 'Hunt Group', :text => "#{} on", :fetch_url => exit_url, :fetch_mil => '1000', } else @phone_xml_object = { :name => 'snom_phone_text', :title => 'Hunt Group', :prompt => 'Hunt Group', :text => "#{} off", :fetch_url => exit_url, :fetch_mil => '1000', } end respond_to { |format| format.any { self.formats = [ :xml ] render :action => "_#{@phone_xml_object[:name]}" } } end end def acd if ! params[:function].blank? @function = params[:function] end if ! params[:sip_account].blank? @sip_account = SipAccount.where({ :id => params[:sip_account].to_i }).first end if ! params[:acd].blank? @acd = AutomaticCallDistributor.where({ :id => params[:acd].to_i }).first end if ! @sip_account render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end if ! @acd render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end if ! params[:agent].blank? acd_agent = @acd.acd_agents.where({ :id => params[:agent].to_i }).first end if ! acd_agent render( :status => 404, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end exit_url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}#{request.fullpath.rpartition("/")[0]}/exit.xml" if @function == 'toggle' if acd_agent.status == 'active' acd_agent.status = 'inactive' else acd_agent.status = 'active' end if ! render( :status => 500, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/plain', :text => "", ) return end if acd_agent.status == 'active' @phone_xml_object = { :name => 'snom_phone_text', :title => 'ACD', :prompt => 'ACD', :text => "#{} on", :fetch_url => exit_url, :fetch_mil => '1000', } else @phone_xml_object = { :name => 'snom_phone_text', :title => 'ACD', :prompt => 'ACD', :text => "#{} off", :fetch_url => exit_url, :fetch_mil => '1000', } end respond_to { |format| format.any { self.formats = [ :xml ] render :action => "_#{@phone_xml_object[:name]}" } } end end def exit render( :status => 200, :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/xml', :text => "", ) end def call_date_compact(date) if date.strftime('%Y%m%d') == DateTime::now.strftime('%Y%m%d') return date.strftime('%H:%M') end return date.strftime('%d.%m %H:%M') end end