class PageController < ApplicationController # load_and_authorize_resource :class => false # CanCan doesn't work here really good because Page is not a resource. before_filter :if_fresh_system_then_go_to_wizard skip_before_filter :home_breadcrumb, :only => [:index] def index if current_user redirect_to [current_user.current_tenant, current_user] end end def conference;end def beginners_intro;end private def if_fresh_system_then_go_to_wizard if Tenant.count == 0 && User.count == 0 # This is a brand new system. We need to run a setup first. redirect_to wizards_new_initial_setup_path else if current_user.nil? # You need to login first. redirect_to log_in_path, :alert => I18n.t('pages.controller.access_denied_login_first') end end end end