class PhoneBookEntriesController < ApplicationController load_and_authorize_resource :phone_book load_and_authorize_resource :phone_book_entry, :through => :phone_book, :shallow => true before_filter :spread_breadcrumbs def index # In case this is a search params[:q] or params[:name] will contain the query. # @query = params[:q] @query ||= params[:name] @query = @query.strip if @query if !@query.blank? if @query.match(/^\+?\d+$/) != nil # Find by phone number phone_book_entries_ids ={|entry|} @found_phone_numbers = PhoneNumber. where(:phone_numberable_type => 'PhoneBookEntry', :phone_numberable_id => phone_book_entries_ids). where('number LIKE ?', "#{@query}%") @search_result = @phone_book_entries.where(:id =>{|entry| entry.phone_numberable_id}) elsif @query.match(/^[\"\'](.*)[\"\']$/) != nil # The User searched for =>'example'<= so he wants an EXACT search for that. # This is the fasted and most accurate way of searching. # The order to search is: last_name, first_name and organization. # It stops searching as soon as it finds results. # @query = $1 @search_result = @phone_book_entries.where(:last_name => @query) @search_result = @phone_book_entries.where(:first_name => @query) if @search_result.count == 0 @search_result = @phone_book_entries.where(:organization => @query) if @search_result.count == 0 @exact_search = true else # Search with SQL LIKE # @search_result = @phone_book_entries. where( '( ( last_name LIKE ? ) OR ( first_name LIKE ? ) OR ( organization LIKE ? ) )', "#{@query}%", "#{@query}%", "#{@query}%" ) @exact_search = false end # Let's have a run with our phonetic search. # phonetic_query = PhoneBookEntry.koelner_phonetik(@query) @phonetic_search_result = @phone_book_entries.where(:last_name_phonetic => phonetic_query) @phonetic_search_result = @phone_book_entries.where(:first_name_phonetic => phonetic_query) if @phonetic_search_result.count == 0 @phonetic_search_result = @phone_book_entries.where(:organization_phonetic => phonetic_query) if @phonetic_search_result.count == 0 if @phonetic_search_result.count == 0 # Let's try the search with SQL LIKE. Just in case. # @phonetic_search_result = @phone_book_entries.where( 'last_name_phonetic LIKE ?', "#{phonetic_query}%" ) @phonetic_search_result = @phone_book_entries.where( 'first_name_phonetic LIKE ?', "#{phonetic_query}%" ) if @phonetic_search_result.count == 0 @phonetic_search_result = @phone_book_entries.where( 'organization_phonetic LIKE ?', "#{phonetic_query}%" ) if @phonetic_search_result.count == 0 end @phonetic_search = true if @phonetic_search_result.count > 0 @phone_book_entries = @search_result if @phone_book_entries.count == 0 && @exact_search == false && @phonetic_search @phone_book_entries = @phonetic_search_result end end # Let's sort the results and do pagination. # @phone_book_entries = @phone_book_entries. order([ :last_name, :first_name, :organization ]). paginate( :page => @pagination_page_number, :per_page => DEFAULT_PAGINATION_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE ) end def show end def new @phone_book_entry = @phone_book_entry.is_male = true end def create @phone_book_entry = params[:phone_book_entry] ) if redirect_to phone_book_phone_book_entry_path( @phone_book, @phone_book_entry ), :notice => t('phone_book_entries.controller.successfuly_created', :resource => @phone_book_entry) else render :new end end def edit end def update if @phone_book_entry.update_attributes(params[:phone_book_entry]) redirect_to @phone_book_entry, :notice => t('phone_book_entries.controller.successfuly_updated', :resource => @phone_book_entry) else render :edit end end def destroy @phone_book_entry.destroy redirect_to phone_book_entries_url, :notice => t('phone_book_entries.controller.successfuly_destroyed') end private def spread_breadcrumbs if @phone_book if @phone_book.phone_bookable.class == Tenant add_breadcrumb t("phone_books.index.page_title"), tenant_phone_books_path(@phone_book.phone_bookable) add_breadcrumb @phone_book, tenant_phone_book_path(@phone_book.phone_bookable, @phone_book) add_breadcrumb t("phone_book_entries.index.page_title"), phone_book_phone_book_entries_path(@phone_book) end if @phone_book.phone_bookable.class == User add_breadcrumb t("users.index.page_title"), tenant_users_path(@phone_book.phone_bookable.current_tenant) add_breadcrumb @phone_book.phone_bookable, tenant_user_path(@phone_book.phone_bookable.current_tenant, @phone_book.phone_bookable) add_breadcrumb t("phone_books.index.page_title"), user_phone_books_path(@phone_book.phone_bookable) add_breadcrumb @phone_book, user_phone_book_path(@phone_book.phone_bookable, @phone_book) add_breadcrumb t("phone_book_entries.index.page_title"), phone_book_phone_book_entries_path(@phone_book) end if @phone_book_entry && !@phone_book_entry.new_record? add_breadcrumb @phone_book_entry, phone_book_phone_book_entry_path(@phone_book, @phone_book_entry) end end end end