class PhonesController < ApplicationController load_resource :tenant load_resource :user load_and_authorize_resource :phone, :through => [:tenant, :user] before_filter :set_and_authorize_parent before_filter :spread_breadcrumbs def index end def show end def new used_sip_account_ids = Phone.where(:fallback_sip_account_id => SipAccount.pluck(:id)).pluck(:fallback_sip_account_id) @fallback_sip_accounts = SipAccount.where(:sip_accountable_type => 'Tenant').where(:hotdeskable => true) - SipAccount.where(:id => used_sip_account_ids) @phone = # Use the last phone.phone_model as the default. # @phone.phone_model_id = Phone.last.try(:phone_model).try(:id) end def create @phone =[:phone]) if !@tenant @tenant = @user.current_tenant end @phone.tenant = @tenant if m = method( :"#{}_phone_path" ) redirect_to m.( @phoneable, @phone ), :notice => t('phones.controller.successfuly_created') else render :new end end def edit used_sip_account_ids = Phone.where('fallback_sip_account_id IS NOT NULL AND id != ?', {|r| r.fallback_sip_account_id } @fallback_sip_accounts = SipAccount.where('sip_accountable_type = "Tenant" AND id NOT IN (?)', used_sip_account_ids).all end def update if @phone.update_attributes(params[:phone]) m = method( :"#{}_phone_path" ) redirect_to m.( @phoneable, @phone ), :notice => t('phones.controller.successfuly_updated') else render :edit end end def destroy @phone.destroy m = method( :"#{}_phones_url" ) redirect_to m.( @phoneable ), :notice => t('phones.controller.successfuly_destroyed') end private def set_and_authorize_parent @phoneable = (@user || @tenant) @parent = @phoneable authorize! :read, @parent @nesting_prefix = @phoneable ? "#{}_" : '' end def spread_breadcrumbs if @user add_breadcrumb t('users.index.page_title'), tenant_users_path(@user.current_tenant) add_breadcrumb @user, tenant_user_path(@user.current_tenant, @user) add_breadcrumb t('phones.index.page_title'), user_phones_path(@user) elsif @tenant add_breadcrumb t('phones.index.page_title'), tenant_phones_path(@tenant) end if @phone && !@phone.new_record? add_breadcrumb @phone, method( :"#{}_phone_path" ).(@phone.phoneable, @phone) end end end