class Callthrough < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name, :clip_no_screening, :phone_numbers_attributes, :access_authorizations_attributes, :whitelists_attributes # Validations and Associations # belongs_to :tenant validates_presence_of :tenant_id validates_presence_of :tenant # These are the phone_numbers for this callthrough. # One has to dial this number to access the callthrough. # has_many :phone_numbers, :as => :phone_numberable, :dependent => :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :phone_numbers, :reject_if => lambda { |phone_number| phone_number[:number].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true validate :requires_at_least_one_phone_number # These are the access authorizations for this callthrough. # One has to be known by his phone number or by a login/pin or even both. # has_many :access_authorizations, :as => :access_authorizationable, :dependent => :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :access_authorizations, :reject_if => lambda { |access_authorization| access_authorization[:login].blank? && access_authorization[:pin].blank? && access_authorization[:phone_numbers_attributes]['0'][:number].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true has_many :access_authorization_phone_numbers, :source => :phone_numbers, :through => :access_authorizations, :readonly => true # These are the whitelists of the phone numbers which can be called through this callthrough. # has_many :whitelists, :as => :whitelistable, :dependent => :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :whitelists, :reject_if => lambda { |whitelist| whitelist[:phone_numbers_attributes]['0']['number'].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true has_many :whitelisted_phone_numbers, :source => :phone_numbers, :through => :whitelists, :readonly => true # Delegations: # delegate :sip_domain, :to => :tenant, :allow_nil => true def to_s || I18n.t('') + ' ID ' + end private def requires_at_least_one_phone_number errors.add(:base, "You must provide at least one phone number") if !{|phone_number| phone_number.valid?}.include?(true) end end