class Conference < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name, :start, :end, :description, :pin, :open_for_anybody, :max_members, :announce_new_member_by_name, :announce_left_member_by_name belongs_to :conferenceable, :polymorphic => true, :touch => true has_many :conference_invitees, :dependent => :destroy has_many :phone_numbers, :as => :phone_numberable, :dependent => :destroy validates_presence_of :conferenceable_type, :conferenceable_id validates_presence_of :conferenceable validates_presence_of :name validates_presence_of :start, :if => { |conference| !conference.end.blank? } validates_presence_of :end, :if => { |conference| !conference.start.blank? } validates_presence_of :max_members validates_numericality_of :max_members, :only_integer => true, :greater_than => 0, :less_than => ((GsParameter.get('MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_PEOPLE_IN_A_CONFERENCE').nil? ? 10 : GsParameter.get('MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_PEOPLE_IN_A_CONFERENCE')) + 1), :allow_nil => false, :allow_blank => false validates_inclusion_of :open_for_anybody, :in => [true, false] validates_numericality_of :pin, :only_integer => true, :greater_than => 0, :allow_nil => true, :allow_blank => true validates_length_of :pin, :minimum => (GsParameter.get('MINIMUM_PIN_LENGTH').nil? ? 4 : GsParameter.get('MINIMUM_PIN_LENGTH')), :allow_nil => true, :allow_blank => true validate :start_and_end_dates_must_make_sense, :if => { |conference| !conference.start.blank? && !conference.end.blank? } before_save :send_pin_email_when_pin_has_changed default_scope where(:state => 'active').order(:start) # State Machine stuff state_machine :initial => :active do end def sip_domain self.conferenceable.try(:sip_domain) end def to_s name end private def start_and_end_dates_must_make_sense errors.add(:start, 'must be in the future') if self.start < - 10.minutes errors.add(:end, 'must be later than the start') if self.end < self.start end def send_pin_email_when_pin_has_changed if !self.new_record? && self.conferenceable.class == User && self.pin_changed? Notifications.new_pin(self).deliver end end end