# encoding: utf-8 ## # Backup Generated: gs5_backup # Once configured, you can run the backup with the following command: # # $ backup perform -t gs5_backup [-c ] # Backup::Model.new(:gs5_backup, 'GS5 backup') do ## # Split [Splitter] # # Split the backup file in to chunks of 250 megabytes # if the backup file size exceeds 250 megabytes # split_into_chunks_of 640 ## # MySQL [Database] # database MySQL do |db| # To dump all databases, set `db.name = :all` (or leave blank) db.name = system_odbc_configuration['gemeinschaft']['DATABASE'] db.username = system_odbc_configuration['gemeinschaft']['USER'] db.password = system_odbc_configuration['gemeinschaft']['PASSWORD'] db.host = "localhost" db.port = 3306 db.socket = "/tmp/mysql.sock" # Note: when using `skip_tables` with the `db.name = :all` option, # table names should be prefixed with a database name. # e.g. ["db_name.table_to_skip", ...] db.skip_tables = ["skip", "these", "tables"] db.only_tables = ["only", "these" "tables"] db.additional_options = ["--quick", "--single-transaction"] # Optional: Use to set the location of this utility # if it cannot be found by name in your $PATH # db.mysqldump_utility = "/opt/local/bin/mysqldump" end ## # Local (Copy) [Storage] # store_with Local do |local| local.path = "/var/backups/gs5" local.keep = 5 end ## # Gzip [Compressor] # compress_with Gzip end