class HuntGroupMember < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name, :active, :can_switch_status_itself, :phone_numbers_attributes belongs_to :hunt_group validates_presence_of :hunt_group has_many :phone_numbers, :as => :phone_numberable, :dependent => :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :phone_numbers, :reject_if => lambda { |phone_number| phone_number[:number].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true acts_as_list :scope => :hunt_group after_save :set_presence after_save :trigger_connected_call_forward_if_necessary def to_s || I18n.t('') + ' ID ' + end private def set_presence dialplan_function = nil state = 'terminated' if state = 'confirmed' end require 'freeswitch_event' event ="PRESENCE_IN") event.add_header("proto", "sip") event.add_header("from", "f-hgmtg-#{}@#{}") event.add_header("event_type", "presence") event.add_header("alt_event_type", "dialog") event.add_header("presence-call-direction", "outbound") event.add_header("answer-state", state) event.add_header("unique-id", "hunt_group_member_#{}") return end # Turn on/off a connected CallForward. # The last member who leaves the hunt_group deactivates the CallForward and the # first member actives it. # def trigger_connected_call_forward_if_necessary if self.active_changed? && self.hunt_group.hunt_group_members.count > 0 # deactive CallForward # if self.hunt_group.hunt_group_members.where(:active => false).count == self.hunt_group.hunt_group_members.count self.hunt_group.call_forwards.where(:active => true).each do |x| x.update_attributes({:active => false}) end end # active CallForward # if self.hunt_group.hunt_group_members.where(:active => true).count > 0 self.hunt_group.call_forwards.where(:active => false).each do |x| x.update_attributes({:active => true}) end end end end end