- conf_call_topic = "The next big thing" - title "Conference Call \u2013 Topic: #{conf_call_topic}" %section.conference %section.panel.speakers.first %header %h3 Speakers ~# Naming this class message, since when you add or chat you're sending ~# a message to the server. %form.message %input{:placeholder => '# '} .actors - 2.times do .actor .info - user = current_user #FIXME - avatar_url = user.image_url(:mini) || 'stubs/user-36x.jpg' = image_tag avatar_url.to_s, :class => 'display', :alt => "[ ]" %span.name Fake Stefan %span.status Joined at 03:00 .voice-actions %a.make.listener{ :href => '#', :title => "Make listener" } Make listener %a.voice.unmuted{ :href => '#', :title => "Mute" } Mute %a.remove{ :href => '#', :title => "Remove from conference" } Remove %section.panel.listeners %header %h3 Listeners ~# Naming this class message, since when you add or chat you're sending ~# a message to the server. %form.message %input{:placeholder => '# '} .actors - 5.times do .actor .info - user = current_user #FIXME - avatar_url = user.image_url(:mini) || 'stubs/user-36x.jpg' = image_tag avatar_url.to_s, :class => 'display', :alt => "[ ]" %span.name Fake Stefan %span.status Joined at 03:00 .voice-actions %a.make.speaker{ :href => '#', :title => "Make speaker" } Make speaker %a.voice.unmuted{ :href => '#', :title => "Mute" } Mute %a.remove{ :href => '#', :title => "Remove from conference" } Remove %section.panel.log.last %header %h3 Log ~# Naming this class message, since when you add or chat you're sending ~# a message to the server. %form.message %input{:placeholder => 'Write a Message...'} .messages %div %span.name Mario: %span.content Sorry for the Delay! %div.status %span.name 03:11: %span.content Fake Stefan is now a Speaker. %div.status %span.name 03:10: %span.content Stefan Wintermeyer Left. %div %span.name Stefan: %span.content Hello World. %div.status %span.name 03:00: %span.content Stefan Wintermeyer Joined. %div %span.name Herpiti Derp: %span.content Cool Conference Room! %div %span.name Pamela: %span.content I'm here to sing along.