- title nil %section.phone-book-entry .content %header %h1.username %a= @phone_book_entry - if !@phone_book_entry.organization.blank? .work %a= @phone_book_entry.organization - if !@phone_book_entry.department.blank? \/ = @phone_book_entry.department - if !@phone_book_entry.job_title.blank? \/ = @phone_book_entry.job_title .personal - if !@phone_book_entry.nickname.blank? %span.nickname a.k.a %strong= @phone_book_entry.nickname - if @phone_book_entry.birthday %span.birthday = l(@phone_book_entry.birthday) .tags %a Developer , %a Worked With , %a Friend %section.activity %h2 User Log = form_tag '/entry-whatever' do %textarea{ :placeholder => "Leave a comment ..." } .comment = image_tag @phone_book_entry.image_url(:mini).to_s, :class => 'display' .info %span.commenter Random User %span.time at 10:00 of Today .body I'm really tired and I still have to pack part of my baggage... - 3.times do .entry.voice-message %span.motive Stefan Wintermeyer left you a voice message 4 minutes ago. %span.timestamp 10:30 03/11/2011 .entry.phone %span.motive Called Stefan Wintermeyer at %a Work with a duration of 5 minutes. %span.timestamp 10:30 03/11/2011 .comment = image_tag @phone_book_entry.image_url(:mini).to_s, :class => 'display' .info %span.commenter Random User %span.time at 10:00 of Today .body I'm really tired and I still have to pack part of my baggage... .entry.fax %span.motive Stefan Wintermeyer sent you a fax with 3 pages. %span.timestamp 10:30 03/11/2011 .entry.phone-down %span.motive Missed call from Stephan Wintermeyer. %span.timestamp 10:30 03/11/2011 .sidebar = image_tag @phone_book_entry.image_url(:profile).to_s, :class => 'display' %p.description = @phone_book_entry.description .widget.phones - @phone_book_entry.phone_numbers.each do |phone_number| - case phone_number.name - when /fax/ .fax %a= phone_number %span= phone_number.name - when /home/ .home %a= phone_number %span= phone_number.name - when /mobile/ .cellphone %a= phone_number %span= phone_number.name - when /office/ .office %a= phone_number %span= phone_number.name - else .phone %a= phone_number %span= phone_number.name = link_to t('phone_book_entries.show.manage_phone_numbers'), phone_book_entry_phone_numbers_path(@phone_book_entry) .widget.adresses - @phone_book_entry.addresses.each do |address| .home %strong - if !address.line1.blank? = address.line1 %br - if !address.line2.blank? = address.line1 %br - if !address.street.blank? = address.street %br - if !address.city.blank? = "#{address.city} #{address.zip_code}" %br - if !address.country.blank? = address.country.to_s %br / %span Home / .office .widget.social - if !@phone_book_entry.homepage_organization.blank? .home %a= @phone_book_entry.homepage_organization %span www - if !@phone_book_entry.homepage_personal.blank? .home %a= @phone_book_entry.homepage_personal %span www - if !@phone_book_entry.twitter_account.blank? .twitter %a= @phone_book_entry.twitter_account %span Twitter - if !@phone_book_entry.google_plus_account.blank? .google_plus %a= @phone_book_entry.google_plus_account %span Google+ - if !@phone_book_entry.facebook_account.blank? .facebook %a= @phone_book_entry.facebook_account %span Facebook - if !@phone_book_entry.xing_account.blank? .xing %a= @phone_book_entry.xing_account %span Xing - if !@phone_book_entry.linkedin_account.blank? .linkedin %a= @phone_book_entry.linkedin_account %span LinkedIn - if !@phone_book_entry.mobileme_account.blank? .mobileme %a= @phone_book_entry.mobileme_account %span MobileMe / = debug @phone_book_entry.attributes / %p / %strong= t('phone_book_entries.show.first_name') + ":" / = @phone_book_entry.first_name / %p / %strong= t('phone_book_entries.show.middle_name') + ":" / = @phone_book_entry.middle_name / %p / %strong= t('phone_book_entries.show.last_name') + ":" / = @phone_book_entry.last_name / %p / %strong= t('phone_book_entries.show.title') + ":" / = @phone_book_entry.title / %p / %strong= t('phone_book_entries.show.nickname') + ":" / = @phone_book_entry.nickname / %p / %strong= t('phone_book_entries.show.organization') + ":" / = @phone_book_entry.organization / %p / %strong= t('phone_book_entries.show.department') + ":" / = @phone_book_entry.department / %p / %strong= t('phone_book_entries.show.job_title') + ":" / = @phone_book_entry.job_title / / %p / = link_to t('phone_book_entries.show.actions.edit'), edit_phone_book_phone_book_entry_path( @phone_book_entry.phone_book, @phone_book_entry ) / | / - if can? :destroy, @phone_book_entry / = link_to t('phone_book_entries.show.actions.destroy'), phone_book_phone_book_entry_path( @phone_book_entry.phone_book, @phone_book_entry ), :confirm => t('phone_book_entries.show.actions.confirm'), :method => :delete / / - if @phone_book_entry.phone_numbers.count > 0 / = render "phone_numbers/index_core", :phone_numbers => @phone_book_entry.phone_numbers /