- cache([I18n.locale, @tenant, UserGroup.count, UserGroup.order(:updated_at).last, User.count, User.order(:updated_at).last, Manufacturer.all]) do %p You belong to the = link_to 'admin group', tenant_user_group_path(@tenant, @tenant.user_groups.find_by_name('Admins')) and therefore have super powers. But always remember Peter Parker's: "With great power comes great responsibility." %p = succeed '.' do This tenant has = link_to pluralize(@tenant.user_groups.count, 'user group'), tenant_user_groups_path(@tenant) - if @tenant.user_groups.count < 5 = "(#{@tenant.user_groups.order(:name).map{|group| group.to_s }.join(', ')})" which handle a total of = link_to pluralize(@tenant.users.count, 'user'), tenant_users_path(@tenant) This system can setup = PhoneModel.count different phone models from the manufacturers - Manufacturer.all.each do |manufacturer| - if manufacturer != Manufacturer.last && manufacturer != Manufacturer.limit(Manufacturer.count - 1).last = succeed ', ' do =link_to manufacturer, manufacturer_path(manufacturer) - elsif manufacturer == Manufacturer.limit(Manufacturer.count - 1).last = succeed ' and ' do =link_to manufacturer, manufacturer_path(manufacturer) - else = succeed '.' do =link_to manufacturer, manufacturer_path(manufacturer) = render :partial => 'tenants/sip_accounts_and_phones', :locals => {:tenant => @tenant} = render :partial => 'tenants/table_of_functions', :locals => {:tenant => @tenant} = render :partial => 'tenants/table_of_phone_books', :locals => {:tenant => @tenant}