%h2 Admin Area = render :partial => 'tenants/sip_accounts_and_phones', :locals => {:tenant => @tenant} %h2= t("users.index.page_title") - if @tenant.users.count <= GsParameter.get('NUMBER_OF_SHOWN_ITEMS') = render "users/index_core", :users => @tenant.users = render :partial => 'shared/create_link', :locals => {:parent => @tenant, :child_class => User} - else %p = link_to "Liste aller User.", tenant_users_path(@tenant) - if @tenant.user_groups.any? %h2= t("user_groups.index.page_title") = render "user_groups/index_core", :user_groups => @tenant.user_groups = render :partial => 'shared/create_link', :locals => {:parent => @tenant, :child_class => UserGroup} %h2 Features = render :partial => 'tenants/table_of_functions', :locals => {:tenant => @tenant} %h2=t("phone_books.index.page_title") = render :partial => 'tenants/table_of_phone_books', :locals => {:tenant => @tenant} %h2 Gemeinschaft Configuration = render :partial => 'tenants/gs_parameter_table', :locals => {:tenant => @tenant} %p This system can setup = PhoneModel.count different phone models from the manufacturers - Manufacturer.all.each do |manufacturer| - if manufacturer != Manufacturer.last && manufacturer != Manufacturer.limit(Manufacturer.count - 1).last = succeed ', ' do =link_to manufacturer, manufacturer_path(manufacturer) - elsif manufacturer == Manufacturer.limit(Manufacturer.count - 1).last = succeed ' and ' do =link_to manufacturer, manufacturer_path(manufacturer) - else = succeed '.' do =link_to manufacturer, manufacturer_path(manufacturer)