en: automatic_call_distributors: name: 'ACD' controller: successfuly_created: 'Successfully created ACD.' successfuly_updated: 'Successfully updated ACD.' successfuly_destroyed: 'Successfully destroyed ACD.' index: page_title: 'ACDs' uuid: 'UUID' name: 'Name' strategy: 'Strategy' automatic_call_distributorable_type: 'Automatic call distributorable type' automatic_call_distributorable_id: 'Automatic call distributorable' max_callers: 'Max callers' agent_timeout: 'Agent timeout' retry_timeout: 'Retry timeout' join: 'Join' leave: 'Leave' phone_numbers: 'Phone numbers' acd_agents: 'Agents' gs_node_id: 'Gs node' announce_position: 'Announce position' announce_call_agents: 'Accounce calling' greeting: 'Greeting' goodbye: 'Goodbye' music: 'Music' actions: confirm_destroy: 'Are you sure you want to delete this ACD?' destroy: 'Delete' edit: 'Edit' show: 'View' create: 'New' create_for: 'New ACD for %{resource}' show: page_title: 'Show ACD' uuid: 'UUID' name: 'Name' strategy: 'Strategy' automatic_call_distributorable_type: 'Automatic call distributorable type' automatic_call_distributorable_id: 'Automatic call distributorable' max_callers: 'Max callers' agent_timeout: 'Agent timeout' retry_timeout: 'Retry timeout' join: 'Join' leave: 'Leave' gs_node_id: 'Gs node' announce_position: 'Announce position' announce_call_agents: 'Accounce call' greeting: 'Greeting' goodbye: 'Goodbye' music: 'Music' actions: confirm_destroy: 'Are you sure you want to delete this element?' destroy: 'Delete' edit: 'Edit' view_all: 'View All' new: page_title: 'New ACD' actions: back_to_list: 'Back to Index' edit: page_title: 'Editing ACD' actions: back_to_list: 'Back to Index' edit: 'Edit' view_all: 'View All' form: uuid: label: 'UUID' hint: '' name: label: 'Name' hint: '' strategy: label: 'Strategy' hint: '' automatic_call_distributorable_type: label: 'Automatic call distributorable type' hint: '' automatic_call_distributorable_id: label: 'Automatic call distributorable' hint: '' max_callers: label: 'Max callers' hint: '' agent_timeout: label: 'Agent timeout' hint: '' retry_timeout: label: 'Retry timeout' hint: '' join: label: 'Join' hint: '' leave: label: 'Leave' hint: '' gs_node_id: label: 'Gs node' hint: '' announce_position: label: 'Announce position' hint: '' announce_call_agents: label: 'Accounce calling' hint: '' greeting: label: 'Greeting' hint: '' goodbye: label: 'Goodbye' hint: '' music: label: 'Music' hint: '' button: 'Submit' strategies: round_robin: 'Round robin' ring_all: 'Ring all' join_on: agents_available: 'Agents available' agents_active: 'Agents active' always: 'Always' leave_on: no_agents_available_timeout: 'No agents available or timeout' no_agents_active_timeout: 'No agents active or timeout' no_agents_available: 'No agents available' no_agents_active: 'No agents active' timeout: 'Timeout' never: 'Never' announce_position: never: 'Never' on_change_only: 'After a position update' every_x_seconds: "Every %{x_seconds} seconds and after each position update"