en: call_histories: name: 'Call History' controller: successfuly_created: 'Successfully created call log entry.' successfuly_updated: 'Successfully updated call log entry.' successfuly_destroyed: 'Successfully destroyed call log entry.' index: page_title: 'Call History' page_title_missed: 'Missed calls' page_title_dialed: 'Placed calls' page_title_received: 'Received calls' page_title_forwarded: 'Forwarded calls' count: 'Number of entries' missed: 'Missed' dialed: 'Placed' received: 'Received' forwarded: 'Forwarded' all: 'All' date_format: '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M' date_today_format: '%H:%M' forwarded_by: 'via' navigation: missed: 'Missed:%{calls}' dialed: 'Placed:%{calls}' received: 'Received:%{calls}' forwarded: 'Forwarded:%{calls}' all: 'All:%{calls}' actions: confirm_destroy: 'Are you sure you want to delete this call log entry?' confirm_selected: 'Are you sure you want to delete all selected entries?' destroy: 'Delete' destroy_multiple: 'Delete selected entries' edit: 'Edit' show: 'View' create: 'New' create_for: 'New call log entry for %{resource}' call: 'Call' show: page_title: 'Call History' name: 'Name' description: 'Description' actions: confirm_destroy: 'Are you sure you want to delete this call log entry?' destroy: 'Delete call log entry' edit: 'Edit call log entry' view_all: 'View all call log entries' new: page_title: 'New call log entry' edit: page_title: 'Editing call log "%{resource}"' form: name: label: 'Name' hint: '' description: label: 'Description' hint: '' button: 'Submit' call_results: UNSPECIFIED: '' ORIGINATOR_CANCEL: 'Cancelled' UNALLOCATED_NUMBER: 'Unallocated number' NO_USER_RESPONSE: 'No user response' NOANSWER: 'No answer' USER_NOT_REGISTERED: 'Offline' USER_BUSY: 'Busy'