en: fax_accounts: name: 'Fax account' controller: successfuly_created: 'Successfully created fax account.' successfuly_updated: 'Successfully updated fax account.' successfuly_destroyed: 'Successfully destroyed fax account.' index: page_title: 'Fax accounts' name: 'Name' station_id: 'Station ID' email: 'E-Mail' phone_numbers: 'Phone numbers' days_till_auto_delete: 'Day till auto delete' thumbnails: 'Thumbnails' received: 'Received' sent: 'Sent' retries: 'Retries' last_update: 'last update' send_a_fax: 'send a fax' actions: confirm_destroy: 'Are you sure you want to delete this fax account?' destroy: 'Delete' edit: 'Edit' show: 'View' create: 'New' create_for: 'New fax account for %{resource}' show: page_title: 'Show fax account' name: 'Name' station_id: 'Station ID' email: 'E-Mail' days_till_auto_delete: 'Day till auto delete' retries: 'Retries' actions: confirm_destroy: 'Are you sure you want to delete this fax account?' destroy: 'Delete' edit: 'Edit' view_all: 'View All' new: page_title: 'New fax account' edit: page_title: 'Editing fax account' form: name: label: 'Name' hint: '' station_id: label: 'Station ID' hint: 'This string will be displayed in the top row of a fax before the fax number.' email: label: 'E-Mail' hint: 'A PDF of each received fax will be send by e-mail to this address.' days_till_auto_delete: label: 'Days till auto delete' hint: 'Number of days after faxes can be automaticaly deleted in the system to save storage space.' retries: label: 'Retries' hint: 'Number of times the system retries to send the fax in case the destination is busy.' button: 'Submit'