en: phone_book_entries: name: "Phone Book Entries" controller: successfuly_created: 'Successfully created phone book entry "%{resource}".' successfuly_updated: 'Successfully updated phone book entry "%{resource}".' successfuly_destroyed: 'Successfully destroyed phone book entry.' index: page_title: 'Phone book entries' phone_book_id: 'Phone book' first_name: 'First name' middle_name: 'Middle name' last_name: 'Last name' title: 'Title' nickname: 'Nickname' organization: 'Organization' is_organization: 'Is organization' department: 'Department' job_title: 'Job title' is_male: 'Is male' birthday: 'Birthday' birth_name: 'Birth name' state: 'State' description: 'Description' position: 'Position' homepage_personal: 'Homepage personal' homepage_organization: 'Homepage organization' twitter_account: 'Twitter account' facebook_account: 'Facebook account' google_plus_account: 'Google+ account' xing_account: 'Xing account' linkedin_account: 'LinkedIn account' mobileme_account: 'iCloud account' more_numbers: 'plus %{numbers} more' available_phone_books: 'Available phone books:' create_new_phone_book_entry: 'create a new entry' actions: confirm_destroy: 'Are you sure you want to delete this phone book entry?' destroy: 'Delete' edit: 'Edit' show: 'View' create: 'New' create_for: 'New phone book entry for %{resource}' show: page_title: 'Phone book entry for "%{resource}"' phone_book_id: 'Phone book' first_name: 'First name' middle_name: 'Middle name' last_name: 'Last name' title: 'Title' nickname: 'Nickname' organization: 'Organization' is_organization: 'Is organization' department: 'Department' job_title: 'Job title' is_male: 'Is male' birthday: 'Birthday' birth_name: 'Birth name' state: 'State' description: 'Description' position: 'Position' homepage_personal: 'Homepage personal' homepage_organization: 'Homepage organization' twitter_account: 'Twitter account' facebook_account: 'Facebook account' google_plus_account: 'Google+ account' xing_account: 'Xing account' linkedin_account: 'LinkedIn account' mobileme_account: 'iCloud account' manage_phone_number: 'Manage phone number.' actions: confirm_destroy: 'Are you sure you want to delete this phone book entry?' destroy: 'Delete phone book entry' edit: 'Edit phone book entry' view_all: 'View all phone book entries' new: page_title: 'New entry' edit: page_title: 'Editing phone book entry' form: phone_book_id: label: 'Phone book' hint: '' first_name: label: 'First name' hint: '' middle_name: label: 'Middle name' hint: '' gender: label: 'Gender' hint: '' male: "Male" female: "Female" last_name: label: 'Last name' hint: '' title: label: 'Academic title' hint: 'Dr.' nickname: label: 'Nickname' hint: '' organization: label: 'Company name' hint: 'Organization' is_organization: label: 'Is organization' hint: '' department: label: 'Department' hint: '' job_title: label: 'Job title' hint: 'CEO' is_male: label: 'Is male' hint: '' birthday: label: 'Birthday' hint: '' birth_name: label: 'Name at birth' hint: '' state: label: 'State' hint: '' description: label: 'Description' hint: '' position: label: 'Position' hint: '' homepage_personal: label: 'Personal Home Page' hint: '' homepage_organization: label: 'Organization Home Page' hint: 'http://www.example.com' twitter_account: label: 'Twitter account' hint: '@example' facebook_account: label: 'Facebook account' hint: '' google_plus_account: label: 'Google+ account' hint: '' xing_account: label: 'Xing account' hint: '' linkedin_account: label: 'LinkedIn account' hint: '' mobileme_account: label: 'iCloud account' hint: '' image: label: 'Photo' hint: 'Avatar photo' button: 'Submit'