en: softkeys: functions: speed_dial: 'Speed Dial' blf: 'BLF' dtmf: 'DTMF' log_in: 'Log in' log_out: 'Log out' conference: 'Conference' call_forwarding: 'Toggle Call Forwarding' hold: 'Hold' hunt_group_membership: 'Hunt Group' deactivated: 'Deactivated' acd_membership: 'ACD' name: 'Softkey' controller: successfuly_created: 'Successfully created softkeys.' successfuly_updated: 'Successfully updated softkeys.' successfuly_destroyed: 'Successfully destroyed softkeys.' index: page_title: 'Softkeys' phone_id: 'Phone' function: 'Function' number: 'Number' label: 'Label' position: 'Position' actions: confirm_destroy: 'Are you sure you want to delete this softkey?' destroy: 'Delete' edit: 'Edit' show: 'View' create: 'New softkey' create_for: 'New softkey for %{resource}' show: page_title: 'Show softkey' phone_id: 'Phone' function: 'Function' number: 'Number' label: 'Label' position: 'Position' call_forward: 'Call forward' actions: confirm_destroy: 'Are you sure you want to delete this softkey?' destroy: 'Delete' edit: 'Edit' view_all: 'View All' new: page_title: 'New softkey' edit: page_title: 'Editing softkey' form: function: label: 'Function' hint: '' call_forward: label: 'Call forward' hint: '' number: label: 'Number' hint: '' label: label: 'Label' hint: '' button: 'Submit'