en: tenants: name: "Tenant" new_name_scaffold: 'Snake Oil Ltd.' controller: successfuly_created: 'Successfully created the tenant "%{resource}".' successfuly_created_plus_delayed_jobs: 'Successfully created the tenant "%{resource}". A total of %{amount_of_numbers} extensions and external numbers is being proccessed in the background. Depending on your hardware that can take a couple of minutes.' successfuly_updated: 'Successfully updated tenant.' successfuly_destroyed: 'Successfully destroyed tenant.' index: page_title: 'Tenants' name: 'Name' description: 'Description' state: 'State' position: 'Position' from_field_voicemail_email: 'Voicemail sender' from_field_pin_change_email: 'PIN change sender' actions: confirm_destroy: 'Are you sure you want to delete this tenant?' destroy: 'Delete' edit: 'Edit' show: 'View' create: 'New' show: page_title: 'Show Tenant' name: 'Name' description: 'Description' state: 'State' position: 'Position' from_field_voicemail_email: 'Voicemail sender' from_field_pin_change_email: 'PIN change sender' actions: confirm_destroy: 'Are you sure you want to delete this tenant?' destroy: 'Delete' edit: 'Edit' view_all: 'View all tenants' new: page_title: 'New Tenant' edit: page_title: 'Editing Tenant %{resource}' form: phone_numbers: 'Phone numbers' intro: 'Gemeinschaft is strict with phone numbers. You need to define the range of available numbers.' name: label: 'Name' hint: '' description: label: 'Description' hint: '' country_id: label: 'Country' hint: '' language_id: label: 'Language' hint: '' sip_domain: label: 'SIP domain' hint: '' from_field_voicemail_email: label: 'Voicemail sender' hint: 'From field for e-mails with voicemails.' from_field_pin_change_email: label: 'PIN change sender' hint: 'From field for e-mails about PIN changes.' internal_extension_ranges: label: 'Internal extensions' hint: 'Define ranges (e.g. "10-99", "10-20,50-85" or "150-299").' did_list: label: 'External numbers' hint: 'These are the phone numbers which can be called from the outside (seperated by commas). The x represents all internal extensions (can be added to a trunk number). You can mix MSNs and DIDs. Examples: "0228-12345x, 0228-123450" (this would be the solution for most companies), "0228-123456", "0228-123456,0228-123999"' button: 'Submit' switch_to_tenant: "Switch to tenant"