class CreateCallsActive < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up execute %q{CREATE VIEW calls_active AS SELECT a.uuid AS uuid, a.direction AS direction, a.created_epoch AS start_stamp, a.cid_name AS caller_id_name, a.cid_num AS caller_id_number, a.dest AS destination, AS sip_account_id, d.caller_name AS sip_caller_name, a.callee_name as callee_name, a.callee_num as callee_number, a.callstate AS callstate, a.read_codec AS read_codec, a.read_rate AS read_rate, a.read_bit_rate AS read_bit_rate, a.write_codec AS write_codec, a.write_rate AS write_rate, a.write_bit_rate AS write_bit_rate, AS secure, b.uuid AS b_uuid, b.cid_name AS b_caller_id_name, b.cid_num AS b_caller_id_number, AS b_sip_account_id, e.caller_name AS b_sip_caller_name FROM channels a LEFT JOIN calls c ON a.uuid = c.caller_uuid AND a.hostname = c.hostname LEFT JOIN channels b ON b.uuid = c.callee_uuid AND b.hostname = c.hostname LEFT JOIN sip_accounts d ON a.presence_id LIKE CONCAT(d.auth_name, "@%") LEFT JOIN sip_accounts e ON b.presence_id LIKE CONCAT(e.auth_name, "@%") WHERE a.uuid = c.caller_uuid OR a.uuid NOT IN (select callee_uuid from calls)} end def self.down execute "DROP VIEW calls_active" end end