class ActiveRecord::Base before_validation :populate_uuid, :on => :create before_validation :populate_gs_node_id, :on => :create # Set a UUID. # def populate_uuid if self.attribute_names.include?('uuid') && self.uuid.blank? uuid = self.uuid = uuid.generate end end # Set the gs_node_id if not already set. # def populate_gs_node_id if self.attribute_names.include?('gs_node_id') && self.gs_node_id.blank? self.gs_node_id = GsNode.where(:ip_address => HOMEBASE_IP_ADDRESS).first.try(:id) end end # Create a new GsClusterSyncLogEntry. # This will be populated automatically to GsNode.all.where(...) # def create_on_other_gs_nodes(association_method = nil, association_uuid = nil) action_on_other_gs_nodes('create', self.to_json, nil, association_method, association_uuid) end def destroy_on_other_gs_nodes action_on_other_gs_nodes('destroy', self.to_json) end def update_on_other_gs_nodes(association_method = nil, association_uuid = nil) action_on_other_gs_nodes('update', self.changes.to_json, 'Changed: ' + self.changed.to_json, association_method, association_uuid) end def action_on_other_gs_nodes(action, content, history = nil, association_method = nil, association_uuid = nil) # One doesn't make sense without the other. # if association_method.blank? || association_uuid.blank? association_method = nil association_uuid = nil end history = nil if history.blank? if !self.attribute_names.include?('is_native') logger.error "Couldn't #{action} #{self.class} with the ID #{} on other GsNodes because #{self.class} doesn't have a is_native attribute." else if self.is_native != false if defined? WRITE_GS_CLUSTER_SYNC_LOG && WRITE_GS_CLUSTER_SYNC_LOG == true if !(defined? $gs_cluster_loop_protection) || $gs_cluster_loop_protection != true begin GsClusterSyncLogEntry.create( :class_name =>, :action => action, :content => content, :history => history, :homebase_ip_address => HOMEBASE_IP_ADDRESS, :waiting_to_be_synced => true, :association_method => association_method, :association_uuid => association_uuid ) rescue logger.error "Couldn't add action: #{action} for #{self.class} with the ID #{} to gs_cluster_log_entries." end end end end end end end