class <%= user_class_name %> < ActiveRecord::Base <%- if options[:authlogic] -%> acts_as_authentic <%- else -%> # new columns need to be added here to be writable through mass assignment attr_accessible :username, :email, :password, :password_confirmation attr_accessor :password before_save :prepare_password validates_presence_of :username validates_uniqueness_of :username, :email, :allow_blank => true validates_format_of :username, :with => /^[-\w\._@]+$/i, :allow_blank => true, :message => "should only contain letters, numbers, or .-_@" validates_format_of :email, :with => /^[-a-z0-9_+\.]+\@([-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z0-9]{2,4}$/i validates_presence_of :password, :on => :create validates_confirmation_of :password validates_length_of :password, :minimum => 4, :allow_blank => true # login can be either username or email address def self.authenticate(login, pass) <%= user_singular_name %> = find_by_username(login) || find_by_email(login) return <%= user_singular_name %> if <%= user_singular_name %> && <%= user_singular_name %>.password_hash == <%= user_singular_name %>.encrypt_password(pass) end def encrypt_password(pass) BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(pass, password_salt) end private def prepare_password unless password.blank? self.password_salt = BCrypt::Engine.generate_salt self.password_hash = encrypt_password(password) end end <%- end -%> end