-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: call forwarding class -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012-2013 -- module(...,package.seeall) CallForwarding = {} -- Create CallForwarding object function CallForwarding.new(self, arg, object) arg = arg or {} object = arg.object or {} setmetatable(object, self); self.__index = self self.log = arg.log; self.database = arg.database; self.record = arg.record; self.domain = arg.domain; self.parent = arg.parent; return object; end -- Find call forwarding by id function CallForwarding.find_by_id(self, id) local sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `call_forwards` WHERE `id`= ' .. tonumber(id) .. ' LIMIT 1'; local record = nil self.database:query(sql_query, function(entry) record = entry; end) if record then call_forwarding = CallForwarding:new(self) call_forwarding.record = record return call_forwarding end return nil end function CallForwarding.list_by_owner(self, call_forwardable_id, call_forwardable_type, caller_ids) require 'common.str'; if not tonumber(call_forwardable_id) or common.str.blank(call_forwardable_type) then return {}; end local sql_query = 'SELECT \ `a`.`destination` AS `number`, \ `a`.`destinationable_id` AS `id`, \ `a`.`destinationable_type` AS `type`, \ `a`.`call_forwardable_id`, \ `a`.`call_forwardable_type`, \ `a`.`timeout`, `a`.`depth`, \ `a`.`source`, \ `b`.`value` AS `service` \ FROM `call_forwards` `a` JOIN `call_forward_cases` `b` ON `a`.`call_forward_case_id` = `b`.`id` \ WHERE `a`.`call_forwardable_id`= ' .. tonumber(call_forwardable_id) .. ' \ AND `a`.`call_forwardable_type`= ' .. self.database:escape(call_forwardable_type, '"') .. ' \ AND `a`.`active` IS TRUE'; local call_forwarding_entries = {}; self.database:query(sql_query, function(forwarding_entry) local entry_match = false; if common.str.blank(forwarding_entry.source) then entry_match = true; else local sources = common.str.strip_to_a(forwarding_entry.source, ',') for source_index=1, #sources do for caller_id_index=1, #caller_ids do if caller_ids[caller_id_index]:match(sources[source_index]) then entry_match = true; self.log:debug('CALL_FORWARDING - source match: ', sources[source_index], ' ~ ', caller_ids[caller_id_index] ); break; end end end end if entry_match then call_forwarding_entries[forwarding_entry.service] = forwarding_entry; self.log:debug('CALL_FORWARDING - ', call_forwardable_type, '=', call_forwardable_id, ', service: ', forwarding_entry.service, ', destination: ',forwarding_entry.type, '=', forwarding_entry.id, ', number: ', forwarding_entry.number); end end) return call_forwarding_entries; end function CallForwarding.presence_set(self, presence_state, id) id = id or self.record.id; if not id or not presence_state then return; end require 'dialplan.presence' local presence = dialplan.presence.Presence:new(); presence:init{log = self.log, accounts = { 'f-cftg-' .. id }, domain = self.domain, uuid = 'call_forwarding_' .. id}; return presence:set(presence_state); end function CallForwarding.service_id_by_name(self, service_name) local service_id = nil; sql_query = 'SELECT `id` FROM `call_forward_cases` WHERE `value` = ' .. self.database:escape(service_name, '"'); self.database:query(sql_query, function(record) service_id = tonumber(record.id); end); return service_id; end function CallForwarding.camelize_type(self, account_type) ACCOUNT_TYPES = { sipaccount = 'SipAccount', conference = 'Conference', faxaccount = 'FaxAccount', callthrough = 'Callthrough', huntgroup = 'HuntGroup', automaticcalldistributor = 'AutomaticCallDistributor', } return ACCOUNT_TYPES[account_type] or account_type; end function CallForwarding.call_forwarding_on(self, service, destination, destination_type, timeout, source) require 'common.str' if source then sql_query = 'SELECT `id`, `destination`, `destinationable_type`, `destinationable_id`, `call_forward_case_id`, `position`, `timeout` FROM `call_forwards` \ WHERE `call_forwardable_id` = ' .. self.parent.id .. ' \ AND `call_forwardable_type` = "' .. self.parent.class .. '" \ AND `call_forward_case_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `call_forward_cases` WHERE `value` = "' .. service .. '") \ AND `source` = "' .. source .. '" ORDER BY `active` DESC LIMIT 1'; else sql_query = 'SELECT `id`, `destination`, `destinationable_type`, `destinationable_id`, `call_forward_case_id`, `position`, `timeout` FROM `call_forwards` \ WHERE `call_forwardable_id` = ' .. self.parent.id .. ' \ AND `call_forwardable_type` = "' .. self.parent.class .. '" \ AND `call_forward_case_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `call_forward_cases` WHERE `value` = "' .. service .. '") \ AND (`source` = "" OR `source` IS NULL) ORDER BY `active` DESC LIMIT 1'; end destination_type = destination_type or 'PhoneNumber'; local destination_id = nil; destination = destination or ''; local service_id = nil; local entry_id = nil; self.database:query(sql_query, function(record) entry_id = tonumber(record.id); service_id = record.call_forward_case_id; timeout = tonumber(timeout) or tonumber(record.timeout); if common.str.blank(destination) then if not common.str.blank(record.destinationable_type) then destination_type = common.str.downcase(record.destinationable_type); end if not common.str.blank(record.destination) then destination = record.destination; end destination_id = tonumber(record.destinationable_id); end end) if service == 'noanswer' then timeout = tonumber(timeout) or '30'; else timeout = nil; end if destination == '' and not estination_id and destination_type:lower() ~= 'voicemail' then self.log:notice('CALL_FORWARDING_ON ', service, ' - for: ', self.parent.class, '=', self.parent.id, '/', self.parent.uuid,' - destination not specified: ', destination_type, '=', destination_id); return false; end if not tonumber(service_id) then service_id = self:service_id_by_name(service); end local call_forwarding_record = { id = entry_id, active = true, uuid = { 'UUID()', raw = true }, updated_at = { 'NOW()', raw = true }, created_at = { 'NOW()', raw = true }, call_forwardable_id = self.parent.id, call_forwardable_type = self:camelize_type(self.parent.class), call_forward_case_id = service_id, destination = destination, destinationable_type = self:camelize_type(destination_type), destinationable_id = destination_id, timeout = timeout, position = 1, }; local result = self.database:insert_or_update('call_forwards', call_forwarding_record, { created_at = false, position = false }); if not result then self.log:notice('CALL_FORWARDING_ON ', service, ' - could not be activated for: ', self.parent.class, '=', self.parent.id, '/', self.parent.uuid,' - destination: ', destination_type, '=', destination_id, '|', destination); return false; end entry_id = entry_id or self.database:last_insert_id(); self.log:info('CALL_FORWARDING_ON ', service, ' - callforwarding=', entry_id, ', for: ', self.parent.class, '=', self.parent.id, '/', self.parent.uuid, ', destination: ', destination_type, '=', destination_id, '|', destination, ', timeout: ', timeout); if tonumber(entry_id) then if destination_type:lower() == 'voicemail' then self:presence_set('early', entry_id); else self:presence_set('confirmed', entry_id); end end return result; end function CallForwarding.call_forwarding_off(self, service, source, delete) local conditions = {} table.insert(conditions, '`call_forwardable_id` = ' .. self.parent.id); table.insert(conditions, '`call_forwardable_type` = "' .. self.parent.class .. '"'); if source then table.insert(conditions, '`source` = "' .. source); else table.insert(conditions, '(`source` = "" OR `source` IS NULL)'); end if service then table.insert(conditions, '`call_forward_case_id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `call_forward_cases` WHERE `value` = "' .. service .. '")'); end local call_forwarding_ids = {} local sql_query = 'SELECT `id` FROM `call_forwards` WHERE ' .. table.concat(conditions, ' AND '); self.database:query(sql_query, function(record) table.insert(call_forwarding_ids, record.id); end) -- set call forwarding entry inactive local sql_query = 'UPDATE `call_forwards` SET `active` = FALSE, `updated_at` = NOW() WHERE ' .. table.concat(conditions, ' AND '); local call_forwards = {}; -- or delete call forwarding entry if delete then sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `call_forwards` WHERE ' .. table.concat(conditions, ' AND '); self.database:query(sql_query, function(forwarding_entry) table.insert(call_forwards, forwarding_entry) end) sql_query = 'DELETE FROM `call_forwards` WHERE ' .. table.concat(conditions, ' AND '); end if not self.database:query(sql_query) then self.log:notice('CALL_FORWARDING_OFF ', (service or 'any'), ' - could not be deactivated for: ', self.parent.class, '=', self.parent.id, '/', self.parent.uuid); return false; end if delete then require 'common.sync_log' local sync_log_class = common.sync_log.SyncLog:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, homebase_ip_address = '' } for index, call_forward in ipairs(call_forwards) do sync_log_class:insert('CallForward', call_forward, 'destroy', nil); end end for index, entry_id in ipairs(call_forwarding_ids) do if tonumber(entry_id) then self:presence_set('terminated', entry_id); end end return true; end