-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: conference class -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2013 -- module(...,package.seeall) Conference = {} -- create conference object function Conference.new(self, arg) arg = arg or {} object = arg.object or {} setmetatable(object, self); self.__index = self; self.class = 'conference'; self.log = arg.log; self.database = arg.database; self.record = arg.record; return object; end function Conference.settings_get(self) require 'common.array'; require 'common.configuration_table'; local configuration = common.configuration_table.get(self.database, 'conferences'); if not configuration then return nil; end local parameters = configuration.parameters or {}; local settings = configuration.settings or {}; local sounds = configuration.sounds or {}; settings.members_max = settings.members_max or tonumber(parameters['max-members']) or 100; settings.pin_length_max = tonumber(settings.pin_length_max) or 10; settings.pin_length_min = tonumber(settings.pin_length_min) or 2; settings.pin_timeout = tonumber(settings.pin_timeout) or 4000; settings.announcement_max_length = tonumber(settings.announcement_max_length) or 10; settings.announcement_silence_threshold = tonumber(settings.announcement_silence_threshold) or 500; settings.announcement_silence_length = tonumber(settings.announcement_silence_length) or 3; settings.flags = settings.flags or { waste = true }; sounds.pin = sounds.pin or 'conference/conf-pin.wav'; sounds.has_joined = sounds.has_joined or 'conference/conf-has_joined.wav'; sounds.has_left = sounds.has_left or 'conference/conf-has_left.wav'; sounds.alone = sounds.has_alone or 'conference/conf-alone.wav'; settings.key_enter = parameters.key_enter or '#'; settings.spool_dir = settings.spool_dir or '/var/spool/freeswitch'; return settings, sounds; end function Conference.find_by_id(self, id) local sql_query = 'SELECT *, (NOW() >= `start` AND NOW() <= `end`) AS `open_now` FROM `conferences` WHERE `id`= ' .. tonumber(id) .. ' LIMIT 1'; local conference = nil; self.database:query(sql_query, function(conference_entry) conference = Conference:new(self); conference.record = conference_entry; conference.id = tonumber(conference_entry.id); conference.identifier = 'conference' .. conference.id; conference.uuid = conference_entry.uuid; conference.pin = conference_entry.pin; conference.open_for_public = common.str.to_b(conference_entry.open_for_anybody); conference.announce_entering = common.str.to_b(conference_entry.announce_new_member_by_name); conference.announce_leaving = common.str.to_b(conference_entry.announce_left_member_by_name); if not common.str.blank(conference_entry.open_now) then conference.open_now = common.str.to_b(conference_entry.open_now); end conference.settings, conference.sounds = self:settings_get(); if conference.settings then conference.settings.members_max = tonumber(conference.record.max_members) or conference.settings.members_max; else conference.log:error('CONFERENCE - no basic configuration'); end end) return conference; end function Conference.find_invitee_by_numbers(self, phone_numbers) if not self.record then return false; end local sql_query = 'SELECT `a`.* \ FROM `conference_invitees` `a` \ JOIN `phone_numbers` `b` ON `b`.`phone_numberable_id` = `a`.`id` \ WHERE `b`.`phone_numberable_type` = "ConferenceInvitee" \ AND `a`.`conference_id` = ' .. self.id .. ' \ AND `b`.`number` IN ("' .. table.concat(phone_numbers, "','") .. '") \ LIMIT 1'; local invitee = nil; self.database:query(sql_query, function(invitee_entry) invitee = invitee_entry; end) return invitee; end function Conference.members_count(self) return tonumber(self.caller:result('conference ' .. self.identifier .. ' list count')) or 0; end function Conference.check_pin(self, pin) local digits = ''; for i = 1, 3 do if digits == pin then self.caller:send_display('PIN: OK'); break elseif digits ~= "" then self.caller:send_display('PIN: wrong'); self.caller.session:sayPhrase('conference_bad_pin'); end self.caller:send_display('Enter PIN'); digits = self.caller.session:read(self.settings.pin_length_min, self.settings.pin_length_max, self.sounds.pin, self.settings.pin_timeout, self.settings.key_enter); end if digits ~= pin then return false end return true; end function Conference.check_ownership(self) local auth_account_owner = common.array.try(self.caller, 'auth_account.owner'); if not auth_account_owner then return false; end if tonumber(self.record.conferenceable_id) == auth_account_owner.id and self.record.conferenceable_type:lower() == auth_account_owner.class then return true; end end function Conference.account_name_file(self) if not self.caller.account or tostring(self.caller.account.class):lower() ~= 'sipaccount' then return; end require 'dialplan.voicemail' local voicemail_account = dialplan.voicemail.Voicemail:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_sip_account_id(self.caller.account.id); if voicemail_account and not common.str.blank(voicemail_account.record.name_path) then self.log:debug('CONFERENCE ', self.id, ' - caller_name_file: ', voicemail_account.record.name_path); return voicemail_account.record.name_path; end end function Conference.record_name(self) self.caller:send_display('Record name'); local name_file = self.settings.spool_dir .. '/conference_caller_name_' .. self.caller.uuid .. '.wav'; self.caller.session:sayPhrase('conference_record_name'); self.caller.session:recordFile(name_file, self.settings.announcement_max_length, self.settings.announcement_silence_threshold, self.settings.announcement_max_length); self.caller:send_display('Playback name'); self.caller:playback(name_file); return name_file; end function Conference.playback(self, ...) local sound_files = {...}; for index=1, #sound_files do self.caller:execute('set',"result=${conference(" .. self.identifier .. " play ".. tostring(sound_files[index]) .. ")}"); end end function Conference.phrase(self, phrase, file_name) self.caller:execute('set',"result=${conference(" .. self.identifier .. " phrase ".. phrase .. ':' .. file_name .. ")}"); end function Conference.enter(self, caller, domain) self.caller = caller; local members = self:members_count(); self.log:info('CONFERENCE ', self.id, ' - open_for_public: ', self.open_for_public, ', open_now: ', self.open_now, ', members: ', members, ', members_max: ', self.settings.members_max); if self.open_now == false then self.log:notice('CONFERENCE ', self.id, ' - currently closed, start: ', self.record.start, ', end: ', self.record['end']); return { continue = false, code = 493, phrase = 'Conference closed' }; end if members >= self.settings.members_max then self.log:notice('CONFERENCE ', self.id, ' - full, members: ', members, ', members_max: ', self.settings.members_max); return { continue = false, code = 493, phrase = 'Conference closed' }; end local invitee = self:find_invitee_by_numbers(caller.caller_phone_numbers); if invitee then if common.str.to_b(invitee.speaker) then self.settings.flags.mute = nil; end if common.str.to_b(invitee.moderator) then self.settings.flags.moderator = true; end self.log:info('CONFERENCE ', self.id, ' - invitee=', invitee.id, '/', invitee.uuid, ', speaker: ', not self.settings.flags.mute, ', moderator: ', self.settings.flags.moderator); self.pin = invitee.pin; elseif self:check_ownership() then self.settings.flags.moderator = true; self.pin = nil; self.log:info('CONFERENCE ', self.id, ' - owner authenticated: ', self.caller.auth_account.owner.class,'=', self.caller.auth_account.owner.id, '/', self.caller.auth_account.owner.uuid, ', speaker: ', not self.settings.flags.mute, ', moderator: ', self.settings.flags.moderator); elseif not self.open_for_public then self.log:notice('CONFERENCE ', self.id, ' - not open for public'); return { continue = false, code = 493, phrase = 'Conference closed' }; end caller:answer(); if not common.str.blank(self.pin) and not self:check_pin(self.pin) then self.log:notice('CONFERENCE ', self.id, ' - PIN wrong'); caller.session:sayPhrase('conference_goodbye'); return { continue = false, code = 493, phrase = 'Not authorized' }; end self.caller:send_display(tostring(self.record.name) .. ', members: ' .. tostring(members)); caller:sleep(1000); caller.session:sayPhrase('conference_welcome'); local name_file = nil; local name_file_delete = nil; if self.announce_entering or self.announce_leaving then name_file = self:account_name_file(); if not name_file then name_file = self:record_name(caller); name_file_delete = true; end end members = self:members_count(); if self.announce_entering and name_file then if members > 0 then self:playback(name_file, self.sounds.has_joined); end end if members == 0 then caller.session:sayPhrase('conference_alone'); end self.caller:send_display(tostring(self.record.name)); local result = caller:execute('conference', self.identifier .. "@profile_" .. self.identifier .. "++flags{" .. common.array.keys_to_s(self.settings.flags, '|') .. "}"); self.caller:send_display('Goodbye'); caller.session:sayPhrase('conference_goodbye'); if name_file then if self.announce_leaving then members = self:members_count(); if members > 0 then self:playback(name_file, self.sounds.has_left); if members == 1 then self:playback(self.sounds.alone); end end end if name_file_delete then os.remove(name_file); end end return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK' } end