-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: conference class -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012 -- module(...,package.seeall) Conference = {} MEMBERS_MAX = 100; PIN_LENGTH_MAX = 10; PIN_LENGTH_MIN = 2; PIN_TIMEOUT = 4000; ANNOUNCEMENT_MAX_LEN = 10 ANNOUNCEMENT_SILENCE_THRESHOLD = 500 ANNOUNCEMENT_SILENCE_LEN = 3 -- create conference object function Conference.new(self, arg) arg = arg or {} object = arg.object or {} setmetatable(object, self); self.__index = self; self.class = 'conference'; self.log = arg.log; self.database = arg.database; self.record = arg.record; self.max_members = 0; return object; end -- find conference by id function Conference.find_by_id(self, id) local sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `conferences` WHERE `id`= ' .. tonumber(id) .. ' LIMIT 1'; local conference = nil; self.database:query(sql_query, function(conference_entry) conference = Conference:new(self); conference.record = conference_entry; conference.id = tonumber(conference_entry.id); conference.uuid = conference_entry.uuid; conference.max_members = tonumber(conference.record.max_members) or MEMBERS_MAX; end) return conference; end -- find invitee by phone numbers function Conference.find_invitee_by_numbers(self, phone_numbers) if not self.record then return false end local sql_query = string.format( "SELECT `conference_invitees`.`pin` AS `pin`, `conference_invitees`.`speaker` AS `speaker`, `conference_invitees`.`moderator` AS `moderator` " .. "FROM `conference_invitees` JOIN `phone_numbers` ON `phone_numbers`.`phone_numberable_id` = `conference_invitees`.`id` " .. "WHERE `phone_numbers`.`phone_numberable_type` = 'ConferenceInvitee' AND `conference_invitees`.`conference_id` = %d " .. "AND `phone_numbers`.`number` IN ('%s') LIMIT 1", self.record.id, table.concat(phone_numbers, "','")); local invitee = nil; self.database:query(sql_query, function(conference_entry) invitee = conference_entry; end) return invitee; end function Conference.count(self) return tonumber(self.caller:result('conference ' .. self.record.id .. ' list count')) or 0; end -- Try to enter a conference function Conference.enter(self, caller, domain) local cause = "NORMAL_CLEARING"; local pin = nil; local flags = {'waste'}; self.caller = caller; require "common.phone_number" local phone_number_class = common.phone_number.PhoneNumber:new{log = self.log, database = self.database} local phone_numbers = phone_number_class:list_by_owner(self.record.id, "Conference"); -- Set conference presence require "dialplan.presence" local presence = dialplan.presence.Presence:new(); presence:init{ log = log, accounts = phone_numbers, domain = domain, uuid = "conference_" .. self.record.id }; local conference_count = self:count(); -- Check if conference is full if conference_count >= self.max_members then presence:early(); self.log:debug(string.format("full conference %s (\"%s\"), members: %d, members allowed: %d", self.record.id, self.record.name, conference_count, self.max_members)); if (tonumber(self.record.conferenceable_id) == caller.account_owner_id) and (self.record.conferenceable_type == caller.account_owner_type) then self.log:debug("Allow owner of this conterence to enter a full conference"); else cause = "CALL_REJECTED"; caller:hangup(cause); return cause; end; end require 'common.str' -- Check if conference is within time frame if not common.str.blank(self.record.start) and not common.str.blank(self.record['end']) then local d = {} _,_,d.year,d.month,d.day,d.hour,d.min,d.sec=string.find(self.record.start, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+)"); local conference_start = os.time(d); _,_,d.year,d.month,d.day,d.hour,d.min,d.sec=string.find(self.record['end'], "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+)"); local conference_end = os.time(d); local now = os.time(os.date("!*t", os.time())); log:debug("conference - open: " .. os.date("%c",conference_start) .. " by " .. os.date("%c",conference_end) .. ", now: " .. os.date("%c",now)); if now < conference_start or now > conference_end then cause = "CALL_REJECTED"; caller:hangup(cause); return cause; end end -- Owner ist always moderator if (tonumber(self.record.conferenceable_id) == caller.account_owner_id) and (self.record.conferenceable_type == caller.account_owner_type) then table.insert(flags, 'moderator'); log:debug("is owner - conference: " .. self.record.id .. ", owner: " .. caller.account_owner_type .. ":" .. caller.account_owner_id); else local invitee = self:find_invitee_by_numbers(caller.caller_phone_numbers); if not common.str.to_b(self.record.open_for_anybody) and not invitee then log:debug(string.format("conference %s (\"%s\"), caller %s not allowed to enter this conference", self.record.id, self.record.name, caller.caller_phone_number)); cause = "CALL_REJECTED"; caller:hangup(cause); return cause; end if invitee then log:debug("conference " .. self.record.id .. " member invited - speaker: " .. invitee.speaker .. ", moderator: " .. invitee.moderator); if common.str.to_b(invitee.moderator) then table.insert(flags, 'moderator'); end if not common.str.to_b(invitee.speaker) then table.insert(flags, 'mute'); end pin = invitee.pin; else log:debug("conference " .. self.record.id .. " caller not invited"); end end if not pin and self.record.pin then pin = self.record.pin end caller:answer(); caller:sleep(1000); caller.session:streamFile('conference/conf-welcome.wav'); if pin and pin ~= "" then local digits = ""; for i = 1, 3, 1 do if digits == pin then break elseif digits ~= "" then caller.session:streamFile('conference/conf-bad-pin.wav'); end digits = caller.session:read(PIN_LENGTH_MIN, PIN_LENGTH_MAX, 'conference/conf-enter_conf_pin.wav', PIN_TIMEOUT, '#'); end if digits ~= pin then caller.session:streamFile("conference/conf-goodbye.wav"); return "CALL_REJECTED"; end end self.log:debug(string.format("entering conference %s - name: \"%s\", flags: %s, members: %d, max. members: %d", self.record.id, self.record.name, table.concat(flags, ','), conference_count, self.max_members)); -- Members count will be incremented in a few milliseconds, set presence if (conference_count + 1) >= self.max_members then presence:early(); else presence:confirmed(); end -- Enter the conference local name_file = nil; -- Record caller's name if common.str.to_b(self.record.announce_new_member_by_name) or common.str.to_b(self.record.announce_left_member_by_name) then local uid = session:get_uuid(); name_file = "/tmp/conference_caller_name_" .. uid .. ".wav"; caller.session:streamFile("voicemail/vm-record_name1.wav"); caller.session:execute("playback", "tone_stream://%(1000,0,500)"); session:recordFile(name_file, ANNOUNCEMENT_MAX_LEN, ANNOUNCEMENT_SILENCE_THRESHOLD, ANNOUNCEMENT_SILENCE_LEN); caller.session:streamFile(name_file); end -- Play entering caller's name if recorded if name_file and (self:count() > 0) and common.str.to_b(self.record.announce_new_member_by_name) then caller.session:execute('set',"result=${conference(" .. self.record.id .. " play ".. name_file .. ")}"); caller.session:execute('set',"result=${conference(" .. self.record.id .. " play conference/conf-has_joined.wav)}"); else -- Ensure a surplus "#" digit is not passed to the conference caller.session:read(1, 1, '', 1000, "#"); end local result = caller.session:execute('conference', self.record.id .. "@profile_" .. self.record.id .. "++flags{" .. table.concat(flags, '|') .. "}"); self.log:debug('exited conference - result: ' .. tostring(result)); caller.session:streamFile("conference/conf-goodbye.wav") -- Play leaving caller's name if recorded if name_file then if (self:count() > 0) and common.str.to_b(self.record.announce_left_member_by_name) then if (self:count() == 1) then caller.session:sleep(3000); end caller.session:execute('set',"result=${conference(" .. self.record.id .. " play ".. name_file .. ")}"); caller.session:execute('set',"result=${conference(" .. self.record.id .. " play conference/conf-has_left.wav)}"); end os.remove(name_file); end -- Set presence according to member count conference_count = self:count(); if conference_count >= self.max_members then presence:early(); elseif conference_count > 0 then presence:confirmed(); else presence:terminated(); end cause = "NORMAL_CLEARING"; caller.session:hangup(cause); return cause; end