-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: configuration file -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012 -- module(...,package.seeall) function ignore_comments(line) return line:gsub(';+([^;]*)', function(entry) return ''; end); end -- parse configuration function parse(lines, filter_section_name) require 'common.str' local section = {} local root = { [true] = section } for line in lines do if line then local ignore_line = false; line = ignore_comments(line); line:gsub('^%s*%[(.-)%]%s*$', function(section_name) if tostring(section_name):match('%=false$') then section = {} else root[common.str.strip(section_name)] = {}; section = root[common.str.strip(section_name)]; end ignore_line = true; end); if not ignore_line then key, value = common.str.partition(line, '='); if value and key and not common.str.strip(key):match('%s') then section[common.str.strip(key)] = common.str.strip(value); else line = common.str.strip(line); if not common.str.blank(line) then if line:match(',') then table.insert(section, common.str.strip_to_a(line, ',')); else table.insert(section, line); end end end end end end if filter_section_name == false then root[true] = nil; elseif filter_section_name then return root[filter_section_name]; end return root; end -- retrieve configuration from file function get(file_name, filter_section_name) local file = io.open(file_name); if file then local result = parse(file:lines(), filter_section_name); file:close(); return result; end end