-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: sip account class -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012-2013 -- module(...,package.seeall) SipAccount = {} -- Create SipAccount object function SipAccount.new(self, arg) arg = arg or {} object = arg.object or {} setmetatable(object, self); self.__index = self; self.class = 'sipaccount'; self.log = arg.log; self.database = arg.database; self.record = arg.record; self.domain = arg.domain; return object; end function SipAccount.find_by_sql(self, where) local sql_query = 'SELECT \ `a`.`id`, \ `a`.`uuid`, \ `a`.`auth_name`, \ `a`.`caller_name`, \ `a`.`password`, \ `a`.`voicemail_pin`, \ `a`.`tenant_id`, \ `a`.`sip_domain_id`, \ `a`.`call_waiting`, \ `a`.`clir`, \ `a`.`clip`, \ `a`.`clip_no_screening`, \ `a`.`sip_accountable_type`, \ `a`.`sip_accountable_id`, \ `a`.`hotdeskable`, \ `a`.`gs_node_id`, \ `a`.`language_code`, \ `b`.`host`, \ `c`.`sip_host`, \ `c`.`profile_name` \ FROM `sip_accounts` `a` \ JOIN `sip_domains` `b` ON `a`.`sip_domain_id` = `b`.`id` \ LEFT JOIN `sip_registrations` `c` ON `a`.`auth_name` = `c`.`sip_user` \ WHERE ' .. where .. ' LIMIT 1'; local sip_account = nil; self.database:query(sql_query, function(account_entry) sip_account = SipAccount:new(self); sip_account.record = account_entry; sip_account.id = tonumber(account_entry.id); sip_account.uuid = account_entry.uuid; end) return sip_account; end -- find sip account by id function SipAccount.find_by_id(self, id) local sql_query = '`a`.`id`= ' .. tonumber(id); return self:find_by_sql(sql_query); end -- find sip account by uuid function SipAccount.find_by_uuid(self, uuid) local sql_query = '`a`.`uuid`= "' .. uuid .. '"'; return self:find_by_sql(sql_query); end -- Find SIP Account by auth_name function SipAccount.find_by_auth_name(self, auth_name, domain) local sql_query = '`a`.`auth_name`= "' .. auth_name .. '"'; if domain then sql_query = sql_query .. ' AND `b`.`host` = "' .. domain .. '"'; end return self:find_by_sql(sql_query); end -- retrieve Phone Numbers for SIP Account function SipAccount.phone_numbers(self, id) id = id or self.record.id; if not id then return false; end local sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `phone_numbers` WHERE `phone_numberable_type` = \"SipAccount\" AND `phone_numberable_id`=" .. self.record.id; local phone_numbers = {} self.database:query(sql_query, function(entry) table.insert(phone_numbers,entry.number); end) return phone_numbers; end -- retrieve Ringtone for SIP Account function SipAccount.ringtone(self, id) id = id or self.record.id; if not id then return false; end local sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `ringtones` WHERE `ringtoneable_type` = \"SipAccount\" AND `ringtoneable_id`=" .. self.record.id .. " LIMIT 1"; local ringtone = nil; self.database:query(sql_query, function(entry) ringtone = entry; end) return ringtone; end function SipAccount.send_text(self, text) local event = freeswitch.Event("NOTIFY"); event:addHeader("profile", "gemeinschaft"); event:addHeader("event-string", "text"); event:addHeader("user", self.record.auth_name); event:addHeader("host", self.record.host); event:addHeader("content-type", "text/plain"); event:addBody(text); event:fire(); end function SipAccount.call_state(self) local state = nil local sql_query = "SELECT `callstate` FROM `channels` \ WHERE `name` LIKE (\"\%" .. self.record.auth_name .. "@%\") \ OR `name` LIKE (\"\%" .. self.record.auth_name .. "@%\") LIMIT 1"; self.database:query(sql_query, function(channel_entry) state = channel_entry.callstate; end) return state; end function SipAccount.call_forwarding_on(self, service, destination, destination_type, timeout, source) if not self.call_forwarding then require 'common.call_forwarding'; self.call_forwarding = common.call_forwarding.CallForwarding:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, parent = self, domain = self.domain }; end return self.call_forwarding:call_forwarding_on(service, destination, destination_type, timeout, source) end function SipAccount.call_forwarding_off(self, service, source, delete) if not self.call_forwarding then require 'common.call_forwarding'; self.call_forwarding = common.call_forwarding.CallForwarding:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, parent = self, domain = self.domain }; end return self.call_forwarding:call_forwarding_off(service, source, delete) end