-- Gemeinschaft 5 dynamic freeswitch configuration -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012 -- function nodes(database, local_node_id) require 'configuration.simple_xml' local xml = configuration.simple_xml.SimpleXml:new(); local gateways_xml = ''; require 'common.node' for node_id, node_record in pairs(common.node.Node:new{log=log, database=database}:all()) do if node_id ~= local_node_id then local node_parameters = {} node_parameters['username'] = node_record.name; node_parameters['password'] = 'gemeinschaft'; node_parameters['proxy'] = node_record.ip_address; node_parameters['register'] = 'false'; log:debug('NODE_GATEWAY ', node_record.id, ' - name: ', node_record.name, ', address: ', node_record.ip_address); gateways_xml = gateways_xml .. xml:element{ 'gateway', name = node_record.name, xml:from_hash('param', node_parameters, 'name', 'value'), }; end end return gateways_xml; end function gateways(database, profile_name) require 'configuration.simple_xml' local xml = configuration.simple_xml.SimpleXml:new(); require 'common.str' require 'common.gateway' local gateway_class = common.gateway.Gateway:new{ log = log, database = database}; local gateways = gateway_class:list('sip'); local gateways_xml = ''; for index=1, #gateways do local gateway = gateways[index]; local gateway_profile = gateway_class:profile_get(gateway.id); if tostring(gateway_profile) == profile_name or (profile_name == 'gemeinschaft' and common.str.blank(gateway_profile)) then log:debug('GATEWAY - name: ', gateway.name); local parameters = gateway_class:parameters_build(gateway.id); gateways_xml = gateways_xml .. xml:element{ 'gateway', name = gateway.name, xml:from_hash('param', parameters, 'name', 'value'), }; end end return gateways_xml; end function profile(database, sofia_ini, profile_name, index, domains, node_id) require 'configuration.simple_xml' local xml = configuration.simple_xml.SimpleXml:new(); local parameters = sofia_ini['profile:' .. profile_name]; if not parameters then log:error('SOFIA_PROFILE ', index,' - name: ', profile_name, ' - no parameters'); return ''; end if tostring(parameters['odbc-dsn']) == 'default' then parameters['odbc-dsn'] = 'gemeinschaft:' .. tostring(database.user_name) .. ':' .. tostring(database.password); end -- set local bind address if domains[index] then parameters['sip-ip'] = domains[index]['host']; parameters['rtp-ip'] = domains[index]['host']; parameters['force-register-domain'] = domains[index]['host']; parameters['force-subscription-domain'] = domains[index]['host']; parameters['force-register-db-domain'] = domains[index]['host']; log:debug('SOFIA_PROFILE ', index,' - name: ', profile_name, ', domain: ', domains[index]['host'], ', sip_bind: ', parameters['sip-ip'], ':', parameters['sip-port']); else log:debug('SOFIA_PROFILE ', index,' - name: ', profile_name, ' - no domains'); end local gateways_xml = gateways(database, profile_name); if index == 1 then gateways_xml = gateways_xml .. nodes(database, node_id); end local profile_xml = xml:element{ 'profile', name = profile_name, xml:element{ 'gateways', gateways_xml, }, xml:element{ 'domains', xml:element{ 'domain', name = 'all', alias = 'true', parse = 'false', }, }, xml:element{ 'settings', xml:from_hash('param', parameters, 'name', 'value'), }, }; return profile_xml; end -- generate sofia.conf function conf_sofia(database) require 'configuration.simple_xml' local xml = configuration.simple_xml.SimpleXml:new(); require 'common.configuration_table' local sofia_profile = "gemeinschaft"; local sofia_ini = common.configuration_table.get(database, 'sofia'); local dialplan_parameters = common.configuration_table.get(database, 'dialplan', 'parameters'); local local_node_id = tonumber(dialplan_parameters.node_id) or 1; require 'configuration.sip' local domains = configuration.sip.Sip:new{ log = log, database = database}:domains(); sofia_profiles_xml = ''; for profile_name, index in pairs(sofia_ini.profiles) do if tonumber(index) and tonumber(index) > 0 then sofia_profiles_xml = sofia_profiles_xml .. profile(database, sofia_ini, profile_name, tonumber(index), domains, local_node_id); end end XML_STRING = xml:element{ 'document', ['type'] = 'freeswitch/xml', xml:element{ 'section', name = 'configuration', description = 'Gemeinschaft 5 FreeSWITCH configuration', xml:element{ 'configuration', name = 'sofia.conf', description = 'Sofia configuration', xml:element{ 'global_settings', xml:from_hash('param', sofia_ini.parameters, 'name', 'value'), }, xml:element{ 'profiles', sofia_profiles_xml, }, }, }, }; end function conf_conference(database) require 'configuration.simple_xml' local xml = configuration.simple_xml.SimpleXml:new(); require 'common.configuration_table' local config = common.configuration_table.get(database, 'conferences'); local profiles = nil; local event_name = params:getHeader("Event-Name") if event_name == 'COMMAND' then local conf_name = params:getHeader('conf_name'); local profile_name = params:getHeader('profile_name'); if conf_name then require 'common.conference' conference = common.conference.Conference:new{log=log, database=database}:find_by_id(conf_name); if conference then log:debug('CONFIG_CONFERENCE ', conf_name, ' name: ', conference.record.name, ', profile: ', profile_name); config.parameters['caller-id-name'] = conference.record.name or ''; profiles = xml:element{ 'profiles', xml:element{ 'profile', name = profile_name, xml:from_hash('param', config.parameters, 'name', 'value'), }, }; else log:error('CONFIG_CONFERENCE ', conf_name, ' - conference not found'); end else log:notice('CONFIG_CONFERENCE - no conference name'); end else log:debug('CONFIG_CONFERENCE ', conf_name, ' - event: ', event_name); end XML_STRING = xml:element{ 'document', ['type'] = 'freeswitch/xml', xml:element{ 'section', name = 'configuration', description = 'Gemeinschaft 5 FreeSWITCH configuration', xml:element{ 'configuration', name = 'conference.conf', description = 'Conference configuration', xml:element{ 'caller-controls', xml:element{ 'group', name = 'speaker', xml:from_hash('control', config.controls_speaker, 'action', 'digits'), }, xml:element{ 'group', name = 'moderator', xml:from_hash('control', config.controls_moderator, 'action', 'digits'), }, }, profiles, }, }, }; end function conf_voicemail(database) require 'configuration.simple_xml' local xml = configuration.simple_xml.SimpleXml:new(); require 'common.configuration_table'; local parameters = common.configuration_table.get(database, 'voicemail', 'parameters'); if tostring(parameters['odbc-dsn']) == 'default' then parameters['odbc-dsn'] = 'gemeinschaft:' .. tostring(database.user_name) .. ':' .. tostring(database.password); end XML_STRING = xml:element{ 'document', ['type'] = 'freeswitch/xml', xml:element{ 'section', name = 'configuration', description = 'Gemeinschaft 5 FreeSWITCH configuration', xml:element{ 'configuration', name = 'voicemail.conf', description = 'Voicemail configuration', xml:element{ 'profiles', xml:element{ 'profile', name = 'default', xml:from_hash('param', parameters, 'name', 'value'), }, }, }, }, }; end function conf_post_switch(database) require 'configuration.simple_xml' local xml = configuration.simple_xml.SimpleXml:new(); require 'common.configuration_table'; local parameters = common.configuration_table.get(database, 'post_load_switch', 'settings'); XML_STRING = xml:element{ 'document', ['type'] = 'freeswitch/xml', xml:element{ 'section', name = 'configuration', description = 'Gemeinschaft 5 FreeSWITCH configuration', xml:element{ 'configuration', name = 'post_load_switch.conf', description = 'Switch configuration', xml:element{ 'settings', xml:from_hash('param', parameters, 'name', 'value'), }, }, }, }; end function directory_sip_account(database) require 'configuration.simple_xml' local xml = configuration.simple_xml.SimpleXml:new(); local key = params:getHeader('key'); local auth_name = params:getHeader('user'); local domain = params:getHeader('domain'); local purpose = params:getHeader('purpose'); local user_xml = nil; if auth_name and auth_name ~= '' then -- sip account or gateway if string.len(auth_name) > 3 and auth_name:sub(1, 3) == 'gw+' then local gateway_name = auth_name:sub(4); domain = domain or freeswitch.API():execute('global_getvar', 'domain'); require 'configuration.sip' log:notice('DATABASE: ', database); local sip_gateway = configuration.sip.Sip:new{ log = log, database = database}:find_gateway_by_name(gateway_name); if sip_gateway ~= nil and next(sip_gateway) ~= nil then log:debug('DIRECTORY_GATEWAY - name: ', gateway_name, ', auth_name: ', auth_name); local user_variables = { user_context = "default", gs_from_gateway = "true", gs_gateway_name = gateway_name, gs_gateway_id = sip_gateway.id, } user_xml = xml:element{ 'user', id = auth_name, xml:element{ 'params', xml:element{ 'param', password = sip_gateway.password, } }, xml:element{ 'variables', xml:from_hash('variable', user_variables, 'name', 'value'), }, }; else log:debug('DIRECTORY_GATEWAY - gateway not found - name: ', gateway_name, ', auth_name: ', auth_name); end else require 'common.sip_account' local sip_account = common.sip_account.SipAccount:new{ log = log, database = database}:find_by_auth_name(auth_name, domain); require 'common.configuration_table' local user_parameters = common.configuration_table.get(database, 'sip_accounts', 'parameters'); if sip_account ~= nil then user_parameters['password'] = sip_account.record.password; user_parameters['vm-password'] = sip_account.record.voicemail_pin; local user_variables = { user_context = "default", gs_from_gateway = "false", gs_account_id = sip_account.record.id, gs_account_uuid = sip_account.record.uuid, gs_account_type = "SipAccount", gs_account_state = sip_account.record.state, gs_account_caller_name = sip_account.record.caller_name, gs_account_owner_type = sip_account.record.sip_accountable_type, gs_account_owner_id = sip_account.record.sip_accountable_id } if tostring(purpose) == 'publish-vm' then log:debug('DIRECTORY_SIP_ACCOUNT - purpose: VoiceMail, auth_name: ', sip_account.record.auth_name, ', caller_name: ', sip_account.record.caller_name, ', domain: ', domain); user_xml = xml:element{ 'groups', xml:element{ 'group', name = 'default', xml:element{ 'users', xml:element{ 'user', id = sip_account.record.auth_name, xml:element{ 'params', xml:from_hash('param', user_parameters, 'name', 'value'), }, xml:element{ 'variables', xml:from_hash('variable', user_variables, 'name', 'value'), }, }, }, }, }; else log:debug('DIRECTORY_SIP_ACCOUNT - auth_name: ', sip_account.record.auth_name, ', caller_name: ', sip_account.record.caller_name, ', domain: ', domain); user_xml = xml:element{ 'user', id = sip_account.record.auth_name, xml:element{ 'params', xml:from_hash('param', user_parameters, 'name', 'value'), }, xml:element{ 'variables', xml:from_hash('variable', user_variables, 'name', 'value'), }, }; end else log:debug('DIRECTORY_SIP_ACCOUNT - sip account not found - auth_name: ', auth_name, ', domain: ', domain); -- fake sip_account configuration user_parameters['password'] = tostring(math.random(0, 65534)); user_parameters['vm-password'] = ''; user_xml = xml:element{ 'user', id = auth_name, xml:element{ 'params', xml:from_hash('param', user_parameters, 'name', 'value'), }, }; end end elseif tostring(XML_REQUEST.key_name) == 'name' and tostring(XML_REQUEST.key_value) ~= '' then log:debug('DOMAIN_DIRECTORY - domain: ', XML_REQUEST.key_value); XML_STRING = xml:document(xml:directory(nil, XML_REQUEST.key_value)); end XML_STRING = xml:element{ 'document', ['type'] = 'freeswitch/xml', xml:element{ 'section', name = 'directory', xml:element{ 'domain', name = domain, xml:element{ 'params', xml:element{ 'param', name = 'dial-string', value = '${sofia_contact(${dialed_user}@${dialed_domain})}', }, }, user_xml, }, }, }; end local log_identifier = XML_REQUEST.key_value or 'CONFIG'; -- set logger require 'common.log' log = common.log.Log:new(); log.prefix = '#C# [' .. log_identifier .. '] '; -- return a valid xml document require 'configuration.simple_xml' local xml = configuration.simple_xml.SimpleXml:new(); XML_STRING = xml:element{ 'document', ['type'] = 'freeswitch/xml', }; local database = nil; -- log:debug('CONFIG_REQUEST section: ', XML_REQUEST.section, ', tag: ', XML_REQUEST.tag_name, ', key: ', XML_REQUEST.key_value); if XML_REQUEST.section == 'configuration' and XML_REQUEST.tag_name == 'configuration' then -- database connection require 'common.database' database = common.database.Database:new{ log = log }:connect(); if database:connected() == false then log:error('CONFIG_REQUEST - cannot connect to Gemeinschaft database'); return false; end if XML_REQUEST.key_value == 'sofia.conf' then conf_sofia(database); elseif XML_REQUEST.key_value == "conference.conf" then conf_conference(database); elseif XML_REQUEST.key_value == "voicemail.conf" then conf_voicemail(database); elseif XML_REQUEST.key_value == "post_load_switch.conf" then conf_post_switch(database); end elseif XML_REQUEST.section == 'directory' and XML_REQUEST.tag_name == '' then log:debug('SIP_ACCOUNT_DIRECTORY - initialization phase'); elseif XML_REQUEST.section == 'directory' and XML_REQUEST.tag_name == 'domain' then if params == nil then log:error('SIP_ACCOUNT_DIRECTORY - no parameters'); return false; end require 'common.database' database = common.database.Database:new{ log = log }:connect(); if not database:connected() then log:error('CONFIG_REQUEST - cannot connect to Gemeinschaft database'); return false; end directory_sip_account(database); else log:error('CONFIG_REQUEST - no configuration handler, section: ', XML_REQUEST.section, ', tag: ', XML_REQUEST.tag_name); end -- ensure database handler is released on exit if database then database:release(); end