-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: acd class -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012-2013 -- module(...,package.seeall) AutomaticCallDistributor = {} local DEFAULT_AGENT_TIMEOUT = 20; local DEFAULT_TIME_RES = 5; local DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 360; local DEFAULT_RETRY_TIME = 2; local DEFAULT_MUSIC_ON_WAIT = 'tone_stream://%(2000,4000,440.0,480.0);loops=-1'; -- create acd object function AutomaticCallDistributor.new(self, arg) arg = arg or {} object = arg.object or {} setmetatable(object, self); self.__index = self; self.class = 'automaticcalldistributor'; self.log = arg.log; self.database = arg.database; self.record = arg.record; self.acd_caller_id = arg.acd_caller_id; self.domain = arg.domain; return object; end function AutomaticCallDistributor.find_by_sql(self, sql_query) local acd = nil; require 'common.str' self.database:query(sql_query, function(entry) acd = AutomaticCallDistributor:new(self); acd.record = entry; acd.id = tonumber(entry.id); acd.uuid = entry.uuid; acd.agent_timeout = tonumber(entry.agent_timeout) or DEFAULT_AGENT_TIMEOUT; acd.announce_position = tonumber(entry.announce_position); acd.announce_call_agents = common.str.to_s(entry.announce_call_agents); acd.greeting = common.str.to_s(entry.greeting); acd.goodbye = common.str.to_s(entry.goodbye); acd.music = common.str.to_s(entry.music); acd.strategy = common.str.to_s(entry.strategy); acd.join = common.str.to_s(entry.join); acd.leave = common.str.to_s(entry.leave); end) return acd; end function AutomaticCallDistributor.find_by_id(self, id) local sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `automatic_call_distributors` WHERE `id`= '.. tonumber(id) .. ' LIMIT 1'; return self:find_by_sql(sql_query); end function AutomaticCallDistributor.find_by_uuid(self, uuid) local sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `automatic_call_distributors` WHERE `uuid`= "'.. tostring(uuid) .. '" LIMIT 1'; return self:find_by_sql(sql_query); end function AutomaticCallDistributor.callers_count(self) return self.database:query_return_value('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `acd_callers` `a` JOIN `channels` `b` ON `a`.`channel_uuid` = `b`.`uuid` WHERE `automatic_call_distributor_id` = ' .. self.id); end function AutomaticCallDistributor.caller_new(self, uuid) local sql_query = 'INSERT INTO `acd_callers` \ (`enter_time`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `status`, `automatic_call_distributor_id`, `channel_uuid`) \ VALUES (NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), "enter", ' .. self.id .. ', "' .. uuid .. '")'; if self.database:query(sql_query) then self.acd_caller_id = self.database:last_insert_id(); end end function AutomaticCallDistributor.caller_update(self, attributes) local attributes_sql = { '`updated_at` = NOW()' }; for key, value in pairs(attributes) do table.insert(attributes_sql, '`' .. key .. '` = "' .. value .. '"'); end local sql_query = 'UPDATE `acd_callers` \ SET '.. table.concat(attributes_sql, ',') .. '\ WHERE `id` = ' .. tonumber(self.acd_caller_id); return self.database:query(sql_query); end function AutomaticCallDistributor.caller_delete(self, id) id = id or self.acd_caller_id; local sql_query = 'DELETE FROM `acd_callers` \ WHERE `id` = ' .. tonumber(id); return self.database:query(sql_query); end function AutomaticCallDistributor.agent_find_by_acd_and_destination(self, acd_id, destination_type, destination_id) local sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `acd_agents` \ WHERE `automatic_call_distributor_id` = ' .. acd_id .. ' \ AND `destination_type` = "' .. destination_type .. '" \ AND `destination_id` = ' .. destination_id; local agent = nil; self.database:query(sql_query, function(entry) agent = entry; end) return agent; end function AutomaticCallDistributor.agent_status_presence_set(self, agent_id, presence_state) require "dialplan.presence" local presence = dialplan.presence.Presence:new(); presence:init{log = self.log, accounts = { 'f-acdmtg-' .. tostring(agent_id) }, domain = self.domain, uuid = 'acd_agent_' .. tostring(agent_id)}; return presence:set(presence_state); end function AutomaticCallDistributor.agent_status_get(self, agent_id) local sql_query = 'SELECT `status` FROM `acd_agents` WHERE `id` = ' .. agent_id; return self.database:query_return_value(sql_query); end function AutomaticCallDistributor.agent_status_toggle(self, agent_id, destination_type, destination_id) local sql_query = 'UPDATE `acd_agents` SET `status` = IF(`status` = "active", "inactive", "active") \ WHERE `id` = ' .. agent_id .. ' \ AND `destination_type` = "' .. destination_type .. '" \ AND `destination_id` = ' .. destination_id; if not self.database:query(sql_query) then return nil; end local status = self:agent_status_get(agent_id); if tostring(status) == 'active' then self:agent_status_presence_set(agent_id, 'confirmed'); else self:agent_status_presence_set(agent_id, 'terminated'); end return status; end function AutomaticCallDistributor.agents_active(self) local sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `acd_agents` \ WHERE `status` = "active" AND destination_type != "SipAccount" AND `automatic_call_distributor_id` = ' .. tonumber(self.id); local agents = {} self.database:query(sql_query, function(entry) table.insert(agents, entry); end); local sql_query = 'SELECT `a`.* FROM `acd_agents` `a` \ JOIN `sip_accounts` `b` ON `a`.`destination_id` = `b`.`id` \ JOIN `sip_registrations` `c` ON `b`.`auth_name` = `c`.`sip_user` \ WHERE `a`.`status` = "active" AND `a`.destination_type = "SipAccount" AND `a`.`automatic_call_distributor_id` = ' .. tonumber(self.id); self.database:query(sql_query, function(entry) table.insert(agents, entry); end); return agents; end function AutomaticCallDistributor.agents_available(self, strategy) local order_by = '`a`.`id` DESC'; if strategy then if strategy == 'round_robin' then order_by = '`a`.`last_call` ASC, `a`.`id` DESC'; end end local sql_query = 'SELECT `a`.`id`, `a`.`name`, `a`.`destination_type`, `a`.`destination_id`, `b`.`auth_name`, `b`.`gs_node_id`, `c`.`callstate` \ FROM `acd_agents` `a` LEFT JOIN `sip_accounts` `b` ON `a`.`destination_id` = `b`.`id` \ JOIN `sip_registrations` `d` ON `b`.`auth_name` = `d`.`sip_user` \ LEFT JOIN `channels` `c` ON `c`.`name` LIKE CONCAT("%", `b`.`auth_name`, "@%") \ WHERE `a`.`status` = "active" AND `a`.`destination_id` IS NOT NULL AND `a`.`automatic_call_distributor_id` = ' .. tonumber(self.id) .. ' \ ORDER BY ' .. order_by; local accounts = {} self.database:query(sql_query, function(entry) if common.str.blank(entry.callstate) then table.insert(accounts, entry); end end); return accounts; end function AutomaticCallDistributor.agent_update_call(self, agent_id) local sql_query = 'UPDATE `acd_agents` \ SET `last_call` = NOW(), `calls_answered` = IFNULL(`calls_answered`, 0) + 1 \ WHERE `id` = ' .. tonumber(agent_id); return self.database:query(sql_query); end function AutomaticCallDistributor.call_position(self) local sql_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `acd_callers` `a` JOIN `channels` `b` ON `a`.`channel_uuid` = `b`.`uuid` \ WHERE `automatic_call_distributor_id` = ' .. tonumber(self.id) .. ' AND `status` = "waiting" AND `id` < ' .. tonumber(self.acd_caller_id); return tonumber(self.database:query_return_value(sql_query)); end function AutomaticCallDistributor.wait_turn(self, caller_uuid, acd_caller_id, timeout, retry_timeout) self.acd_caller_id = acd_caller_id or self.acd_caller_id; timeout = timeout or DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT; local available_agents = {}; local active_agents = {}; local position = self:call_position(); self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' WAIT - timeout: ', timeout, ', res: ', DEFAULT_TIME_RES, ', retry_timeout: ', retry_timeout, ', position: ', position + 1); require 'common.fapi' local fapi = common.fapi.FApi:new{ log = self.log, uuid = caller_uuid } local acd_status = nil; local start_time = os.time(); local exit_time = start_time + timeout; if tonumber(retry_timeout) then self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' WAIT - retry_timeout: ', retry_timeout); fapi:sleep(retry_timeout * 1000); end while (exit_time > os.time() and fapi:channel_exists()) do available_agents = self:agents_available(); active_agents = self:agents_active(); local current_position = self:call_position(); if position ~= current_position then position = current_position; self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' WAIT - agents: ', #available_agents, '/', #active_agents, ', position: ', position + 1, ', wait_time: ', os.time()-start_time); if tostring(self.announce_position) >= '0' and position > 0 then acd_status = 'announce_position'; fapi:set_variable('acd_position', position + 1); break; end else self.log:debug('ACD ', self.id, ' WAIT - agents: ', #available_agents, '/', #active_agents, ', position: ', position + 1, ', wait_time: ', os.time()-start_time); end if #available_agents == 0 and self.leave:find('no_agents_available') then acd_status = 'no_agents'; break; elseif #active_agents == 0 and self.leave:find('no_agents_active') then acd_status = 'no_agents'; break; elseif position == 0 and #available_agents > 0 then acd_status = 'call_agents'; break; end if tonumber(self.announce_position) and tonumber(self.announce_position) > 0 and tonumber(self.announce_position) <= os.time()-start_time then acd_status = 'announce_position'; fapi:set_variable('acd_position', position + 1); break; end fapi:sleep(DEFAULT_TIME_RES * 1000); end if not acd_status then if (exit_time <= os.time()) then acd_status = 'timeout'; else acd_status = 'unspecified'; end end self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' WAIT END - status: ', acd_status, ', agents: ', #available_agents, '/', #active_agents, ', position: ', position + 1, ', wait_time: ', os.time()-start_time); fapi:set_variable('acd_status', acd_status); if tostring(fapi:get_variable('acd_waiting')) == 'true' then fapi:continue(); end end function AutomaticCallDistributor.wait_play_music(self, caller, timeout, retry_timeout, music) local result = caller:result('luarun(acd_wait.lua ' .. caller.uuid .. ' ' .. tostring(self.id) .. ' ' .. tostring(timeout) .. ' ' .. tostring(retry_timeout) .. ' ' .. self.acd_caller_id .. ')'); if not tostring(result):match('^+OK') then self.log:error('ACD ', self.id,' WAIT_PLAY_MUSIC - error starting acd thread'); return 'error'; end caller:set_variable('acd_waiting', true); caller.session:streamFile(music or DEFAULT_MUSIC_ON_WAIT); caller:set_variable('acd_waiting', false); local acd_status = caller:to_s('acd_status'); if acd_status == '' then acd_status = 'abandoned'; end return acd_status; end function AutomaticCallDistributor.on_answer(self, destination) self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' ANSWERED - agent: ', destination.type, '=', destination.id, '/', destination.uuid) self:caller_update({status = 'answered'}); end function AutomaticCallDistributor.call_agents(self, dialplan_object, caller, destination) local available_agents = self:agents_available(self.strategy); self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' CALL_AGENTS - strategy: ', self.strategy, ', available_agents: ', #available_agents); caller:set_variable('ring_ready', true); local destinations = {} for index, agent in ipairs(available_agents) do self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' AGENT - name: ', agent.name, ', destination: ', agent.destination_type, '=', agent.destination_id, '@', agent.gs_node_id, ', local_node: ', dialplan_object.node_id); table.insert(destinations, dialplan_object:destination_new{ type = agent.destination_type, id = agent.destination_id, node_id = agent.gs_node_id, data = agent.id }); end local result = { continue = false }; local start_time = os.time(); require 'dialplan.sip_call' if self.strategy == 'ring_all' then result = dialplan.sip_call.SipCall:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, caller = caller, calling_object = self, on_answer = self.on_answer }:fork(destinations, { callee_id_number = destination.number, timeout = self.agent_timeout, send_ringing = ( dialplan_object.send_ringing_to_gateways and caller.from_gateway ), }); self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' CALL_AGENTS - success, fork_index: ', result.fork_index); if result.fork_index then result.destination = destinations[result.fork_index]; end return result; else for index, destination in ipairs(destinations) do if os.time() > (self.start_time + self.timeout) and caller.session:ready() then self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' CALL_AGENTS - timeout'); return { disposition = 'ACD_TIMEOUT', code = 480, phrase = 'Timeout' } end self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' CALL_AGENT - ', destination.type, '=', destination.id, ', timeout: ', self.agent_timeout); result = dialplan.sip_call.SipCall:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, caller = caller, calling_object = self, on_answer = self.on_answer }:fork({ destination }, { callee_id_number = destination.number, timeout = self.agent_timeout, send_ringing = ( dialplan_object.send_ringing_to_gateways and caller.from_gateway ), }); if result.disposition == 'SUCCESS' then self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' CALL_AGENTS - success, agent_id: ', destination.data); self:agent_update_call(destination.data); result.destination = destination; return result; end end end return { disposition = 'ACD_NO_AGENTS', code = 480, phrase = 'No active agents' } end function AutomaticCallDistributor.run(self, dialplan_object, caller, destination) require 'common.str' local callers_count = self:callers_count(); local active_agents = self:agents_active(); local available_agents = self:agents_available(); local position = self:call_position(); if self.leave:find('timeout') then self.timeout = dialplan_object.dial_timeout_active; else self.timeout = 86400; end self.log:info('ACD ', self.id,' - ', self.class, '=', self.id, '/', self.uuid, ', acd_caller=', self.acd_caller_id, ', callers: ', callers_count, ', agents: ', #available_agents, '/', #active_agents, ', position: ', position + 1, ', music: ', tostring(self.music)); if self.join == 'agents_active' and #active_agents == 0 then self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' - no agents active'); return { disposition = 'ACD_NO_AGENTS', code = 480, phrase = 'No agents' } end if self.join == 'agents_available' and #available_agents == 0 then self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' - no agents available'); return { disposition = 'ACD_NO_AGENTS', code = 480, phrase = 'All agents busy' } end if not common.str.blank(self.music) then caller:set_variable('ringback', self.music); else self.music = false; end if self.music then caller.session:answer(); else caller:set_variable('instant_ringback', true); end self.start_time = os.time(); caller:sleep(500); local acd_status = 'waiting'; self:caller_update({status = acd_status}); local retry_timeout = nil; local result = { disposition = 'ACD_NO_AGENTS', code = 480, phrase = 'No active agents' } if self.greeting then caller.session:sayPhrase('acd_greeting', self.greeting); end if self.announce_position then local current_position = self:call_position(); if tonumber(current_position) then caller.session:sayPhrase('acd_announce_position_enter', tonumber(current_position) + 1); end end while acd_status == 'waiting' and caller.session:ready() do acd_status = self:wait_play_music(caller, self.timeout - (os.time() - self.start_time), retry_timeout, self.music); self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' PROCESS - status: ', acd_status, ', wait_time: ', (os.time() - self.start_time)); if not caller.session:ready() then acd_status = 'abandoned'; break; elseif os.time() >= (self.start_time + self.timeout) then acd_status = 'timeout'; break; elseif acd_status == 'no_agents' then break; elseif acd_status == 'call_agents' then if self.announce_call_agents ~= '' then caller.session:sayPhrase('acd_announce_call_agents', self.announce_call_agents); end result = self:call_agents(dialplan_object, caller, destination); self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' PROCESS - result: ', result.disposition, ', code: ', result.code, ', wait_time: ', (os.time() - self.start_time)); if result.disposition == 'SUCCESS' then acd_status = 'success'; break; elseif os.time() < (self.start_time + self.timeout) then acd_status = 'waiting'; else break; end elseif acd_status == 'announce_position' then acd_status = 'waiting'; if tostring(self.announce_position) == '0' then caller.session:sayPhrase('acd_announce_position_change', caller:to_i('acd_position')); else caller.session:sayPhrase('acd_announce_position_periodic', caller:to_i('acd_position')); end end retry_timeout = tonumber(self.record.retry_timeout); end if self.goodbye and caller.session:ready() then caller.session:sayPhrase('acd_goodbye', self.goodbye); end self.log:info('ACD ', self.id, ' EXIT - status: ', acd_status, ', wait_time: ', (os.time() - self.start_time)); return result; end function AutomaticCallDistributor.call_forwarding_on(self, service, destination, destination_type, timeout, source) if not self.call_forwarding then require 'common.call_forwarding'; self.call_forwarding = common.call_forwarding.CallForwarding:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, parent = self, domain = self.domain }; end return self.call_forwarding:call_forwarding_on(service, destination, destination_type, timeout, source) end function AutomaticCallDistributor.call_forwarding_off(self, service, source, delete) if not self.call_forwarding then require 'common.call_forwarding'; self.call_forwarding = common.call_forwarding.CallForwarding:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, parent = self, domain = self.domain }; end return self.call_forwarding:call_forwarding_off(service, source, delete) end