-- CommonModule: Callthrough -- module(...,package.seeall) Callthrough = {} -- Create Callthrough object function Callthrough.new(self, arg) arg = arg or {} object = arg.object or {} setmetatable(object, self) self.__index = self self.log = arg.log self.database = arg.database self.record = arg.record self.access_authorizations = arg.access_authorizations return object end -- Find Callthrough by ID function Callthrough.find_by_id(self, id) local sql_query = string.format("SELECT * FROM `callthroughs` WHERE `id`=%d LIMIT 1", id) local record = nil self.database:query(sql_query, function(callthrough_entry) record = callthrough_entry end) if record then local callthrough = Callthrough:new(self); callthrough.record = record require 'dialplan.access_authorizations' callthrough.access_authorizations = dialplan.access_authorizations.AccessAuthorization:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:list_by_owner(record.id, 'Callthrough'); return callthrough end return nil end function Callthrough.authenticate(self, caller) local authorizations = {} local logins = {} local pins = {} caller:answer(); caller:sleep(1000); if not self.access_authorizations or table.getn(self.access_authorizations) == 0 then self.log:debug('CALLTHROUGH_AUTHENTICATE - authorization disabled'); return true; end self.log:debug('CALLTHROUGH_AUTHENTICATE - access_authorizations: ', #self.access_authorizations); for index, authorization in ipairs(self.access_authorizations) do if not common.str.blank(authorization.phone_number) then if authorization.phone_number == caller.caller_phone_number then if authorization.pin and authorization.pin ~= "" then if caller.session:read(authorization.pin:len(), authorization.pin:len(), "ivr/ivr-please_enter_pin_followed_by_pound.wav", 3000, "#") ~= authorization.pin then self.log:debug("CALLTHROUGH_AUTHENTICATE - Wrong PIN"); return false; else self.log:debug("CALLTHROUGH_AUTHENTICATE - Caller was authenticated by caller id: " .. caller.caller_phone_number .. " and PIN"); return authorization; end end self.log:debug("CALLTHROUGH_AUTHENTICATE - Caller was authenticated by caller id: " .. caller.caller_phone_number); return authorization; end else self.log:debug('CALLTHROUGH_AUTHENTICATE - access_authorization=', authorization.id); if authorization.id then authorizations[authorization.id] = authorization; if authorization.login and authorization.login ~= "" then logins[authorization.login] = authorization; elseif authorization.pin and authorization.pin ~= "" then pins[authorization.pin] = authorization; end end end end local login = nil; local pin = nil; if next(logins) ~= nil then caller.session:streamFile('ivr/ivr-please_enter_the.wav'); caller.session:streamFile('ivr/ivr-id_number.wav'); login = caller.session:read(2, 10, 'ivr/ivr-followed_by_pound.wav', 3000, '#'); end if login and logins[tostring(login)] then if not logins[tostring(login)].pin or logins[tostring(login)].pin == '' then self.log:debug("CALLTHROUGH_AUTHENTICATE - Caller was authenticated by login: " .. login .. " without PIN"); return logins[tostring(login)]; end pin = caller.session:read(2, 10, "ivr/ivr-please_enter_pin_followed_by_pound.wav", 3000, "#"); if logins[tostring(login)].pin == pin then self.log:debug("CALLTHROUGH_AUTHENTICATE - Caller was authenticated by login: " .. login .. " and PIN"); return logins[tostring(login)]; else self.log:debug("CALLTHROUGH_AUTHENTICATE - Wrong PIN"); return false end end if next(pins) ~= nil then pin = caller.session:read(2, 10, "ivr/ivr-please_enter_pin_followed_by_pound.wav", 3000, "#"); end self.log:debug("CALLTHROUGH_AUTHENTICATE - No such login, try PIN"); if pin and pins[tostring(pin)] then self.log:debug("CALLTHROUGH_AUTHENTICATE - Caller was authenticated by PIN"); return pins[tostring(pin)]; end self.log:debug("CALLTHROUGH_AUTHENTICATE - No login, wrong PIN - giving up"); return false; end function Callthrough.whitelist(self, number) local sql_query = 'SELECT `id` FROM `whitelists` WHERE `whitelistable_type` = "Callthrough" AND `whitelistable_id` = ' .. self.record.id; local whitelist_ids = {} self.database:query(sql_query, function(entry) table.insert(whitelist_ids, entry.id); end) if next(whitelist_ids) == nil then return true; end -- OPTIMIZE Make sure number contains only valid characters local sql_query = 'SELECT `id` FROM `phone_numbers` WHERE \ `number` = "' .. number .. '" AND \ `phone_numberable_type` = "Whitelist" AND `phone_numberable_id` IN (' .. table.concat(whitelist_ids, ',') .. ') LIMIT 1'; local authorized = false self.database:query(sql_query, function(entry) authorized = true end) return authorized; end