-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: fax class -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012-2013 -- module(...,package.seeall) FAX_DOCUMENTS_DIRECTORY = '/var/spool/freeswitch/' FAX_PARALLEL_MAX = 8; Fax = {} -- Create Fax object function Fax.new(self, arg) arg = arg or {} object = arg.object or {} setmetatable(object, self) self.__index = self self.class = 'faxaccount'; self.log = arg.log; self.database = arg.database; self.record = arg.record; self.fax_directory = arg.fax_directory or FAX_DOCUMENTS_DIRECTORY; return object; end -- find fax account by id function Fax.find_by_id(self, id) local sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `fax_accounts` WHERE `id` = ' .. tonumber(id) .. ' LIMIT 1'; local fax_account = nil; self.database:query(sql_query, function(fax_entry) fax_account = Fax:new(self); fax_account.record = fax_entry; fax_account.id = tonumber(fax_entry.id); fax_account.uuid = fax_entry.uuid; end) return fax_account; end -- find fax account by uuid function Fax.find_by_uuid(self, uuid) local sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `fax_accounts` WHERE `uuid` = "' .. uuid .. '" LIMIT 1'; local fax_account = nil; self.database:query(sql_query, function(fax_entry) fax_account = Fax:new(self); fax_account.record = fax_entry; fax_account.id = tonumber(fax_entry.id); fax_account.uuid = fax_entry.uuid; end) return fax_account; end function Fax.destination_numbers(self, id) local sql_query = 'SELECT `number` FROM `phone_numbers` WHERE `phone_numberable_type` = "FaxDocument" AND `phone_numberable_id` = ' .. tonumber(id); local destination_numbers = {} self.database:query(sql_query, function(fax_entry) table.insert(destination_numbers, fax_entry.number); end) return destination_numbers; end function Fax.destination_number(self, id) local sql_query = 'SELECT `number` FROM `phone_numbers` WHERE `phone_numberable_type` = "FaxDocument" AND `phone_numberable_id`= ' .. tonumber(id) .. ' LIMIT 1'; local destination_number = nil; self.database:query(sql_query, function(fax_entry) destination_number = fax_entry.number; end) return destination_number; end -- List waiting fax documents function Fax.queued_for_sending(self, limit) limit = limit or FAX_PARALLEL_MAX; local sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `fax_documents` WHERE `state` IN ("queued_for_sending","unsuccessful") AND `retry_counter` > 0 ORDER BY `sent_at` ASC LIMIT ' .. limit; local fax_documents = {} self.database:query(sql_query, function(fax_entry) fax_entry['destination_numbers'] = Fax:destination_numbers(fax_entry.id) table.insert(fax_documents, fax_entry); end) return fax_documents; end -- Update fax document sending status function Fax.document_update(self, id, params) require 'common.str' local params_sql = {} for name, value in pairs(params) do table.insert(params_sql, '`' .. name .. '`=' .. common.str.to_sql(value)); end if not params['sent_at'] then table.insert(params_sql, '`sent_at`=NOW()'); end if not params['updated_at'] then table.insert(params_sql, '`updated_at`=NOW()'); end local sql_query = 'UPDATE `fax_documents` SET ' .. table.concat(params_sql, ',') .. ' WHERE `id` = ' .. tonumber(id); return self.database:query(sql_query); end function Fax.get_parameters(self, caller) local fax_parameters = { bad_rows = caller:to_i('fax_bad_rows'), total_pages = caller:to_i('fax_document_total_pages'), transferred_pages = caller:to_i('fax_document_transferred_pages'), ecm_requested = caller:to_b('fax_ecm_requested'), ecm_used = caller:to_b('fax_ecm_used'), filename = caller:to_s('fax_filename'), image_resolution = caller:to_s('fax_image_resolution'), image_size = caller:to_i('fax_image_size'), local_station_id = caller:to_s('fax_local_station_id'), result_code = caller:to_i('fax_result_code'), result_text = caller:to_s('fax_result_text'), remote_station_id = caller:to_s('fax_remote_station_id'), success = caller:to_b('fax_success'), transfer_rate = caller:to_i('fax_transfer_rate'), v17_disabled = caller:to_b('fax_v17_disabled'), } return fax_parameters; end -- Receive Fax function Fax.receive(self, caller, file_name) file_name = file_name or self.fax_directory .. 'fax_in_' .. caller.uuid .. '.tiff'; caller:set_variable('fax_ident', self.record.station_id) caller:set_variable('fax_verbose', 'false') caller:answer(); local start_time = os.time(); caller:execute('rxfax', file_name); local record = self:get_parameters(caller); record.transmission_time = os.time() - start_time; return record; end -- Send Fax function Fax.send(self, caller, file_name) caller:set_variable('fax_ident', self.record.station_id) caller:set_variable('fax_header', self.record.name) caller:set_variable('fax_verbose', 'false') local start_time = os.time(); caller:execute('txfax', file_name); local record = self:get_parameters(caller); record.transmission_time = os.time() - start_time; return record; end -- find fax document by id function Fax.find_document_by_id(self, id) local sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `fax_documents` WHERE `id` = ' .. tonumber(id) .. ' LIMIT 1' local record = nil self.database:query(sql_query, function(fax_entry) record = fax_entry; end); return record; end -- save fax document to database function Fax.insert_document(self, record) require 'common.str' local sql_query = 'INSERT INTO `fax_documents` ( \ inbound, \ retry_counter, \ fax_resolution_id, \ state, \ transmission_time, \ sent_at, \ document_total_pages, \ document_transferred_pages, \ ecm_requested, \ ecm_used, \ image_resolution, \ image_size, \ local_station_id, \ result_code, \ remote_station_id, \ success, \ transfer_rate, \ created_at, \ updated_at, \ fax_account_id, \ caller_id_number, \ caller_id_name, \ tiff, \ uuid \ ) VALUES ( \ true, \ 0, \ 1, \ "received", \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.transmission_time) .. ', \ NOW(), \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.total_pages) .. ', \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.transferred_pages) .. ', \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.ecm_requested) .. ', \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.ecm_used) .. ', \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.image_resolution) .. ', \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.image_size) .. ', \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.local_station_id) .. ', \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.result_code) .. ', \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.remote_station_id) .. ', \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.success) .. ', \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.transfer_rate) .. ', \ NOW(), \ NOW(), \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(self.id) .. ', \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.caller_id_number) .. ', \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.caller_id_name) .. ', \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.filename) .. ', \ ' .. common.str.to_sql(record.uuid) .. ' \ )'; return self.database:query(sql_query); end function Fax.trigger_notification(self, fax_document_id, uuid) local command = 'http_request.lua ' .. uuid .. '' .. tostring(fax_document_id); require 'common.fapi' return common.fapi.FApi:new():execute('luarun', command); end