-- DialplanModule: Functions -- module(...,package.seeall) Functions = {} -- Create Functions object function Functions.new(self, arg) arg = arg or {} object = arg.object or {} setmetatable(object, self) self.__index = self self.log = arg.log self.database = arg.database self.domain = arg.domain return object end function Functions.ensure_caller_sip_account(self, caller) if caller.account and caller.account.class == 'sipaccount' then return caller.account; end end function Functions.dialplan_function(self, caller, dialed_number) local parameters = common.str.to_a(dialed_number, '%-'); if not parameters[2] then return { continue = false, code = 484, phrase = 'Malformed function parameters', no_cdr = true }; end local fid = tostring(parameters[2]); local result = { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Function not found', no_cdr = true }; self.log:debug('DIALPLAN_FUNCTION - execute: ', dialed_number); if fid == "ta" then result = self:transfer_all(caller, parameters[3]); elseif fid == "ia" then result = self:intercept_any_number(caller, parameters[3]); elseif fid == "ig" then result = self:group_pickup(caller, parameters[3]); elseif fid == "anc" then result = self:account_node_change(caller); elseif fid == "li" then result = self:user_login(caller, parameters[3], parameters[4]); elseif fid == "lo" then result = self:user_logout(caller); elseif fid == "lir" then result = self:user_login_redirect(caller, parameters[3], parameters[4]); elseif fid == "loaon" then result = self:user_auto_logout(caller, true); elseif fid == "loaoff" then result = self:user_auto_logout(caller, false); elseif fid == "redial" then result = self:redial(caller); elseif fid == "dcliroff" then result = self:dial_clir_off(caller, parameters[3]); elseif fid == "dcliron" then result = self:dial_clir_on(caller, parameters[3]); elseif fid == "cliron" then result = self:clir_on(caller); elseif fid == "cliroff" then result = self:clir_off(caller); elseif fid == "clipon" then result = self:clip_on(caller); elseif fid == "clipoff" then result = self:clip_off(caller); elseif fid == "cwaoff" then result = self:callwaiting_off(caller); elseif fid == "cwaon" then result = self:callwaiting_on(caller); elseif fid == "cfoff" then result = self:call_forwarding_off(caller); elseif fid == "cfdel" then result = self:call_forwarding_off(caller, nil, true); elseif fid == "cfu" then result = self:call_forwarding_on(caller, 'always', parameters[3], 'PhoneNumber'); elseif fid == "cfuoff" then result = self:call_forwarding_off(caller, 'always'); elseif fid == "cfudel" then result = self:call_forwarding_off(caller, 'always', true); elseif fid == "cfutg" then result = self:call_forwarding_toggle(caller, 'always', parameters[3]); elseif fid == "cfn" then result = self:call_forwarding_on(caller, 'noanswer', parameters[3], 'PhoneNumber', parameters[4]); elseif fid == "cfnoff" then result = self:call_forwarding_off(caller, 'noanswer'); elseif fid == "cfndel" then result = self:call_forwarding_off(caller, 'noanswer', true); elseif fid == "cfo" then result = self:call_forwarding_on(caller, 'offline', parameters[3], 'PhoneNumber'); elseif fid == "cfooff" then result = self:call_forwarding_off(caller, 'offline'); elseif fid == "cfodel" then result = self:call_forwarding_off(caller, 'offline', true); elseif fid == "cfb" then result = self:call_forwarding_on(caller, 'busy', parameters[3], 'PhoneNumber'); elseif fid == "cfboff" then result = self:call_forwarding_off(caller, 'busy'); elseif fid == "cfbdel" then result = self:call_forwarding_off(caller, 'busy', true); elseif fid == "vmleave" then result = self:voicemail_message_leave(caller, parameters[3]); elseif fid == "vmcheck" then result = self:voicemail_check(caller, parameters[3]); elseif fid == "vmplay" then result = self:voicemail_play(caller, tostring(parameters[3]) .. '-' .. tostring(parameters[4]) .. '-' .. tostring(parameters[5]) .. '-' .. tostring(parameters[6]) .. '-' .. tostring(parameters[7])); elseif fid == "vmtg" then result = self:call_forwarding_toggle(caller, nil, parameters[3]); elseif fid == "acdmtg" then result = self:acd_membership_toggle(caller, parameters[3], parameters[4]); elseif fid == "e164" then result = "+" .. tostring(parameters[3]); elseif fid == "hangup" then result = self:hangup(caller, parameters[3], parameters[4]); elseif fid == "cpa" then result = self:call_parking_inout(caller, parameters[3], parameters[4]); elseif fid == "cpai" then result = self:call_parking_inout_index(caller, parameters[3]); elseif fid == "test" then result = self:test(caller, parameters[3]); end return result or { continue = false, code = 505, phrase = 'Error executing function', no_cdr = true }; end function Functions.transfer_all(self, caller, destination_number) local caller_sip_account = self:ensure_caller_sip_account(caller); if not caller_sip_account then self.log:error('TRANSFER_ALL - incompatible caller'); return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller' } end self.log:info('TRANSFER_ALL - initiator: ', caller.account.class, '=', caller.account.id, '/', caller.account.uuid, ', number: ', destination_number); local sql_query = 'SELECT `uuid`, `b_uuid`, `callee_number`, `caller_id_number`, `sip_account_id`, `b_sip_account_id` \ FROM `calls_active` WHERE `sip_account_id` = '.. caller.account.id .. ' OR `b_sip_account_id` = '.. caller.account.id; local index = 1; self.database:query(sql_query, function(call_entry) if not common.str.blank(call_entry.uuid) and tostring(caller.account.id) ~= tostring(call_entry.sip_account_id) then self.log:info('TRANSFER_ALEG ', index, ' - channel/', call_entry.uuid, '|', call_entry.caller_id_number); freeswitch.API():execute("uuid_transfer", call_entry.uuid .. " " .. destination_number); end if not common.str.blank(call_entry.b_uuid) and tostring(caller.account.id) ~= tostring(call_entry.b_sip_account_id) then self.log:info('TRANSFER_BLEG ', index, ' - channel/', call_entry.b_uuid, '|', call_entry.callee_number); freeswitch.API():execute("uuid_transfer", call_entry.b_uuid .. " " .. destination_number); end index = index + 1; end) return { continue = true, number = destination_number } end function Functions.intercept_any_number(self, caller, destination_number) require 'common.phone_number' local phone_number = common.phone_number.PhoneNumber:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_number(destination_number); if not phone_number or not phone_number.record then self.log:notice('FUNCTION_INTERCEPT_ANY_NUMBER - number not found: ', destination_number); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Number not found', no_cdr = true }; end require 'common.object'; local phone_numberable = common.object.Object:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database}:find{class = phone_number.record.phone_numberable_type, id = phone_number.record.phone_numberable_id}; if not phone_numberable then self.log:notice('FUNCTION_INTERCEPT_ANY_NUMBER - numberable not found: ', phone_number.record.phone_numberable_type, '=', phone_number.record.phone_numberable_id); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Destination not found', no_cdr = true }; end require 'common.group'; local group_class = common.group.Group:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }; local group_ids = group_class:union(common.array.try(caller, 'auth_account.group_ids'), common.array.try(caller, 'auth_account.owner.group_ids')); local target_groups, target_group_ids = group_class:permission_targets(group_ids, 'pickup'); local destination_group_ids = group_class:union(common.array.try(phone_numberable, 'group_ids'), common.array.try(phone_numberable, 'owner.group_ids')); if #group_class:intersection(destination_group_ids, target_group_ids) == 0 then self.log:notice('FUNCTION_INTERCEPT_ANY_NUMBER - Groups not found or insufficient permissions, destination:', destination_group_ids, ', target: ', target_group_ids); return { continue = false, code = 402, phrase = '"Insufficient permissions', no_cdr = true }; end self.log:info('FUNCTION_INTERCEPT_ANY_NUMBER intercepting call - to: ', phone_numberable.class, '=',phone_numberable.id, '|', destination_number); caller:set_variable('gs_pickup_group_pick', 's' .. phone_number.record.phone_numberable_id); caller:execute('pickup', 's' .. phone_number.record.phone_numberable_id); return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.group_pickup(self, caller, group_id) if not tonumber(group_id) then return { continue = false, code = 505, phrase = 'Incompatible destination', no_cdr = true }; end require 'common.group'; local group_class = common.group.Group:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }; local group_ids = group_class:union(common.array.try(caller, 'auth_account.group_ids'), common.array.try(caller, 'auth_account.owner.group_ids')); local target_group = group_class:is_target(group_id, 'pickup'); if not target_group then self.log:notice('FUNCTION_GROUP_PICKUP - group=', group_id, ' not found or insufficient permissions'); return { continue = false, code = 402, phrase = '"Insufficient permissions', no_cdr = true }; end self.log:notice('FUNCTION_GROUP_PICKUP - group=', group_id, '|', target_group); caller:set_variable('gs_pickup_group_pick', 'g' .. group_id); caller:execute('pickup', 'g' .. group_id); return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.account_node_change(self, caller) self.log:info('NODE_CHANGE - caller: ', caller.account_type, '/', caller.account_uuid, ', caller_id: ', caller.caller_id_number); -- find caller's sip account local caller_sip_account = caller.account; if not caller_sip_account or not caller_sip_account.class == 'sipaccount' then self.log:notice('LOGIN - caller sip_account not found'); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Account not found', no_cdr = true } end require 'phones.phone' local phone_class = phones.phone.Phone:new{log = self.log, database = self.database} -- logout caller phones if caller account is hot-deskable local caller_phones = phone_class:find_all_hot_deskable_by_account(caller_sip_account.record.id); for index, phone_caller in ipairs(caller_phones) do phone_caller:logout(caller_sip_account.record.id); end self:update_node_change(caller_sip_account, caller.local_node_id); caller:answer(); caller:send_display('Change successful'); caller.session:sayPhrase('logged_in'); -- resync caller phones for index, phone_caller in ipairs(caller_phones) do local result = phone_caller:resync{ auth_name = caller_sip_account.record.auth_name, domain = caller_sip_account.record.host }; self.log:info('NODE_CHANGE - resync phone - mac: ', phone_caller.record.mac_address, ', ip_address: ', phone_caller.record.ip_address, ', result: ', result); end return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.user_login(self, caller, number, pin) local PHONE_NUMBER_LEN_MIN = 4; local PHONE_NUMBER_LEN_MAX = 12; local PIN_LEN_MIN = 4; local PIN_LEN_MAX = 12; caller:set_variable('destination_number', 'f-li-' .. common.str.to_s(number) .. '-PIN'); self.log:info('LOGIN - caller: ', caller.account_type, '/', caller.account_uuid, ', caller_id: ', caller.caller_id_number, ', number: ', number); if common.str.blank(number) then number = caller.session:read(PHONE_NUMBER_LEN_MIN, PHONE_NUMBER_LEN_MAX, 'ivr/ivr-please_enter_extension_followed_by_pound.wav', 3000, '#'); end -- find caller's sip account local caller_sip_account = caller.account; if not caller_sip_account or not caller_sip_account.class == 'sipaccount' then self.log:notice('LOGIN - caller sip_account not found'); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Caller not found', no_cdr = true } end require 'phones.phone' local phone_class = phones.phone.Phone:new{log = self.log, database = self.database} local caller_phones = phone_class:find_all_hot_deskable_by_account(caller_sip_account.id); local caller_phone = caller_phones[1]; if not caller_phone then self.log:notice('LOGIN - caller phone not found or not hot-deskable'); local result = phone_class:resync{ auth_name = caller_sip_account.record.auth_name, domain = caller_sip_account.record.host }; return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Phone not hot-deskable', no_cdr = true } end require 'common.phone_number' local phone_number = common.phone_number.PhoneNumber:new{log = self.log, database = self.database}:find_by_number(number, {"SipAccount"}); if not phone_number then self.log:notice('LOGIN - number not found or not linked to a sip account - number: ', number); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Account not found', no_cdr = true } end require 'common.sip_account' local destination_sip_account = common.sip_account.SipAccount:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(phone_number.record.phone_numberable_id); if not destination_sip_account then self.log:notice('LOGIN - account not found - ', phone_number.record.phone_numberable_type, '=', phone_number.record.phone_numberable_id, ', number: ', number); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Account not found', no_cdr = true } end self.log:info('LOGIN - destination: ', phone_number.record.phone_numberable_type, '=', destination_sip_account.record.id, ', caller_name: ', destination_sip_account.record.caller_name, ', hotdeskable: ', destination_sip_account.record.hotdeskable); if not common.str.to_b(destination_sip_account.record.hotdeskable) then self.log:notice('LOGIN - destination sip_account not hot-deskable'); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Destination not hot-deskable', no_cdr = true } end require 'dialplan.user' local user = dialplan.user.User:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_id(destination_sip_account.record.sip_accountable_id); if common.str.blank(pin) then pin = caller.session:read(PIN_LEN_MIN, PIN_LEN_MAX, 'ivr/ivr-please_enter_pin_followed_by_pound.wav', 3000, '#'); end if not user then self.log:notice('LOGIN - user not found - ', destination_sip_account.record.sip_accountable_type, '=',destination_sip_account.record.sip_accountable_id); return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Authentication failed', no_cdr = true } end if not user:check_pin(pin) then self.log:notice('LOGIN - authentication failed'); return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Authentication failed', no_cdr = true } end -- logout caller phones if caller account is hot-deskable if common.str.to_b(caller_sip_account.record.hotdeskable) then for index, phone_caller in ipairs(caller_phones) do phone_caller:logout(caller_sip_account.record.id); end end local destination_phones = phone_class:find_all_hot_deskable_by_account(destination_sip_account.record.id); -- logout destination phones for index, phone_destination in ipairs(destination_phones) do phone_destination:logout(destination_sip_account.record.id); end local result = caller_phone:login(destination_sip_account.record.id, destination_sip_account.record.sip_accountable_id, destination_sip_account.record.sip_accountable_type); self.log:info('LOGIN - account login - mac: ', caller_phone.record.mac_address, ', ip_address: ', caller_phone.record.ip_address, ', result: ', result); if not result then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Login failed', no_cdr = true } end caller:answer(); caller:send_display('Login successful'); self:update_node_change(destination_sip_account, caller.local_node_id); caller:sleep(1000); -- resync destination phones for index, phone_destination in ipairs(destination_phones) do local result = phone_destination:resync{ auth_name = destination_sip_account.record.auth_name, domain = destination_sip_account.record.host }; self.log:info('LOGIN - resync destination phone - mac: ', phone_destination.record.mac_address, ', ip_address: ', phone_destination.record.ip_address, ', result: ', result); end -- resync caller phones for index, phone_caller in ipairs(caller_phones) do local result = phone_caller:resync{ auth_name = caller_sip_account.record.auth_name, domain = caller_sip_account.record.host }; self.log:info('LOGIN - resync caller phone - mac: ', phone_caller.record.mac_address, ', ip_address: ', phone_caller.record.ip_address, ', result: ', result); end return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.user_logout(self, caller) self.log:info('LOGOUT - caller: ', caller.account_type, '/', caller.account_uuid, ', caller_id: ', caller.caller_id_number); -- find caller's sip account local caller_sip_account = caller.account; if not caller_sip_account or not caller_sip_account.class == 'sipaccount' then self.log:notice('LOGOUT - caller sip_account not found'); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Caller not found', no_cdr = true } end if not common.str.to_b(caller_sip_account.record.hotdeskable) then self.log:notice('LOGOUT - caller sip_account not hot-deskable'); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Caller not hot-deskable', no_cdr = true } end require 'phones.phone' local phone_class = phones.phone.Phone:new{log = self.log, database = self.database} local caller_phones = phone_class:find_all_hot_deskable_by_account(caller_sip_account.id); if #caller_phones == 0 then self.log:notice('LOGOUT - caller phones not found or not hot-deskable'); local result = phone_class:resync{ auth_name = caller_sip_account.record.auth_name, domain = caller_sip_account.record.host }; return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Phone not hot-deskable', no_cdr = true } end local result = false; for index, phone_caller in ipairs(caller_phones) do result = phone_caller:logout(caller_sip_account.record.id); self.log:info('LOGOUT - account logout - mac: ', phone_caller.record.mac_address, ', ip_address: ', phone_caller.record.ip_address, ', result: ', result); end caller:answer(); caller:send_display('Logout successful'); caller:sleep(1000); -- resync caller phones for index, phone_caller in ipairs(caller_phones) do local result = phone_caller:resync{ auth_name = caller_sip_account.record.auth_name, domain = caller_sip_account.record.host }; self.log:info('LOGIN - resync caller phone - mac: ', phone_caller.record.mac_address, ', ip_address: ', phone_caller.record.ip_address, ', result: ', result); end return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.update_node_change(self, sip_account, node_id) require 'common.sync_log' local sync_log_class = common.sync_log.SyncLog:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, homebase_ip_address = sip_account.record.host } if tostring(sip_account.record.gs_node_id) ~= tostring(node_id) then self.log:info('UPDATE_NODE - from: ', sip_account.record.gs_node_id, ', to: ', node_id, ', sipaccount=', sip_account.record.id, '/', sip_account.record.uuid, '@', node_id, ', caller_name: ', sip_account.record.caller_name); sql_query = 'UPDATE `sip_accounts` SET `updated_at` = NOW(), `gs_node_id` = ' .. tonumber(node_id) .. ' WHERE id = ' .. tonumber(sip_account.record.id); if self.database:query(sql_query) then sync_log_class:insert('SipAccount', { uuid = sip_account.record.uuid, gs_node_id = tonumber(node_id), updated_at = os.date('!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z') }, 'update', { 'gs_node_id', 'updated_at' }); end end require 'common.phone_number' local phone_numbers = common.phone_number.PhoneNumber:new{log = self.log, database = self.database}:find_all_by_owner(sip_account.record.id, 'SipAccount'); for number_id, phone_number in pairs(phone_numbers) do if tostring(phone_number.record.gs_node_id) ~= tostring(node_id) then self.log:info('UPDATE_NODE - from: ', phone_number.record.gs_node_id, ', to: ', node_id, ', phonenumber=', phone_number.record.id, '/', phone_number.record.uuid, '@', node_id, ', number: ', phone_number.record.number); sql_query = 'UPDATE `phone_numbers` SET `updated_at` = NOW(), `gs_node_id` = ' .. tonumber(node_id) .. ' WHERE id = ' .. tonumber(number_id); if self.database:query(sql_query) then sync_log_class:insert('PhoneNumber', { uuid = phone_number.record.uuid, gs_node_id = tonumber(node_id), updated_at = os.date('!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z') }, 'update', { 'gs_node_id', 'updated_at' }); end end end end function Functions.user_login_redirect(self, caller, phone_number, pin) -- Remove PIN from destination_number caller.session:setVariable("destination_number", "f-li-" .. tostring(phone_number) .. "-PIN"); -- Redirect to f-li function caller.session:execute("redirect", "sip:f-li-" .. tostring(phone_number) .. "-" .. tostring(pin) .. "@" .. caller.domain); end -- Set nightly_reboot flag function Functions.user_auto_logout(self, caller, auto_logout) local nightly_reboot = 'FALSE'; if auto_logout then nightly_reboot = 'TRUE'; end -- Ensure a valid sip account local caller_sip_account = caller.account; if not caller_sip_account or not caller_sip_account.class == 'sipaccount' then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller', no_cdr = true } end require "phones.phone" local phone_class = phones.phone.Phone:new{log = self.log, database = self.database} -- Get caller phone local caller_phone = phone_class:find_hot_deskable_by_account(caller_sip_account.id); if not caller_phone then self.log:notice("Caller phone not found or not hot-deskable"); return { continue = false, code = 401, phrase = 'Phone not hot-deskable', no_cdr = true } end log:debug("Hot-desking auto log off - caller phone: " .. caller_phone.record.id .. ", mac: " .. caller_phone.record.mac_address); sql_query = 'UPDATE `phones` SET `nightly_reboot` = ' .. nightly_reboot .. ' WHERE `id` = ' .. tonumber(caller_phone.record.id); if not self.database:query(sql_query) then self.log:error('Hot-desking auto log off status could not be changed from ' .. tostring(caller_phone.record.nightly_reboot) .. ' to ' .. nightly_reboot); return { continue = false, code = 401, phrase = 'Value could not be changed', no_cdr = true } end self.log:debug('Hot-desking auto log off changed from ' .. tostring(caller_phone.record.nightly_reboot) .. ' to ' .. nightly_reboot); caller:answer(); caller:send_display('Logout successful'); caller:sleep(1000); end function Functions.redial(self, caller) -- Ensure a valid sip account local caller_sip_account = self:ensure_caller_sip_account(caller); if not caller_sip_account then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller', no_cdr = true } end local sql_query = 'SELECT `destination_number` \ FROM `call_histories` \ WHERE `entry_type` = "dialed" \ AND `call_historyable_type` = "SipAccount" \ AND `call_historyable_id` = ' .. caller_sip_account.record.id .. ' \ ORDER BY `start_stamp` DESC LIMIT 1'; local phone_number = self.database:query_return_value(sql_query); common_str = require 'common.str'; if common_str.blank(phone_number) then return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'No phone number saved', no_cdr = true } end return { continue = true, number = phone_number } end function Functions.dial_clir_off(self, caller, phone_number) -- Ensure a valid sip account local caller_sip_account = self:ensure_caller_sip_account(caller); if not caller_sip_account then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller', no_cdr = true } end caller.clir = false; return { continue = true, number = phone_number } end function Functions.dial_clir_on(self, caller, phone_number) -- Ensure a valid sip account local caller_sip_account = self:ensure_caller_sip_account(caller); if not caller_sip_account then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller', no_cdr = true } end caller.clir = true; return { continue = true, number = phone_number } end function Functions.callwaiting_on(self, caller) -- Find caller's SipAccount local caller_sip_account = self:ensure_caller_sip_account(caller); if not caller_sip_account then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller', no_cdr = true } end local sql_query = 'UPDATE `sip_accounts` SET `call_waiting` = TRUE WHERE `id` = ' .. caller_sip_account.record.id; if not self.database:query(sql_query) then self.log:notice("Call Waiting could not be set"); return { continue = false, code = 500, phrase = 'Call Waiting could not be set', no_cdr = true } end caller:answer(); caller:send_display('Call waiting on'); caller:sleep(1000); return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.callwaiting_off(self, caller) -- Find caller's SipAccount local caller_sip_account = self:ensure_caller_sip_account(caller); if not caller_sip_account then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller', no_cdr = true } end local sql_query = 'UPDATE `sip_accounts` SET `call_waiting` = FALSE WHERE `id` = ' .. caller_sip_account.record.id; if not self.database:query(sql_query) then self.log:notice("Call Waiting could not be set"); return { continue = false, code = 500, phrase = 'Call Waiting could not be set', no_cdr = true } end caller:answer(); caller:send_display('Call waiting off'); caller:sleep(1000); return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.clir_on(self, caller) -- Find caller's SipAccount local caller_sip_account = self:ensure_caller_sip_account(caller); if not caller_sip_account then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller', no_cdr = true } end local sql_query = 'UPDATE `sip_accounts` SET `clir` = TRUE WHERE `id` = ' .. caller_sip_account.record.id; if not self.database:query(sql_query) then self.log:notice("CLIR could not be set"); return { continue = false, code = 500, phrase = 'CLIR could not be set', no_cdr = true } end caller:answer(); caller:send_display('CLIR on'); caller:sleep(1000); return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.clir_off(self, caller) -- Find caller's SipAccount local caller_sip_account = self:ensure_caller_sip_account(caller); if not caller_sip_account then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller', no_cdr = true } end local sql_query = 'UPDATE `sip_accounts` SET `clir` = FALSE WHERE `id` = ' .. caller_sip_account.record.id; if not self.database:query(sql_query) then self.log:notice("CLIR could not be set"); return { continue = false, code = 500, phrase = 'CLIR could not be set', no_cdr = true } end caller:answer(); caller:send_display('CLIR off'); caller:sleep(1000); return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.clip_on(self, caller) -- Find caller's SipAccount local caller_sip_account = self:ensure_caller_sip_account(caller); if not caller_sip_account then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller', no_cdr = true } end local sql_query = 'UPDATE `sip_accounts` SET `clip` = TRUE WHERE `id` = ' .. caller_sip_account.record.id; if not self.database:query(sql_query) then self.log:notice("CLIP could not be set"); return { continue = false, code = 500, phrase = 'CLIP could not be set', no_cdr = true } end caller:answer(); caller:send_display('CLIP on'); caller:sleep(1000); return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.clip_off(self, caller) -- Find caller's SipAccount local caller_sip_account = self:ensure_caller_sip_account(caller); if not caller_sip_account then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller', no_cdr = true } end local sql_query = 'UPDATE `sip_accounts` SET `clip` = FALSE WHERE `id` = ' .. caller_sip_account.record.id; if not self.database:query(sql_query) then self.log:notice("CLIP could not be set"); return { continue = false, code = 500, phrase = 'CLIP could not be set', no_cdr = true } end caller:answer(); caller:send_display('CLIP off'); caller:sleep(1000); return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.call_forwarding_off(self, caller, call_forwarding_service, delete) -- Find caller's SipAccount local caller_sip_account = self:ensure_caller_sip_account(caller); if not caller_sip_account then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller', no_cdr = true } end caller_sip_account.domain = caller_sip_account.domain or caller.domain; if not caller_sip_account:call_forwarding_off(call_forwarding_service, nil, delete) then self.log:notice('FUNCTION_CALL_FORWARDING_OFF - call forwarding could not be deactivated'); return { continue = false, code = 500, phrase = 'Call Forwarding could not be deactivated', no_cdr = true } end caller:answer(); caller:send_display('Call forwarding off'); caller:sleep(1000); return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.call_forwarding_on(self, caller, call_forwarding_service, destination, destination_type, timeout) if not call_forwarding_service then self.log:notice('FUNCTION_CALL_FORWARDING_ON - no call forwarding service specified'); end -- Find caller's SipAccount local caller_sip_account = self:ensure_caller_sip_account(caller); if not caller_sip_account then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller', no_cdr = true } end caller_sip_account.domain = caller_sip_account.domain or caller.domain; if not caller_sip_account:call_forwarding_on(call_forwarding_service, destination, destination_type, timeout) then self.log:notice('FUNCTION_CALL_FORWARDING_ON - call forwarding could not be activated'); return { continue = false, code = 500, phrase = 'Call Forwarding could not be activated', no_cdr = true } end caller:answer(); caller:send_display('Call forwarding on'); caller:sleep(1000); return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.call_forwarding_toggle(self, caller, call_forwarding_service, phone_number_id) local defaults = {log = self.log, database = self.database, domain = caller.domain} -- Find caller's SipAccount local caller_sip_account = self:ensure_caller_sip_account(caller); if not caller_sip_account then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller', no_cdr = true } end require "common.phone_number" local phone_number_class = common.phone_number.PhoneNumber:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, domain = caller.domain }; local phone_numbers = phone_number_class:list_by_owner(caller_sip_account.record.id, 'SipAccount'); local result = nil; for index, phone_number in pairs(phone_numbers) do phone_number_object = phone_number_class:find_by_number(phone_number); if phone_number_object then if not result then result = phone_number_object:call_forwarding_toggle(call_forwarding_service); elseif result.active then phone_number_object:call_forwarding_on(call_forwarding_service, result.destination, result.destination_type, result.timeout); else phone_number_object:call_forwarding_off(call_forwarding_service); end end end if not result then self.log:notice("call forwarding could not be toggled"); return { continue = false, code = 500, phrase = 'Call Forwarding could not be toggled', no_cdr = true } end caller:answer(); caller:send_display('Call forwarding toggled'); caller:sleep(1000); return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.voicemail_message_leave(self, caller, phone_number) require 'dialplan.voicemail' local voicemail_account = dialplan.voicemail.Voicemail:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_number(phone_number); if not voicemail_account then return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Mailbox not found', no_cdr = true } end voicemail_account:leave(caller, phone_number); if caller:to_s("voicemail_message_len") ~= '' then voicemail_account:send_notify(caller); else self.log:debug("voicemail - no message saved"); end return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK' } end function Functions.voicemail_check(self, caller, number) require 'dialplan.voicemail'; local voicemail_account = nil; local voicemail_authorized = false; if number then voicemail_account = dialplan.voicemail.Voicemail:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_number(number); elseif caller.auth_account and tostring(caller.auth_account.class):lower() == 'sipaccount' then voicemail_account = dialplan.voicemail.Voicemail:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_sip_account_id(caller.auth_account.id); voicemail_authorized = true; end if not voicemail_account then self.log:notice('FUNCTION_VOICEMAIL_CHECK - mailbox not found'); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Mailbox not found', no_cdr = true } end return voicemail_account:menu_main(caller, voicemail_authorized); end function Functions.voicemail_play(self, caller, uuid) require 'dialplan.voicemail'; local voicemail_account = dialplan.voicemail.Voicemail:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_sip_account_id(caller.auth_account.id); if voicemail_account then local message = voicemail_account:message_play(caller, uuid); end return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.acd_membership_toggle(self, caller, agent_id, phone_number) -- Find caller's SipAccount local caller_sip_account = self:ensure_caller_sip_account(caller); if not caller_sip_account then return { continue = false, code = 403, phrase = 'Incompatible caller', no_cdr = true } end require 'dialplan.acd' local acd_class = dialplan.acd.AutomaticCallDistributor:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, domain = self.domain }; self.log:info('ACD_MEMBERSHIP_TOGGLE - sipaccount=', caller_sip_account.id, '/', caller_sip_account.uuid, ', agent=', agent_id, ', ACD phone number: ', phone_number); if not tonumber(agent_id) or tonumber(agent_id) == 0 then if not phone_number then self.log:notice('ACD_MEMBERSHIP_TOGGLE - neither agent_id nor phone_number specified'); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Agent not found', no_cdr = true } end require "common.phone_number" local phone_number_object = common.phone_number.PhoneNumber:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, domain = caller.domain }:find_by_number(phone_number, {'AutomaticCallDistributor'}); if not phone_number_object or not tonumber(phone_number_object.record.phone_numberable_id) then self.log:notice('ACD_MEMBERSHIP_TOGGLE - ACD not found'); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'ACD not found', no_cdr = true } end local agent = acd_class:agent_find_by_acd_and_destination(phone_number_object.record.phone_numberable_id, caller_sip_account.class, caller_sip_account.id); if not agent or not tonumber(agent.id) then self.log:notice('ACD_MEMBERSHIP_TOGGLE - agent not found'); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Agent not found', no_cdr = true } end agent_id = agent.id; end local status = acd_class:agent_status_toggle(agent_id, 'sipaccount', caller_sip_account.id); if not status then self.log:error('ACD_MEMBERSHIP_TOGGLE - error toggling ACD membership'); return { continue = false, code = 500, phrase = 'Error toggling ACD membership', no_cdr = true } end self.log:info('ACD_MEMBERSHIP_TOGGLE - sipaccount=', caller_sip_account.id, '/', caller_sip_account.uuid, ', agent=', agent_id, ', status: ', status); caller:answer(); caller:send_display('ACD membership toggled: ' .. status); caller:sleep(500); caller.session:sayPhrase('acd_agent_status', tostring(status)); return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.hangup(self, caller, code, phrase) if not tonumber(code) then code = 403; phrase = 'Forbidden'; end if common.str.blank(phrase) then phrase = 'Hangup here'; end self.log:info("FUNCTION_HANGUP code: ", code, ', phrase: ', phrase); return { continue = false, code = code, phrase = phrase:gsub('_', ' '), no_cdr = true } end function Functions.call_parking_inout(self, caller, stall_name, lot_name) require 'dialplan.call_parking'; local parking_stall = dialplan.call_parking.CallParking:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, caller = caller }:find_by_name(stall_name); if not parking_stall then return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Parking stall not found', no_cdr = true } end if lot_name and parking_stall.lot ~= lot_name then return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Parking lot not found', no_cdr = true } end parking_stall:park_retrieve(); return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.call_parking_inout_index(self, caller, stall_index) if not tonumber(stall_index) then self.log:notice('FUNCTION_CALL_PARKING_INOUT_INDEX - malformed index: ', stall_index); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'No parkings stall specified', no_cdr = true } end local owner = common.array.try(caller, 'auth_account.owner'); if not owner then self.log:notice('FUNCTION_CALL_PARKING_INOUT_INDEX - stall owner not specified'); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'No parkings stalls owner' , no_cdr = true } end require 'dialplan.call_parking'; local parking_stalls = dialplan.call_parking.CallParking:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, caller = caller }:find_by_owner(owner.id, owner.class); if not parking_stalls or #parking_stalls < 1 then self.log:notice('FUNCTION_CALL_PARKING_INOUT_INDEX - no parkings stalls found'); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'No parkings stalls', no_cdr = true } end local parking_stall = parking_stalls[tonumber(stall_index)]; if not parking_stall then self.log:notice('FUNCTION_CALL_PARKING_INOUT_INDEX - no parkings stall found with index: ', stall_index); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'Parking stall not found', no_cdr = true } end self.log:info('FUNCTION_CALL_PARKING_INOUT_INDEX parking/retrieving call - parkingstall=', parking_stall.id, '/', parking_stall.name, ', index: ', stall_index); parking_stall:park_retrieve(); return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end function Functions.test(self, caller, name) if tostring(name) == 'dtmf' then local digits = ''; while caller:ready() do if digits == '' then caller:playback('ivr/ivr-love_those_touch_tones.wav'); end digits = caller.session:read(1, 1, '', 5000, ''); self.log:devel('DTMF: ', digits); caller:send_display('DTMF: ', digits); if digits == '*' then caller:playback('digits/star.wav'); elseif digits == '#' then caller:playback('digits/pound.wav'); elseif digits ~= '' then caller.session:say(digits, "en", "number", "pronounced"); end end end return { continue = false, code = 200, phrase = 'OK', no_cdr = true } end