-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: routing class -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012-2013 -- module(...,package.seeall) Route = {} -- create route object function Route.new(self, arg) arg = arg or {} object = arg.object or {} setmetatable(object, self); self.__index = self; self.log = arg.log; self.database = arg.database; self.routing_table = arg.routing_table; self.expandable = arg.expandable or {}; return object; end -- find matching routes function Route.prerouting(self, caller, number) require 'common.routing_tables' for index, routing_entry in pairs(self.routing_table.prerouting) do local route = common.routing_tables.match_route(routing_entry, number); if route.error then self.log:error('PREROUTE - error: ', route.error); elseif route.value then self.log:info('ROUTE_PREROUTING - called number: ', number, ', value: ', route.value, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); return route; end end end -- find matching routes function Route.outbound(self, caller, number) local routes = {}; require 'common.routing_tables' require 'common.str' local ignore_arguments = { class=true, endpoint=true, pattern=true, value=true, group=true, phrase=true, } local clip_no_screening = common.str.try(caller, 'account.record.clip_no_screening'); local caller_id_numbers = {} if not common.str.blank(clip_no_screening) then for index, number in ipairs(common.str.strip_to_a(clip_no_screening, ',')) do table.insert(caller_id_numbers, number); end end for index, number in ipairs(caller.caller_phone_numbers) do table.insert(caller_id_numbers, number); end self.log:info('CALLER_ID_NUMBER - caller_id_numbers: ', table.concat(caller_id_numbers, ',')); for index, routing_entry in pairs(self.routing_table.outbound) do local route = common.routing_tables.match_route(routing_entry, number); if route.error then self.log:error('ROUTE_OUTBOUND - error: ', route.error); elseif route.value then local valid_route = true; for argument, value in pairs(route) do if not ignore_arguments[argument] then local table_value = common.str.downcase(tostring(common.str.try(caller, argument))); value = common.str.downcase(tostring(value)); if table_value:match(value) then self.log:info('ROUTE_OUTBOUND_POSITIVE - ', argument, '=', value, ' ~ ', table_value, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); else self.log:info('ROUTE_OUTBOUND_NEGATIVE - ', argument, '=', value, ' !~ ', table_value, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); valid_route = false; end end end if route.group then if common.str.try(caller.auth_account, 'owner.groups.' .. tostring(route.group)) then self.log:info('ROUTE_OUTBOUND_POSITIVE - group=', route.group, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); else self.log:info('ROUTE_OUTBOUND_NEGATIVE - group=', route.group, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); valid_route = false; end end if route.cidn then if caller.caller_id_number:match(route.cidn) then self.log:info('ROUTE_OUTBOUND_POSITIVE - cidn=', route.cidn, ' ~ ', caller.caller_id_number,', pattern: ', route.pattern); else self.log:info('ROUTE_OUTBOUND_NEGATIVE - cidn=', route.cidn, ' !~ ', caller.caller_id_number, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); valid_route = false; end end if valid_route then if route.class ~= 'hangup' then route.caller_id_number = self:outbound_cid_number(caller, caller_id_numbers, route.endpoint, route.class); self.expandable.caller_id_number = route.caller_id_number; route.caller_id_name = self:outbound_cid_name(caller, route.endpoint, route.class); end table.insert(routes, route); self.log:info('ROUTE_OUTBOUND ', #routes,' - ', route.class, '=', route.endpoint, ', value: ', route.value, ', caller_id_number: ', route.caller_id_number, ', caller_id_name: ', route.caller_id_name); end end end return routes; end function Route.inbound(self, caller, number) require 'common.routing_tables' local ignore_arguments = { class=true, endpoint=true, pattern=true, value=true, group=true, phrase=true, } for index, routing_entry in pairs(self.routing_table.inbound) do local route = common.routing_tables.match_route(routing_entry, number); if route.error then self.log:error('ROUTE_INBOUND - error: ', route.error); elseif route.value then local valid_route = true; for argument, value in pairs(route) do if not ignore_arguments[argument] then local table_value = common.str.downcase(tostring(common.str.try(caller, argument))); value = common.str.downcase(tostring(value)); if table_value:match(value) then self.log:info('ROUTE_INBOUND_POSITIVE - ', argument, '=', value, ' ~ ', table_value, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); else self.log:info('ROUTE_INBOUND_NEGATIVE - ', argument, '=', value, ' !~ ', table_value, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); valid_route = false; end end end if route.class and route.endpoint then if route.class == 'gateway' and caller.gateway_name:match(route.endpoint) then self.log:info('ROUTE_INBOUND_POSITIVE - ', route.class, '=', route.endpoint, ' ~ ', caller.gateway_name, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); else self.log:info('ROUTE_INBOUND_NEGATIVE - ', route.class, '=', route.endpoint, ' !~ ', caller.gateway_name, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); valid_route = false; end end if valid_route then self.log:info('ROUTE_INBOUND - called number: ', number, ', value: ', route.value, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); return route; end end end end -- find caller id function Route.caller_id(self, caller, cid_entry, search_str, endpoint, class) local ignore_arguments = { class=true, endpoint=true, pattern=true, value=true, group=true, phrase=true, } local route = common.routing_tables.match_route(cid_entry, search_str, self.expandable); if route.error then self.log:error('CALLER_ID - error: ', route.error); elseif route.value then local valid_route = true; for argument, value in pairs(route) do if not ignore_arguments[argument] then local table_value = common.str.downcase(tostring(common.str.try(caller, argument))); value = common.str.downcase(tostring(value)); if table_value:match(value) then self.log:debug('CALLER_ID_POSITIVE - ', argument, '=', value, ' ~ ', table_value, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); else self.log:debug('CALLER_ID_NEGATIVE - ', argument, '=', value, ' !~ ', table_value, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); valid_route = false; end end end if route.group then if common.str.try(caller.auth_account, 'owner.groups.' .. tostring(route.group)) then self.log:debug('CALLER_ID_POSITIVE - group=', route.group, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); else self.log:debug('CALLER_ID_NEGATIVE - group=', route.group, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); valid_route = false; end end endpoint = tostring(endpoint); if route.class and route.endpoint then if route.class == 'gateway' and endpoint:match(route.endpoint) then self.log:debug('CALLER_ID_POSITIVE - ', route.class, '=', route.endpoint, ' ~ ', endpoint, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); else self.log:debug('CALLER_ID_NEGATIVE - ', route.class, '=', route.endpoint, ' !~ ', endpoint, ', pattern: ', route.pattern); valid_route = false; end end if valid_route then self.log:debug('CALLER_ID ', route.class, '=', route.endpoint, ', value: ', route.value); return route.value; end end return nil; end -- find matching caller id number function Route.outbound_cid_number(self, caller, caller_id_numbers, endpoint, class) for route_index, cid_entry in pairs(self.routing_table.outbound_cid_number) do for index, number in ipairs(caller_id_numbers) do local route = self:caller_id(caller, cid_entry, number, endpoint, class); if route then return route; end end end end -- find matching caller id name function Route.outbound_cid_name(self, caller, endpoint, class) for route_index, cid_entry in pairs(self.routing_table.outbound_cid_name) do local route = self:caller_id(caller, cid_entry, caller.caller_id_name, endpoint, class); if route then return route; end end end -- find matching caller id number function Route.inbound_cid_number(self, caller, endpoint, class) for route_index, cid_entry in pairs(self.routing_table.inbound_cid_number) do local route = self:caller_id(caller, cid_entry, caller.caller_id_number, endpoint, class); if route then return route; end end end -- find matching caller id name function Route.inbound_cid_name(self, caller, endpoint, class) for route_index, cid_entry in pairs(self.routing_table.inbound_cid_name) do local route = self:caller_id(caller, cid_entry, caller.caller_id_name, endpoint, class); if route then return route; end end end