-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: call router class -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2013 -- module(...,package.seeall) Router = {} -- create route object function Router.new(self, arg) require 'common.str'; require 'common.array'; arg = arg or {} object = arg.object or {} setmetatable(object, self); self.__index = self; self.class = 'router'; self.log = arg.log; self.database = arg.database; self.routes = arg.routes or {}; self.caller = arg.caller; self.variables = arg.variables or {}; self.log_details = arg.log_details; self.routing_tables = {}; return object; end function Router.read_table(self, table_name, force_reload) if not force_reload and self.routing_tables[table_name] then return self.routing_tables[table_name]; end local routing_table = {}; local sql_query = 'SELECT * \ FROM `call_routes` `a` \ JOIN `route_elements` `b` ON `a`.`id` = `b`.`call_route_id`\ WHERE `a`.`routing_table` = "' .. table_name .. '" \ ORDER BY `a`.`position`, `b`.`position`'; local last_id = 0; self.database:query(sql_query, function(route) if last_id ~= tonumber(route.call_route_id) then last_id = tonumber(route.call_route_id); table.insert(routing_table, {id = route.call_route_id, name = route.name, endpoint_type = route.endpoint_type , endpoint_id = route.endpoint_id, elements = {} }); end table.insert(routing_table[#routing_table].elements, { var_in = route.var_in, var_out = route.var_out, pattern = route.pattern, replacement = route.replacement, action = route.action, mandatory = common.str.to_b(route.mandatory), }); end); self.routing_tables[table_name] = routing_table; return routing_table; end function Router.element_match(self, pattern, search_string, replacement, route_variables) local success, result = pcall(string.find, search_string, pattern); if not success then self.log:error('ELEMENT_ERROR - table error - pattern: ', pattern, ', search_string: ', search_string); elseif result then local replace_by = common.array.expand_variables(replacement, route_variables, self.variables) result = search_string:gsub(pattern, replace_by); if self.log_details then self.log:debug('ELEMENT_MATCH - ', search_string, ' ~= ', pattern, ' => ', replacement, ' => ', replace_by); end return true, result; end if self.log_details then self.log:debug('ELEMENT_NO_MATCH - ', search_string, ' != ', pattern); end return false; end function Router.element_match_group(self, pattern, groups, replacement, use_key, route_variables, variable_name) if type(groups) ~= 'table' then self.log:debug('ELEMENT_FIND_IN_ARRAY - no such array: ', variable_name, ', use_keys: ', tostring(use_key)); return false; end if self.log_details then self.log:debug('ELEMENT_FIND_IN_ARRAY - array: ', variable_name, ', use_keys: ', tostring(use_key)); end for key, value in pairs(groups) do if use_key then value = key; end result, replaced_value = self:element_match(pattern, tostring(value), replacement, route_variables); if result then return true, replaced_value; end end end function Router.route_match(self, route) local destination = { gateway = 'gateway' .. route.endpoint_id, ['type'] = route.endpoint_type, id = route.endpoint_id, destination_number = common.array.try(self, 'caller.destination_number'), channel_variables = {}, route_id = route.id, }; local route_matches = false; for index=1, #route.elements do local result = false; local replacement = nil; local element = route.elements[index]; if self.log_details then self.log:debug('ROUTE_ELEMENT ', element.id, ' - var_in: ', element.var_in, ', var_out: ', element.var_out, ', action: ', element.action, ', mandatory: ', element.mandatory); end if element.action ~= 'none' then if common.str.blank(element.var_in) or common.str.blank(element.pattern) and element.action == 'set' then result = true; replacement = common.array.expand_variables(element.replacement, destination, self.variables); else local command, variable_name = common.str.partition(element.var_in, ':'); if not command or not variable_name then local search_string = tostring(common.array.try(destination, element.var_in) or common.array.try(self.caller, element.var_in)); result, replacement = self:element_match(tostring(element.pattern), search_string, tostring(element.replacement), destination); elseif command == 'var' then local search_string = tostring(common.array.try(self.caller, element.var_in)); result, replacement = self:element_match(tostring(element.pattern), search_string, tostring(element.replacement)); elseif command == 'key' or command == 'val' then local groups = common.array.try(destination, variable_name) or common.array.try(self.caller, variable_name); result, replacement = self:element_match_group(tostring(element.pattern), groups, tostring(element.replacement), command == 'key', destination, variable_name); elseif command == 'chv' then local search_string = self.caller:to_s(variable_name); result, replacement = self:element_match(tostring(element.pattern), search_string, tostring(element.replacement)); elseif command == 'hdr' then local search_string = self.caller:to_s('sip_h_' .. variable_name); result, replacement = self:element_match(tostring(element.pattern), search_string, tostring(element.replacement)); end end if element.action == 'not_match' then result = not result; end if not result then if element.mandatory then return false; end else if not common.str.blank(element.var_out) then local command, variable_name = common.str.partition(element.var_out, ':'); if not command or not variable_name or command == 'var' then common.array.set(destination, element.var_out, replacement); elseif command == 'chv' then destination.channel_variables[variable_name] = replacement; elseif command == 'hdr' then destination.channel_variables['sip_h_' .. variable_name] = replacement; end end if element.action == 'match' or element.action == 'not_match' then route_matches = true; end end end end if route_matches then destination.number = destination.number or destination.destination_number; return destination; end; return nil; end function Router.route_run(self, table_name, find_first) local routing_table = self:read_table(table_name); local routes = {}; if type(routing_table) == 'table' then for index=1, #routing_table do local route = self:route_match(routing_table[index]); if route then table.insert(routes, route); self.log:info('ROUTE ', #routes,' - ', table_name,'=', routing_table[index].id, '/', routing_table[index].name, ', destination: ', route.type, '=', route.id, ', destination_number: ', route.destination_number); if find_first then return route; end else self.log:debug('ROUTE_NO_MATCH - ', table_name, '=', routing_table[index].id, '/', routing_table[index].name); end end end if not find_first then return routes; end end