-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: voicemail class -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2013 -- module(...,package.seeall) Voicemail = {} DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { pin_length_max = 10, pin_length_min = 2, pin_timeout = 20, key_new_messages = '1', key_saved_messages = '2', key_config_menu = '0', key_terminator = '#', key_previous = '4', key_next = '6', key_delete = '7', key_save = '2', key_main_menu = '#', record_length_max = 300, record_length_min = 4, records_max = 100, silence_lenght_abort = 3, silence_level = 500, beep = 'tone_stream://%(1000,0,500)', record_file_prefix = 'voicemail_', record_file_suffix = '.wav', record_file_path = '/var/spool/freeswitch/', record_repeat = 3, notify = true, attachment = true, mark_read = true, purge = false, } -- create voicemail object function Voicemail.new(self, arg) arg = arg or {} object = arg.object or {} setmetatable(object, self); self.__index = self; self.class = 'voicemail'; self.log = arg.log; self.database = arg.database; self.record = arg.record; self.domain = arg.domain; return object end function Voicemail.find_by_sql(self, sql_query) local voicemail_account = nil; self.database:query(sql_query, function(entry) voicemail_account = Voicemail:new(self); voicemail_account.record = entry; voicemail_account.id = tonumber(entry.id); voicemail_account.uuid = entry.uuid; voicemail_account.name = entry.name; voicemail_account.settings = self:settings_get(entry.id); end); return voicemail_account; end function Voicemail.find_by_name(self, name) local sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `voicemail_accounts` \ WHERE `name` = ' .. self.database:escape(name, '"') .. ' LIMIT 1'; return self:find_by_sql(sql_query); end function Voicemail.find_by_id(self, id) local sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `voicemail_accounts` \ WHERE `id` = ' .. self.database:escape(id, '"') .. ' LIMIT 1'; return self:find_by_sql(sql_query); end function Voicemail.find_by_sip_account_id(self, id) local sql_query = 'SELECT `a`.* FROM `voicemail_accounts` `a` \ JOIN `sip_accounts` `b` ON `a`.`id` = `b`.`voicemail_account_id` \ WHERE `b`.`id` = ' .. self.database:escape(id, '"') .. ' LIMIT 1'; return self:find_by_sql(sql_query); end function Voicemail.find_by_number(self, number) local sql_query = 'SELECT `a`.* FROM `voicemail_accounts` `a` \ JOIN `sip_accounts` `b` ON `a`.`id` = `b`.`voicemail_account_id` \ JOIN `phone_numbers` `c` ON `b`.`id` = `c`.`phone_numberable_id` \ WHERE `c`.`number` = ' .. self.database:escape(number, '"') .. ' \ AND `c`.`phone_numberable_type` = "SipAccount" LIMIT 1'; return self:find_by_sql(sql_query); end function Voicemail.settings_get(self, id) require 'common.configuration_table'; local parameters = common.configuration_table.get(self.database, 'voicemail', 'settings', { settings = DEFAULT_SETTINGS }); return common.configuration_table.settings(self.database, 'voicemail_settings', 'voicemail_account_id', id or self.id, parameters) end function Voicemail.messages_get(self, status) local sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `voicemail_msgs` WHERE `username` = ' .. self.database:escape(self.name, '"'); status = status or 'all'; if status == 'read' then sql_query = sql_query .. ' AND `read_epoch` > 0'; elseif status == 'unread' then sql_query = sql_query .. ' AND (`read_epoch` = 0 OR `read_epoch` IS NULL)'; elseif status == 'new' then sql_query = sql_query .. ' AND `in_folder` != "save" AND `flags` != "save"'; elseif status == 'saved' then sql_query = sql_query .. ' AND (`in_folder` = "save" OR `flags` = "save")'; end return self.database:query_return_all(sql_query); end function Voicemail.check_pin(self, pin) self.caller:answer(); self.caller:sleep(1000); require 'dialplan.ivr'; local ivr = dialplan.ivr.Ivr:new{ caller = self.caller, log = self.log }; local digits = ''; for i = 1, 3 do if digits == pin then self.caller:send_display('PIN: OK'); break elseif digits ~= "" then self.caller:send_display('PIN: wrong'); end self.caller:send_display('Enter PIN'); digits = ivr:read_phrase('voicemail_enter_pass', nil, self.settings.pin_length_min, self.settings.pin_length_max, self.settings.pin_timeout, self.settings.terminator_key); end if digits ~= pin then return false end return true; end function Voicemail.menu_main(self, caller, authorized) self.caller = caller; require 'dialplan.ivr'; self.ivr = dialplan.ivr.Ivr:new{ caller = self.caller, log = self.log }; if not authorized then if common.str.blank(self.pin) then self.log:notice('VOICEMAIL_MAIN_MENU - unaunthorized, no PIN, ', self.class, '=', self.id, '/', self.uuid, '|', self.name); return { continue = false, code = 500, phrase = 'Unauthorized', no_cdr = true } end self.caller:answer(); self.caller:sleep(1000); if not self.ivr:check_pin('voicemail_enter_pass', 'voicemail_fail_auth', self.pin) then self.log:notice('VOICEMAIL_MAIN_MENU - wrong PIN, ', self.class, '=', self.id, '/', self.uuid, '|', self.name); caller.session:sayPhrase('voicemail_goodbye'); return { continue = false, code = 500, phrase = 'Unauthorized', no_cdr = true } end end local messages_new = self:messages_get('unread'); local messages_saved = self:messages_get('read'); if not caller:answered() then self.caller:answer(); self.caller:sleep(1000); end if self.settings.voicemail_hello then caller.session:sayPhrase('voicemail_hello'); end if self.settings.voicemail_message_count then caller.session:sayPhrase('voicemail_message_count', #messages_new .. ':new'); end while true do self.log:info('VOICEMAIL_MAIN_MENU - ', self.class, '=', self.id, '/', self.uuid, '|', self.name, ', messages: ', #messages_new, ':', #messages_saved); self.caller:send_display(#messages_new .. ' new messages'); local main_menu = { { key = self.settings.key_new_messages, method = self.menu_messages, parameters = { self, 'new', messages_new } }, { key = self.settings.key_saved_messages, method = self.menu_messages, parameters = { self, 'saved', messages_saved } }, { key = self.settings.key_config_menu, method = self.menu_options, parameters = { self } }, { key = self.settings.key_terminator, exit = true }, { key = '', exit = true }, }; local digits, key = self.ivr:ivr_phrase('voicemail_menu', main_menu); self.log:debug('VOICEMAIL_MAIN_MENU - digit: ', digits); if key.exit then break; end key.method(unpack(key.parameters)); messages_new = self:messages_get('unread'); messages_saved = self:messages_get('read'); end self.caller:send_display('Goodbye'); caller.session:sayPhrase('voicemail_goodbye'); end function Voicemail.menu_messages(self, folder, messages) self.log:info('VOICEMAIL_MESSAGES_MENU - ', folder,' messages: ', #messages); local digits = nil; local key = nil; local message_menu = { { key = self.settings.key_previous, action = 'previous' }, { key = self.settings.key_delete, action = 'delete' }, { key = self.settings.key_save, action = 'save' }, { key = self.settings.key_next, action = 'next' }, { key = self.settings.key_main_menu, exit = true }, }; if folder == 'saved' then message_menu = { { key = self.settings.key_previous, action = 'previous' }, { key = self.settings.key_delete, action = 'delete' }, { key = self.settings.key_next, action = 'next' }, { key = self.settings.key_main_menu, exit = true }, }; end if #messages == 0 then digits, key = self.ivr:ivr_phrase('voicemail_no_messages', message_menu, 0, 0); return; end local index = 1; while index <= #messages do local message = messages[index]; self.caller:send_display(index .. ': ' .. message.cid_name .. ' ' .. message.cid_number); digits, key = self.ivr:ivr_phrase('voicemail_message_play', message_menu, 0, 0, index .. ':' .. message.created_epoch .. ':' .. message.file_path ); if digits == '' then if common.str.to_i(message.read_epoch) == 0 then self:message_mark_read(message); end digits, key = self.ivr:ivr_phrase('voicemail_message_menu_' .. folder, message_menu, 15, 0); end if not key or key.exit then break; end if key.action == 'previous' then if index > 1 then index = index - 1; end else index = index + 1; end if key.action == 'delete' and self:message_delete(message) then self.caller:send_display('Message deleted'); digits = self.caller.session:sayPhrase('voicemail_ack', 'deleted'); elseif key.action == 'save' and self:message_save(message) then self.caller:send_display('Message saved'); digits = self.caller.session:sayPhrase('voicemail_ack', 'saved'); end if index > #messages then digits = self.ivr:ivr_phrase('voicemail_no_messages', message_menu, 0, 0); end end end function Voicemail.menu_options(self) self.log:info('VOICEMAIL_OPTIONS_MENU'); self.caller:send_display('Voicemail options'); end function Voicemail.message_delete(self, message) self.log:debug('VOICEMAIL_MESSAGE_DELETE - message: ', message.uuid); require 'common.fapi'; return common.fapi.FApi:new{ log = self.log }:execute('vm_delete', message.username .. '@' .. message.domain .. ' ' .. message.uuid); end function Voicemail.message_mark_read(self, message) self.log:debug('VOICEMAIL_MESSAGE_MARK_READ - message: ', message.uuid); require 'common.fapi'; return common.fapi.FApi:new{ log = self.log }:execute('vm_read', message.username .. '@' .. message.domain .. ' read ' .. message.uuid); end function Voicemail.message_save(self, message) self.log:debug('VOICEMAIL_MESSAGE_SAVE - message: ', message.uuid); require 'common.fapi'; return common.fapi.FApi:new{ log = self.log }:execute('vm_fsdb_msg_save', 'default ' .. message.domain .. ' ' .. message.username .. ' ' .. message.uuid); end function Voicemail.leave(self, caller, greeting) local forwarding_number = caller.forwarding_number; self.log:info('VOICEMAIL_LEAVE - voicemail_account=', self.record.id, '/', self.record.uuid, '|', self.record.name, ', forwarding_number: ', forwarding_number); caller:set_callee_id(forwarding_number, common.array.try(caller, 'auth_account.caller_name') or common.array.try(caller, 'auth_account.name')); caller:answer(); caller:send_display(common.array.try(caller, 'auth_account.caller_name') or common.array.try(caller, 'auth_account.name')); caller:sleep(1000); if not common.str.blank(forwarding_number) then caller.session:sayPhrase('voicemail_play_greeting', (tostring(forwarding_number):gsub('[%D]', ''))); end local record_file_name = self.settings.record_file_path ..self.settings.record_file_prefix .. caller.uuid .. self.settings.record_file_suffix; self.log:info('VOICEMAIL_LEAVE - recording to file: ', tostring(record_file_name)); require 'dialplan.ivr'; local ivr = dialplan.ivr.Ivr:new{ caller = caller, log = self.log }; local duration = ivr:record( record_file_name, 'voicemail_record_message', 'voicemail_message_too_short', self.settings.record_length_max, self.settings.record_length_min, self.settings.record_repeat, self.settings.silence_level, self.settings.silence_lenght_abort); if duration >= self.settings.record_length_min then self.log:info('VOICEMAIL_LEAVE - saving recorded message to voicemail, duration: ', duration); require 'common.fapi' common.fapi.FApi:new{ log = self.log, uuid = caller.uuid }:execute('vm_inject', self.record.name .. '@' .. self.domain .. " '" .. record_file_name .. "' '" .. caller.caller_id_number .. "' '" .. caller.caller_id_name .. "' '" .. caller.uuid .. "'" ); caller:set_variable('voicemail_message_len', duration); self:trigger_notification(caller); else caller:set_variable('voicemail_message_len'); end os.remove(record_file_name); caller:send_display('Goodbye'); caller.session:sayPhrase('voicemail_goodbye'); end function Voicemail.trigger_notification(self, caller) local command = 'http_request.lua ' .. caller.uuid .. '' .. tostring(self.id); require 'common.fapi'; return common.fapi.FApi:new():execute('luarun', command); end