-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: call_history event handler class -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012 -- module(...,package.seeall) function handler_class() return CallHistorySave end CallHistorySave = {} function CallHistorySave.new(self, arg) arg = arg or {} object = arg.object or {} setmetatable(object, self); self.__index = self; self.log = arg.log; self.class = 'callhistorysave' self.database = arg.database; self.domain = arg.domain; return object; end function CallHistorySave.event_handlers(self) return { CHANNEL_DESTROY = { [true] = self.channel_destroy } } end function CallHistorySave.channel_destroy(self, event) local uuid = event:getHeader('Unique-ID'); local direction = event:getHeader('variable_direction'); require 'common.str' local save_cdr = common.str.to_b(event:getHeader('variable_gs_save_cdr')); if not save_cdr then self.log:debug('[', uuid,'] CALL_HISTORY_SAVE - event: CHANNEL_DESTROY, direction: ', direction, ', save_cdr: ', save_cdr); return false; end require 'common.call_history' call_history_class = common.call_history.CallHistory:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database } -- caller entry local account_type = event:getHeader('variable_gs_account_type'); local account_id = common.str.to_i(event:getHeader('variable_gs_account_id')); if account_type and account_id > 0 and common.str.to_b(event:getHeader('variable_gs_account_node_local')) then call_history_class:insert_event(uuid, account_type, account_id, 'dialed', event); else self.log:info('[', uuid,'] CALL_HISTORY_SAVE - ignore caller entry - account: ', account_type, '=', account_id, ', local: ', event:getHeader('variable_gs_account_node_local')); end -- callee entry local account_type = event:getHeader('variable_gs_destination_type'); local account_id = common.str.to_i(event:getHeader('variable_gs_destination_id')); if account_type and account_id > 0 and common.str.to_b(event:getHeader('variable_gs_destination_node_local')) and tostring(event:getHeader('variable_gs_call_service')) ~= 'pickup' then if tostring(event:getHeader('variable_endpoint_disposition')) == 'ANSWER' then call_history_class:insert_event(uuid, account_type, account_id, 'received', event); else call_history_class:insert_event(uuid, account_type, account_id, 'missed', event); end else self.log:info('[', uuid,'] CALL_HISTORY_SAVE - ignore callee entry - account: ', account_type, '=', account_id, ', local: ', event:getHeader('variable_gs_destination_node_local')); end end