module(...,package.seeall) function handler_class() return PresenceUpdate end ACCOUNT_RECORD_TIMEOUT = 120; PresenceUpdate = {} function, arg) arg = arg or {} object = arg.object or {} setmetatable(object, self); self.__index = self; self.log = arg.log; self.class = 'presenceupdate' self.database = arg.database; self.domain = arg.domain; self.presence_accounts = {} self.account_record = {} return object; end function PresenceUpdate.event_handlers(self) return { PRESENCE_PROBE = { [true] = self.presence_probe }, CUSTOM = { ['sofia::register'] = self.sofia_register, ['sofia::unregister'] = self.sofia_ungerister }, PRESENCE_IN = { [true] = self.presence_in }, } end function PresenceUpdate.presence_probe(self, event) local DIALPLAN_FUNCTION_PATTERN = '^f[_%-].*'; require 'common.str' local event_to = event:getHeader('to'); local event_from = event:getHeader('from'); local probe_type = event:getHeader('probe-type'); local account, domain = common.str.partition(event_from, '@'); local subscription, domain = common.str.partition(event_to, '@'); self.log:debug('[', account, '] PRESENCE_UPDATE - subscription: ', subscription,', type: ', probe_type); if (not self.presence_accounts[account] or not self.presence_accounts[account][subscription]) and subscription:find(DIALPLAN_FUNCTION_PATTERN) then if not self.presence_accounts[account] then self.presence_accounts[account] = {}; end if not self.presence_accounts[account][subscription] then self.presence_accounts[account][subscription] = {}; end self:update_function_presence(account, domain, subscription); end end function PresenceUpdate.sofia_register(self, event) local account = event:getHeader('from-user'); self.log:debug('[', account, '] PRESENCE_UPDATE - flushing account cache on register'); self.presence_accounts[account] = nil; end function PresenceUpdate.sofia_ungerister(self, event) local account = event:getHeader('from-user'); self.log:debug('[', account, '] PRESENCE_UPDATE - flushing account cache on unregister'); self.presence_accounts[account] = nil; end function PresenceUpdate.presence_in(self, event) if not event:getHeader('status') then return end local account, domain = common.str.partition(event:getHeader('from'), '@'); local direction = tostring(event:getHeader('presence-call-direction')) local state = event:getHeader('presence-call-info-state'); local uuid = event:getHeader('Unique-ID'); local caller_id = event:getHeader('Caller-Caller-ID-Number'); if direction == 'inbound' then self.log:info('[', uuid,'] PRESENCE_INBOUND: account: ', account, ', state: ', state); self:sip_account(true, account, domain, state, uuid); elseif direction == 'outbound' then self.log:info('[', uuid,'] PRESENCE_OUTBOUND: account: ', account, ', state: ', state, ', caller: ', caller_id); self:sip_account(false, account, domain, state, uuid, caller_id); end end function PresenceUpdate.update_function_presence(self, account, domain, subscription) local parameters = common.str.to_a(subscription, '_%-'); local fid = parameters[2]; local function_parameter = parameters[3]; if not fid then self.log:error('[', account, '] PRESENCE_UPDATE - no function specified'); return; end if fid == 'cftg' and tonumber(function_parameter) then self:call_forwarding(account, domain, function_parameter); elseif fid == 'hgmtg' then self:hunt_group_membership(account, domain, function_parameter); elseif fid == 'acdmtg' then self:acd_membership(account, domain, function_parameter); end end function PresenceUpdate.call_forwarding(self, account, domain, call_forwarding_id) require 'common.call_forwarding' local call_forwarding = common.call_forwarding.CallForwarding:new{ log=self.log, database=self.database, domain=domain }:find_by_id(call_forwarding_id); require 'common.str' if call_forwarding and common.str.to_b( then local destination_type = tostring(call_forwarding.record.call_forwardable_type):lower() self.log:debug('[', account, '] PRESENCE_UPDATE - updating call forwarding presence - id: ', call_forwarding_id, ', destination: ', destination_type); if destination_type == 'voicemail' then call_forwarding:presence_set('early'); else call_forwarding:presence_set('confirmed'); end end end function PresenceUpdate.hunt_group_membership(self, account, domain, member_id) local sql_query = 'SELECT `active` FROM `hunt_group_members` WHERE `active` IS TRUE AND `id`=' .. tonumber(member_id) .. ' LIMIT 1'; local status = self.database:query_return_value(sql_query); if status then self.log:debug('[', account, '] PRESENCE_UPDATE - updating hunt group membership presence - id: ', member_id); require 'dialplan.presence' local presence_class = dialplan.presence.Presence:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, domain = domain, accounts = {'f-hgmtg-' .. member_id}, uuid = 'hunt_group_member_' .. member_id }:set('confirmed'); end end function PresenceUpdate.acd_membership(self, account, domain, member_id) local sql_query = 'SELECT `status` FROM `acd_agents` WHERE `status` = "active" AND `id`=' .. tonumber(member_id) .. ' LIMIT 1'; local status = self.database:query_return_value(sql_query); if status then self.log:debug('[', account, '] PRESENCE_UPDATE - updating ACD membership presence - id: ', member_id); require 'dialplan.presence' local presence_class = dialplan.presence.Presence:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, domain = domain, accounts = {'f-acdmtg-' .. member_id}, uuid = 'acd_agent_' .. member_id }:set(status); end end function PresenceUpdate.sip_account(self, inbound, account, domain, status, uuid, caller_id) local status_map = { progressing = 'early', alerting = 'confirmed', active = 'confirmed' } if not self.account_record[account] or ((os.time() - self.account_record[account].created_at) > ACCOUNT_RECORD_TIMEOUT) then self.log:debug('[', uuid,'] PRESENCE - retrieve account data - account: ', account); require 'common.sip_account' local sip_account = common.sip_account.SipAccount:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:find_by_auth_name(account); if not sip_account then return end require 'common.phone_number' local phone_numbers = common.phone_number.PhoneNumber:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database }:list_by_owner(, sip_account.class); self.account_record[account] = { id =, class = sip_account.class, phone_numbers = phone_numbers, created_at = os.time() } end require 'dialplan.presence' local result = dialplan.presence.Presence:new{ log = self.log, database = self.database, inbound = inbound, domain = domain, accounts = self.account_record[account].phone_numbers, uuid = uuid }:set(status_map[status] or 'terminated', caller_id); end