-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: phone class -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012-2013 -- module(...,package.seeall) Phone = {} -- create phone object function Phone.new(self, arg) arg = arg or {} object = arg.object or {} setmetatable(object, self); self.__index = self; self.log = arg.log; self.database = arg.database; return object; end function Phone.list_by_sql(self, sql_query) local account_phones = {}; self.database:query(sql_query, function(account_entry) local phone = Phone:new(self, {object = parent_class}); phone.record = account_entry; phone.record.ieee_name = common.str.downcase(account_entry.ieee_name); if phone.record.ieee_name == 'snom technology ag' then require 'phones.snom' phone.model = phones.snom.Snom:new{ log = self.log }; elseif account_entry.ieee_name == 'siemens enterprise communicationsgmbh & co. kg' then require 'phones.siemens' phone.model = phones.siemens.Siemens:new{ log = self.log }; end table.insert(account_phones, phone); end) return account_phones; end -- Find a hot-deskable phone by sip-account function Phone.find_all_hot_deskable_by_account(self, account_id) require 'common.str' local sql_query = 'SELECT \ `b`.`id`, `b`.`mac_address`, `b`.`ip_address`, `b`.`http_user`, `b`.`http_password`, `b`.`phoneable_type`, `b`.`phoneable_id`, \ `b`.`tenant_id`, `b`.`fallback_sip_account_id`, `d`.`ieee_name` \ FROM `phone_sip_accounts` `a` \ JOIN `phones` `b` ON `a`.`phone_id` = `b`.`id` \ JOIN `phone_models` `c` ON `b`.`phone_model_id` = `c`.`id` \ JOIN `manufacturers` `d` ON `c`.`manufacturer_id` = `d`.`id` \ WHERE `b`.`hot_deskable` IS TRUE \ AND `c`.`state` = "active" \ AND `d`.`state` = "active" \ AND `a`.`sip_account_id` = ' .. tonumber(account_id); local account_phones = self:list_by_sql(sql_query); if #account_phones == 0 then sql_query = 'SELECT `b`.`id`, `b`.`mac_address`, `b`.`ip_address`, `b`.`http_user`, `b`.`http_password`, `b`.`phoneable_type`, `b`.`phoneable_id`, \ `b`.`tenant_id`, `b`.`fallback_sip_account_id`, `d`.`ieee_name` \ FROM `phones` `b` \ JOIN `phone_models` `c` ON `b`.`phone_model_id` = `c`.`id` \ JOIN `manufacturers` `d` ON `c`.`manufacturer_id` = `d`.`id` \ WHERE `b`.`hot_deskable` IS TRUE \ AND `c`.`state` = "active" \ AND `d`.`state` = "active" \ AND `b`.`fallback_sip_account_id` = ' .. tonumber(account_id); account_phones = self:list_by_sql(sql_query); end return account_phones; end function Phone.find_hot_deskable_by_account(self, account_id) return self:find_all_hot_deskable_by_account(account_id)[1]; end function Phone.phoneable_set(self, phoneable_id, phoneable_type) sql_query = 'UPDATE `phones` SET `phoneable_type` = "' .. phoneable_type ..'", `phoneable_id` = ' .. phoneable_id .. ' \ WHERE `id` = ' .. tonumber(self.record.id); self.database:query(sql_query); end function Phone.logout(self, account_id) local tenant_id = tonumber(self.record.tenant_id); if not tenant_id then self.log:info('PHONE_LOGOUT - tenant not found'); return false; end self:phoneable_set(tenant_id, 'Tenant'); if account_id then sql_query = 'DELETE FROM `phone_sip_accounts` WHERE `sip_account_id` = ' .. tonumber(account_id); self.database:query(sql_query); end sql_query = 'DELETE FROM `phone_sip_accounts` WHERE `phone_id` = ' .. self.record.id; return self.database:query(sql_query); end function Phone.login(self, account_id, owner_id, owner_type) self:phoneable_set(owner_id, owner_type); sql_query = 'INSERT INTO `phone_sip_accounts` (`phone_id`, `sip_account_id`, `position`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) \ VALUES ('.. tonumber(self.record.id) .. ', '.. tonumber(account_id) .. ', 1, NOW(), NOW())'; return self.database:query(sql_query); end function Phone.resync(self, arg) local result = nil; arg.ip_address = arg.ip_address or self.record.ip_address; arg.http_user = arg.http_user or self.record.http_user; arg.http_password = arg.http_password or self.record.http_password; if self.model then result = self.model:resync(arg); else self.log:notice('PHONE_RESYNC phone model not found - trying Snom resync'); require 'phones.snom'; result = phones.snom.Snom:new{ log = self.log }:resync(arg); end self:resync_extension_modules(arg); return result; end function Phone.resync_extension_modules(self, arg) require('common.object'); local object_class = common.object.Object:new{ log = self.log }; local sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `extension_modules` WHERE `active` IS TRUE AND `phone_id` = ' .. common.str.to_i(self.record.id); self.database:query(sql_query, function(extension_module) local extension_module_class, error_message = object_class:load_one('phones.' .. extension_module.model); if not extension_module_class then self.log:error('RESYNC_EXTENSION_MODULE - unsupported model: ', extension_module.model, ', error: ', error_message); end arg.ip_address = extension_module.ip_address; local result = extension_module_class:new{log = self.log}:resync(arg); self.log:debug('RESYNC_EXTENSION_MODULE - ', extension_module_class.class, '=', extension_module.id, ', mac_address: ', extension_module.mac_address, ', ip_address: ', extension_module.ip_address, ', executed: ', tostring(result)); end); end