-- Gemeinschaft 5 -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012-2013 -- local FAX_FILE_PATH = "/opt/GS5/public/uploads/fax_document/tiff/"; local FAX_ANSWERING_TIMEOUT = 20; -- Set logger require "common.log" local log = common.log.Log:new() log.prefix = "### [sendfax] " local document_id = argv[1]; require 'common.database' local database = common.database.Database:new{ log = log }:connect(); if not database:connected() then log:error('cannot connect to Gemeinschaft database'); return end if not tonumber(document_id) then log:error('document id not specified'); return end local defaults = {log=log, database=database} require "dialplan.fax" local fax_class = dialplan.fax.Fax:new(defaults); local fax_document = fax_class:find_document_by_id(document_id); if not fax_document then log:error('document ' .. document_id .. ' not found'); return end if tonumber(fax_document.retry_counter) > 0 then fax_class:document_update(document_id, {state = 'sending', retry_counter = fax_document.retry_counter - 1}); else fax_class:document_update(document_id, {state = 'sending'}); end local fax_account = fax_class:find_by_id(fax_document.fax_account_id); if not fax_account then log:error('fax account ' .. fax_document.fax_account_id .. ' not found'); return end local destination_number = fax_class:destination_number(document_id); if not destination_number or tostring(destination_number) == '' then log:error('destination number not found'); return end require 'common.str' destination_number = common.str.strip(destination_number); log:info('FAX_SEND - fax_document=' .. document_id .. ', destination number: ' .. destination_number .. ', retries: ' .. fax_document.retry_counter); require "common.phone_number" local phone_number_class = common.phone_number.PhoneNumber:new(defaults); phone_number = phone_number_class:find_by_number(destination_number); local origination_variables = { 'gs_account_id=' .. fax_account.record.id, 'gs_account_uuid=' .. fax_account.record.uuid, 'gs_account_type=' .. 'faxaccount', 'gs_auth_account_id=' .. fax_account.record.id, 'gs_auth_account_uuid=' .. fax_account.record.uuid, 'gs_auth_account_type=' .. 'faxaccount', } local session = nil if phone_number then session = freeswitch.Session("[" .. table.concat(origination_variables, ",") .. "]loopback/" .. destination_number .. "/default"); else local caller = { destination_number = destination_number, caller_id_name = fax_account.record.station_id, account_type = 'faxaccount', account_uuid = fax_account.uuid, auth_account_type = 'faxaccount', auth_account_uuid = fax_account.uuid, } require 'dialplan.dialplan' local dialplan = dialplan.dialplan.Dialplan:new{ log = log, caller = caller, database = database }; local result = dialplan:retrieve_caller_data(); local dialplan_router = require('dialplan.router'); local routes = dialplan_router.Router:new{ log = log, database = database, caller = caller, variables = caller }:route_run('outbound'); if not routes or #routes == 0 then log:notice('SWITCH - no route - number: ', destination_number); return { continue = false, code = 404, phrase = 'No route' } end for index, route in ipairs(routes) do log:info('FAX_SEND - ', route.type, '=', route.id, '/', route.gateway,', number: ', route.destination_number); if route.type == 'gateway' then table.insert(origination_variables, "origination_caller_id_number='" .. (route.caller_id_number or caller.caller_phone_numbers[1]) .. "'"); table.insert(origination_variables, "origination_caller_id_name='" .. (route.caller_id_name or fax_account.record.station_id) .. "'"); session = freeswitch.Session('[' .. table.concat(origination_variables, ',') .. ']sofia/gateway/' .. route.gateway .. '/' .. route.destination_number); log:notice('SESSION: ', session); break; end end end local loop_count = FAX_ANSWERING_TIMEOUT; local cause = "UNSPECIFIED" while session and session:ready() and not session:answered() and loop_count >= 0 do log:debug('waiting for answer: ' .. loop_count) loop_count = loop_count - 1; freeswitch.msleep(1000); end if session and session:answered() then log:info('FAX_SEND - sending fax_document=' .. fax_document.id .. ' (' .. fax_document.tiff .. ')'); local file_name = FAX_FILE_PATH .. fax_document.id .. "/" .. fax_document.tiff; session:setVariable('fax_ident', fax_account.record.station_id) session:setVariable('fax_header', fax_account.record.name) session:setVariable('fax_verbose', 'false') local start_time = os.time(); session:execute('txfax', file_name); fax_state = { state = nil, transmission_time = os.time() - start_time, document_total_pages = common.str.to_i(session:getVariable('fax_document_total_pages')), document_transferred_pages = common.str.to_i(session:getVariable('fax_document_transferred_pages')), ecm_requested = common.str.to_b(session:getVariable('fax_ecm_requested')), ecm_used = common.str.to_b(session:getVariable('fax_ecm_used')), image_resolution = common.str.to_s(session:getVariable('fax_image_resolution')), image_size = common.str.to_i(session:getVariable('fax_image_size')), local_station_id = common.str.to_s(session:getVariable('fax_local_station_id')), result_code = common.str.to_i(session:getVariable('fax_result_code')), remote_station_id = common.str.to_s(session:getVariable('fax_remote_station_id')), success = common.str.to_b(session:getVariable('fax_success')), transfer_rate = common.str.to_i(session:getVariable('fax_transfer_rate')), } if fax_state.success then fax_state.state = 'successful'; else fax_state.state = 'unsuccessful'; end fax_account:document_update(fax_document.id, fax_state) cause = session:hangupCause(); log:info('FAX_SEND - end - fax_document=', fax_document.id, ', success: ', fax_state.state, ', cause: ', cause, ', result: ', fax_state.result_code, ' ', session:getVariable('fax_result_text')); else if session then cause = session:hangupCause(); end log:debug('Destination "', destination_number, '" could not be reached, cause: ', cause) fax_account:document_update(fax_document.id, {state = 'unsuccessful', result_code = "129"}) end