# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # MonAMI Asterisk Manger Interface Server # Asterisk AMI client connector # (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012-2013 from threading import Thread, Lock from log import ldebug, linfo, lwarn, lerror, lcritic from time import sleep from traceback import format_exc from helper import to_hash import socket class AsteriskAMIServer(Thread): def __init__(self, client_socket, address, message_queue): Thread.__init__(self) self.runthread = True self.LINE_SEPARATOR = "\r\n" self.GREETING_STRING = 'Asterisk Call Manager/1.1' self.ASTERISK_VERSION_STRING = 'Asterisk' self.ASTERISK_CHANNEL_STATES = ( 'Down', 'Reserved', 'Offhook', 'Dialing', 'Ring', 'Ringing', 'Up', 'Busy', 'Dialing_Offhook', 'Pprering', 'Mute', ) self.ASTERISK_PRESENTATION_INDICATOR = ( 'Presentation allowed', 'Presentation restricted', 'Number not available due to interworking', 'Reserved', ) self.ASTERISK_SCREENING_INDICATOR = ( 'not screened', 'verified and passed', 'verified and failed', 'Network provided', ) self.write_lock = Lock() self.socket = client_socket self.address = address self.message_queue = message_queue def stop(self): ldebug('thread stop', self) self.runthread = False def run(self): ldebug('starting AMI server thread', self) data = '' while self.runthread and self.socket: try: recv_buffer = self.socket.recv(128) except socket.timeout as exception: # Socket timeout occured continue except: lerror(format_exc(), self) self.runthread = False break if not recv_buffer: ldebug('client connection lost', self) break data += recv_buffer messages = data.split(self.LINE_SEPARATOR * 2) data = messages.pop() for message_str in messages: if not message_str: continue message = to_hash(message_str.split(self.LINE_SEPARATOR)) self.message_queue.appendleft({'type': 'ami_client_message', 'body': message}) ldebug('exiting AMI server thread', self) def send(self, send_buffer): try: self.write_lock.acquire() self.socket.send(send_buffer) self.write_lock.release() return True except: return False def send_message(self, *message): if len(message) == 1 and type(message[0]) == list: self.send(self.LINE_SEPARATOR.join(message[0]) + (self.LINE_SEPARATOR * 2)) else: self.send(self.LINE_SEPARATOR.join(message) + (self.LINE_SEPARATOR * 2)) def send_greeting(self): self.send_message(self.GREETING_STRING) def send_message_unknown(self, command): self.send_message('Response: Error', 'Message: Invalid/unknown command: %s.' % command) def send_login_ack(self): self.send_message('Response: Success', 'Message: Authentication accepted') def send_login_nack(self): self.send_message('Response: Error', 'Message: Authentication failed') def send_logout_ack(self): self.send_message('Response: Goodbye', 'Message: Thank you for flying MonAMI') def send_pong(self, action_id): self.send_message('Response: Pong', "ActionID: %s" % str(action_id), 'Server: localhost') def send_asterisk_version(self, action_id): self.send_message( 'Response: Follows', 'Privilege: Command', "ActionID: %s" % str(action_id), self.ASTERISK_VERSION_STRING, '--END COMMAND--' ) def send_hangup_ack(self): self.send_message('Response: Success', 'Message: Channel Hungup') def send_originate_ack(self, action_id): self.send_message('Response: Success', "ActionID: %s" % str(action_id), 'Message: Originate successfully queued') def send_status_ack(self, action_id): self.send_message( 'Response: Success', "ActionID: %s" % str(action_id), 'Message: Channel status will follow' ) self.send_message( 'Event: StatusComplete', "ActionID: %s" % action_id, 'Items: 0' ) def send_extension_state(self, action_id, extension, context = 'default', status = -1, hint = ''): self.send_message( 'Response: Success', "ActionID: %s" % str(action_id), 'Message: Extension Status', 'Exten: %s' % extension, 'Context: %s' % context, 'Hint: %s' % hint, 'Status: %d' % status, ) def send_event_newchannel(self, uuid, channel_name, channel_state, caller_id_number = '', caller_id_name = '', destination_number = ''): self.send_message( 'Event: Newchannel', 'Privilege: call,all', 'Channel: %s' % str(channel_name), 'ChannelState: %d' % channel_state, 'ChannelStateDesc: %s' % self.ASTERISK_CHANNEL_STATES[channel_state], 'CallerIDNum: %s' % str(caller_id_number), 'CallerIDName: %s' % str(caller_id_name), 'AccountCode:', 'Exten: %s' % str(destination_number), 'Context: default', 'Uniqueid: %s' % str(uuid), ) def send_event_newstate(self, uuid, channel_name, channel_state, caller_id_number = '', caller_id_name = ''): self.send_message( 'Event: Newstate', 'Privilege: call,all', 'Channel: %s' % str(channel_name), 'ChannelState: %d' % channel_state, 'ChannelStateDesc: %s' % self.ASTERISK_CHANNEL_STATES[channel_state], 'CallerIDNum: %s' % str(caller_id_number), 'CallerIDName: %s' % str(caller_id_name), 'Uniqueid: %s' % str(uuid), ) def send_event_newcallerid(self, uuid, channel_name, caller_id_number = '', caller_id_name = '', calling_pres = 0): presentation = self.ASTERISK_PRESENTATION_INDICATOR[calling_pres >> 6] screening = self.ASTERISK_SCREENING_INDICATOR[calling_pres & 3] self.send_message( 'Event: NewCallerid', 'Privilege: call,all', 'Channel: %s' % str(channel_name), 'CallerIDNum: %s' % str(caller_id_number), 'CallerIDName: %s' % str(caller_id_name), 'Uniqueid: %s' % str(uuid), 'CID-CallingPres: %d (%s, %s)' % (calling_pres, presentation, screening), ) def send_event_hangup(self, uuid, channel_name, caller_id_number = '', caller_id_name = '', cause = 0): self.send_message( 'Event: Hangup', 'Privilege: call,all', 'Channel: %s' % str(channel_name), 'CallerIDNum: %s' % str(caller_id_number), 'CallerIDName: %s' % str(caller_id_name), 'Cause: %d' % cause, 'Cause-txt: Unknown', 'Uniqueid: %s' % str(uuid) ) def send_event_dial_begin(self, uuid, channel_name, caller_id_number, caller_id_name, destination_channel, destination_uuid, destination_number): self.send_message( 'Event: Dial', 'Privilege: call,all', 'SubEvent: Begin', "Channel: %s" % str(channel_name), "Destination: %s" % str(destination_channel), 'CallerIDNum: %s' % str(caller_id_number), 'CallerIDName: %s' % str(caller_id_name), 'Uniqueid: %s' % str(uuid), 'DestUniqueid: %s' % str(destination_uuid), 'Dialstring: %s@default' % str(destination_number) ) def send_event_dial_end(self, uuid, channel_name, dial_status = 'UNKNOWN'): self.send_message( 'Event: Dial', 'Privilege: call,all', 'SubEvent: End', "Channel: %s" % str(channel_name), 'Uniqueid: %s' % str(uuid), "DialStatus: %s" % str(dial_status), ) def send_event_originate_response(self, uuid, channel_name, caller_id_number, caller_id_name, destination_number, action_id, reason): #reasons: #0: no such extension or number #1: no answer #4: answered #8: congested or not available if reason == 4: response = 'Success' else: response = 'Failure' self.send_message( 'Event: OriginateResponse', 'Privilege: call,all', 'ActionID: %s' % str(action_id), 'Response: %s' % response, 'Channel: %s' % str(channel_name), 'Context: default', 'Exten: %s' % str(destination_number), 'Reason: %d' % reason, 'CallerIDNum: %s' % str(caller_id_number), 'CallerIDName: %s' % str(caller_id_name), 'Uniqueid: %s' % str(uuid), ) def send_event_bridge(self, uuid, channel_name, caller_id, o_uuid, o_channel_name, o_caller_id): self.send_message( 'Event: Bridge', 'Privilege: call,all', 'Bridgestate: Link', 'Bridgetype: core', 'Channel1: %s' % str(channel_name), 'Channel2: %s' % str(o_channel_name), 'Uniqueid1: %s' % str(uuid), 'Uniqueid2: %s' % str(o_uuid), 'CallerID1: %s' % str(caller_id), 'CallerID2: %s' % str(o_caller_id), ) def send_event_newaccountcode(self, uuid, channel_name): self.send_message( 'Event: NewAccountCode', 'Privilege: call,all', "Channel: %s" % str(channel_name), 'Uniqueid: %s' % str(uuid), 'AccountCode:', 'OldAccountCode:', )