------------------------------ ipmiutil README IPMI Management Utilities ------------------------------ The ipmiutil IPMI utilities below allow the user to access the firmware System Event Log and configure the Platform Event Filter table for the new 'OS Critical Stop' records, as well as other common IPMI system management functions. ipmiutil - a meta-command to invoke all of the below as sub-commands ievents - a standalone utility to interpret IPMI and PET event data isel - show/set the firmware System Event Log records isensor - show Sensor Data Records, sensor readings, and thresholds ireset - cause the BMC to hard reset or power down the system ilan - show and configure the BMC LAN port and Platform Event Filter table to allow BMC LAN alerts from firmware events and OS Critical Stop messages, iserial - show and configure the BMC Serial port for various modes, such as Terminal Mode. ifru - show the FRU chassis, board, and product inventory data, and optionally write a FRU asset tag. ialarms - show and set front panel alarms (LEDs and relays) iwdt - show and set watchdog timer parameters igetevent - receive any IPMI events and display them ihealth - check and report the basic health of the IPMI BMC iconfig - list/save/restore the BMC configuration parameters icmd - send specific IPMI commands to the BMC, mainly for testing and debug purposes. idiscover - discover the available IPMI LAN nodes on a subnet isol - start/stop an IPMI Serial-Over-LAN Console session ipicmg - show/set the IPMI PICMG parameters ifirewall - show/set the IPMI firmware firewall configuration iekanalyzer - run FRU-EKeying analyzer on FRU files ifwum - OEM firmware update manager extensions ihpm - HPM firmware update manager extensions isunoem - Sun OEM functions idelloem - Dell OEM functions itsol - Tyan SOL console start/stop session idcmi - get/set DCMI parameters, if supporting the DCMI spec Other supporting files: checksel = cron script using ipmiutil sel to check the SEL, write new events to the OS system log, and clear the SEL if nearly full. ipmi_port = daemon to bind the RMCP port and sleep to prevent Linux portmap from stealing the RMCP port ipmi_port.sh = init script to reserve the RMCP port from portmap, this also restores saved sensor thresholds, if any. ipmiutil_wdt = init script to restart watchdog timer every 60 sec via cron ipmiutil_asy = init script runs 'ipmiutil getevt -a' for remote shutdown ipmiutil_evt = init script runs 'ipmiutil getevt -s' for monitoring events evt.sh = sample script which can be invoked by ipmiutil_evt ipmi_if.sh = script using dmidecode to determine the IPMI Interface Type bmclanpet.mib = SNMP MIB for BMC LAN Platform Event Traps test/* = scripts and utilities used in testing ipmiutil/panicsel kern/* = kernel patches for panic handling -------------------- Dependencies: -------------------- The IPMI Management Utilities currently work with platforms that support the IPMI 1.5 or 2.0 specification. IPMI servers can be managed locally, or remotely via IPMI LAN, even when the OS or main CPU is not functional. The IPMI 1.5 spec, Table 36-3 defines the sensor types for SEL records, as used by showsel. The IPMI 1.5 spec, Table 15-2 defines the Platform Event Filter table entries, as used by pefconfig. The IPMI 1.5 spec, Table 19-4 defines the LAN Configuration Parameters, as used by pefconfig. The ipmiutil utilities will use an IPMI Driver, either the Intel IPMI package (ipmidrvr, /dev/imb), MontaVista OpenIPMI (/dev/ipmi0), the valinux IPMI Driver (/dev/ipmikcs), or the LANDesk ldipmi daemon. The ipmiutil utilities can also use direct user-space I/Os in Linux or FreeBSD if no IPMI driver is detected. If ipmiutil is compiled with LANPLUS enabled, then it does depend upon libcrypto.so, which is provided by the openssl package. ------------------------ Build Instructions ------------------------ See notes in the INSTALL file from the ipmiutil*.tar.gz archive. ------------------------ IPMI Configuration ------------------------ See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/docs/UserGuide Note that ipmiutil can autodetect the IPMI interface using SMBIOS/dmi and use driverless KCS or SSIF if no IPMI driver is loaded. Various vendor IPMI firmware versions should support all of the mandatory IPMI functions, but there are variations in which of the optional IPMI functions that are supported. The 'ipmiutil lan' utility can be used to easily set up a working configuration of BMC LAN, SOL, and PEF Alerting while Linux is running, instead of a series of 40-50 commands with ipmitool, or a proprietary vendor tool, which may even require booting to DOS. The bmc_panic patch has been obsoleted by the CONFIG_IPMI_PANIC option in the OpenIPMI driver, which is included in kernel.org. The bmc_panic functionality is also included in the Intel imb IPMI driver build 28 and greater. To apply the bmc_panic patch (in kern/) to a different version of kernel source: kver=2.4.18 cd /usr/src/linux-${kver} cat bmcpanic-${kver}.patch | patch -p1 make menuconfig (make sure CONFIG_BMCPANIC=y) make oldconfig make dep make bzImage make modules make modules_install mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-${kver}.img ${kver} make install reboot The ipmiutil package does not set the Linux kernel panic timeout. If a specific panic timeout is desired, do "echo 10 >/proc/sys/kernel/panic" to set it to 10 seconds, for instance. or add panic=10 to the kernel line in grub.conf. ------------------------------ KNOWN PROBLEMS ------------------------------ See http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=116222&func=browse for a list of bugs. Contact for best-effort support: arcress at users.sourceforge.net or ipmiutil-developers at lists.sourceforge.net or http://ipmiutil.sf.net -------------------- LICENSING: -------------------- The BSD License in the COPYING file applies to all source files herein, except for * util/md5.c (Aladdin unrestricted license, compatible with BSD) * util/md2.h (GPL) * util/ipmi_ioctls.h (GPL, now defunct and removed) While the BSD License allows code reuse in both open and non-open applications, the md2.h and ipmi_ioctls.h files would have to be removed if used in a non-open application. There is a ALLOW_GPL compile flag for this that is disabled by default, but can be enabled for GPL open-source by running "./configure --enable-gpl". -------------------- CHANGE HISTORY: -------------------- See http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/docs/ChangeLog