/* * C-string functions * Copyright Jan Engelhardt, 1999-2010 * * This file is part of libHX. libHX is free software; you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2.1 or (at your option) any later version. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "internal.h" /** * %HXQUOTE_ACCEPT: the listed characters are passed through, * all others need to be quoted * %HXQUOTE_REJECT: the listed characters need to be quoted, * all others pass through */ enum HX_quote_selector { HXQUOTE_ALWAYS, HXQUOTE_ACCEPT, HXQUOTE_REJECT, }; /** * @selector: whether this rule is accept- or reject-based * @qchars: characters that need (no) quoting */ struct HX_quote_rule { char selector; const char *chars; }; static const char HX_hexenc[16] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_basename(const char *s) { const char *p; /* ignore trailing slashes */ for (p = s + strlen(s) - 1; p >= s && *p == '/'; --p) ; if (p < s) /* * String contained only slashes - this must be the root * directory. Since we have the opportunity, rather than * returning "////", just give the cleaned-up "/". */ return const_cast1(char *, s + strlen(s) - 1); if ((p = HX_strbchr(s, p, '/')) != NULL) return const_cast1(char *, p + 1); return const_cast1(char *, s); } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_basename_exact(const char *s) { const char *start, *end; char *ret; int len; if (*s == '\0') return HX_strdup("."); /* ignore trailing slashes */ for (end = s + strlen(s) - 1; end >= s && *end == '/'; --end) ; if (end < s) /* string consisted of only slashes */ return HX_strdup("/"); start = HX_strbchr(s, end, '/'); if (start == NULL) { len = end - s + 1; ret = HX_memdup(s, len + 1); } else { ++start; len = end - start + 1; ret = HX_memdup(start, len + 1); } if (ret == NULL) return NULL; ret[len] = '\0'; return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_chomp(char *s) { char *p = s + strlen(s) - 1; while (p >= s) { if (*p != '\n' && *p != '\r') break; *p-- = '\0'; } return s; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_dirname(const char *s) { const char *last, *stop; char *p; if (*s == '\0') return HX_strdup("."); for (last = s + strlen(s) - 1; last > s && *last == '/'; --last) ; if ((stop = HX_strbchr(s, last, '/')) == NULL) return HX_strdup("."); for (; stop > s && *stop == '/'; --stop) ; p = HX_memdup(s, stop - s + 2); p[stop-s+1] = '\0'; return p; } EXPORT_SYMBOL hxmc_t *HX_getl(hxmc_t **ptr, FILE *fp) { /* Read a whole line into a dynamic buffer. */ char temp[MAXLNLEN]; if (fgets(temp, sizeof(temp), fp) == NULL) return NULL; if (*ptr == NULL) { *ptr = HXmc_meminit(NULL, 0); if (*ptr == NULL) return NULL; } else { HXmc_trunc(ptr, 0); } do { if (HXmc_strcat(ptr, temp) == NULL) return *ptr; if (strchr(temp, '\n') != NULL) break; } while (fgets(temp, sizeof(temp), fp) != NULL); return *ptr; } EXPORT_SYMBOL void *HX_memmem(const void *vspace, size_t spacesize, const void *vpoint, size_t pointsize) { const char *space = vspace, *point = vpoint; const char *head, *end; size_t tailsize; char *tail; if (pointsize == 0) return const_cast1(void *, vspace); if (pointsize > spacesize) return NULL; /* Do a BM-style trailer search and reduce calls to memcmp */ head = space + (pointsize - 1); tail = memchr(head, point[pointsize-1], spacesize - (pointsize - 1)); if (tail == NULL || pointsize == 1) return tail; end = space + spacesize; do { head = tail - pointsize + 1; if (memcmp(head, point, pointsize) == 0) return const_cast(char *, head); ++tail; tailsize = end - tail; tail = memchr(tail, point[pointsize-1], tailsize); } while (tail != NULL); return NULL; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char **HX_split(const char *str, const char *delim, int *cp, int max) { /* * @countp can be NULL in case you are not interested in the number of * fields. In either case, you can find out the number of fields by * scanning through the resulting vector. */ int count = 0; char **ret; if (cp == NULL) cp = &count; *cp = 1; { const char *wp = str; while ((wp = strpbrk(wp, delim)) != NULL) { if (++*cp >= max && max > 0) { *cp = max; break; } ++wp; } } if (max == 0 || *cp < max) max = *cp; else if (*cp > max) *cp = max; ret = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (*cp + 1)); if (ret == nullptr) return nullptr; ret[*cp] = NULL; { char *seg, *wp = HX_strdup(str), *bg = wp; size_t i = 0; while (--max > 0) { seg = HX_strsep(&wp, delim); ret[i++] = HX_strdup(seg); } ret[i++] = HX_strdup(wp); free(bg); } return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char **HX_split_inplace(char *s, const char *delim, int *fld, int max) { char **stk; const char *p = s; int count = 1; for (p = strpbrk(p, delim); p != NULL; p = strpbrk(++p, delim)) if (++count >= max && max > 0) { count = max; break; } stk = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (count + 1)); if (stk == NULL) return NULL; stk[count] = NULL; count = HX_split_fixed(s, delim, count, stk); if (fld != NULL) *fld = count; return stk; } EXPORT_SYMBOL int HX_split_fixed(char *s, const char *delim, int max, char **stk) { /* * HX_split_fixed - the "stack split" (we try to avoid using the heap): * Split @s (modifies it, so must be writable!) at @delim with at most * @max fields and putting the results into @stk[0..@max-1]. * * Example on @max: * char *stk[max]; * HX_split_fixed(s, delim, max, stk); */ int i = 0; char *p; while (--max > 0) { if ((p = strpbrk(s, delim)) == NULL) break; stk[i++] = s; *p = '\0'; s = p + 1; } stk[i++] = s; return i; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strbchr(const char *start, const char *now, char d) { /* Find the last occurrence of @d within @start and (including) @now. */ while (now >= start) if (*now-- == d) return const_cast1(char *, ++now); return NULL; } /** * This is the counterpart to strpbrk(). Returns a pointer to the first * character not in @accept, or otherwise %NULL. */ EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strchr2(const char *s, const char *accept) { size_t seg = strspn(s, accept); if (s[seg] == '\0') return NULL; return const_cast1(char *, s + seg); } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strclone(char **pa, const char *pb) { if (*pa == pb) return *pa; if (*pa != NULL) { free(*pa); *pa = NULL; } if (pb == NULL) return NULL; if ((*pa = malloc(strlen(pb) + 1)) == NULL) return NULL; strcpy(*pa, pb); return *pa; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strdup(const char *src) { if (src == NULL) return NULL; /* return HX_strndup(src, SIZE_MAX); */ return HX_memdup(src, strlen(src) + 1); } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strlcat(char *dest, const char *src, size_t len) { ssize_t x = len - strlen(dest) - 1; if (x <= 0) return dest; return strncat(dest, src, x); } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n) { if (n == 0) return dest; strncpy(dest, src, n); dest[n-1] = '\0'; return dest; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strlncat(char *dest, const char *src, size_t dlen, size_t slen) { ssize_t x = dlen - strlen(dest) - 1; if (x <= 0) return dest; x = ((ssize_t)slen < x) ? (ssize_t)slen : x; return strncat(dest, src, x); } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strlower(char *orig) { char *expr; for (expr = orig; *expr != '\0'; ++expr) *expr = HX_tolower(*expr); return orig; } EXPORT_SYMBOL size_t HX_strltrim(char *expr) { char *travp; size_t diff = 0; travp = expr; while (HX_isspace(*travp)) ++travp; if ((diff = travp - expr) > 0) memmove(expr, travp, strlen(travp) + 1); return diff; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_stpltrim(const char *p) { while (HX_isspace(*p)) ++p; return const_cast1(char *, p); } /** * Helper for substr() function for dealing with negative off/len values * @z: total length of string * @offset: n>=0 specifies offset from the start, * n<0 specifies offset from the end * @len: "length"; n>=0 specifies length to copy (from @offset), * n<0 specifies the byte relative to the end at which to stop * * @abstart: (result) absolute start * @retval: (result) absolute length to copy (from *@abstart) */ size_t HX_substr_helper(size_t z, long offset, long len, size_t *start) { if (offset >= 0) *start = offset; else if (offset == LONG_MIN) *start = z + -static_cast(size_t, LONG_MIN); else *start = z >= static_cast(unsigned long, -offset) ? z + offset : z; size_t end; if (len >= 0) end = *start < SIZE_MAX - len ? *start + len : SIZE_MAX; else if (len == LONG_MIN) end = z + -static_cast(unsigned long, LONG_MIN); else end = z >= static_cast(unsigned long, -len) ? z + len : 0; if (end > z) end = z; return end > *start ? end - *start : 0; } /* supports negative offsets like scripting languages */ EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strmid(const char *expr, long offset, long length) { size_t start = 0, tocopy = HX_substr_helper(strlen(expr), offset, length, &start); char *buffer = malloc(tocopy + 1); if (buffer == nullptr) return NULL; memcpy(buffer, &expr[start], tocopy); buffer[tocopy] = '\0'; return buffer; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strndup(const char *src, size_t size) { char *ret; size_t z; if (src == NULL) return NULL; z = strlen(src); if (z < size) size = z; if ((ret = malloc(size + 1)) == NULL) return NULL; memcpy(ret, src, size); ret[size] = '\0'; return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL size_t HX_strnlen(const char *src, size_t size) { const char *ptr = src; for (; *ptr != '\0' && size > 0; --size, ++ptr) ; return ptr - src; } EXPORT_SYMBOL size_t HX_strrcspn(const char *s, const char *rej) { size_t n = strlen(s); const char *p = s + n; while (--p >= s) if (strchr(rej, *p) != NULL) return p - s; return n; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strrev(char *s) { size_t i, z = strlen(s)-1, z2 = z / 2; for (i = 0; i < z2; ++i) { char temp; temp = s[i]; s[i] = s[z-i]; s[z-i] = temp; } return s; } EXPORT_SYMBOL size_t HX_strrtrim(char *expr) { int i = strlen(expr), s = 0; while (i-- && HX_isspace(expr[i])) ++s; expr[++i] = '\0'; return s; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strsep(char **sp, const char *d) { char *begin, *end; if (*sp == NULL || **sp == '\0') return NULL; begin = *sp; if (d[0] == '\0' || d[1] == '\0') { if (*begin == *d) end = begin; else if (*begin == '\0') end = NULL; else end = strchr(begin + 1, *d); } else { end = strpbrk(begin, d); } if (end == NULL) { *sp = NULL; } else { *end++ = '\0'; *sp = end; } return begin; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strsep2(char **wp, const char *str) { char *ptr, *ret; if (*wp == NULL) return NULL; ret = *wp; if ((ptr = strstr(*wp, str)) == NULL) { *wp = NULL; return ret; } *ptr = '\0'; *wp = ptr + strlen(str); return ret; } static const struct HX_quote_rule HX_quote_rules[] = { [HXQUOTE_SQUOTE] = {HXQUOTE_REJECT, "'\\"}, [HXQUOTE_DQUOTE] = {HXQUOTE_REJECT, "\"\\"}, [HXQUOTE_HTML] = {HXQUOTE_REJECT, "\"&<>"}, [HXQUOTE_LDAPFLT] = {HXQUOTE_REJECT, "\n*()\\"}, [HXQUOTE_LDAPRDN] = {HXQUOTE_REJECT, "\n \"#+,;<=>\\"}, [HXQUOTE_URIENC] = {HXQUOTE_ACCEPT, "-.0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~"}, [HXQUOTE_SQLSQUOTE] = {HXQUOTE_REJECT, "'"}, [HXQUOTE_SQLBQUOTE] = {HXQUOTE_REJECT, "`"}, }; /** * HX_qsize_bsa - calculate length of statically expanded string (for accepts) * @s: input string * @qchars: characters that need quoting * @cost: quoting cost per quoted character * * The cost depends on the quote format. Typical values: * 1 when "&" becomes "\&" (programming language-like) * 2 when "&" becomes "\26" (LDAPRDN/HTTPURI-like hex encoding) * 3 when "&" becomes "\x26" (hex encoding for programming) */ static size_t HX_qsize_bsa(const char *s, const char *qchars, unsigned int cost) { const char *p = s; size_t n = strlen(s); while ((p = HX_strchr2(p, qchars)) != NULL) { n += cost; ++p; } return n; } /** * HX_qsize_bsr - calculate length of statically expanded string (for rejects) * @s: input string * @qchars: characters that need quoting * @cost: quoting cost per quoted character * * Same as for HX_qsize_bsa, but for HXQUOTE_REJECT-type rules. */ static size_t HX_qsize_bsr(const char *s, const char *qchars, unsigned int cost) { const char *p = s; size_t n = strlen(s); while ((p = strpbrk(p, qchars)) != NULL) { n += cost; ++p; } return n; } static char *HX_quote_backslash(char *dest, const char *src, const char *qc) { char *ret = dest; size_t len; while (*src != '\0') { len = strcspn(src, qc); if (len > 0) { memcpy(dest, src, len); dest += len; src += len; if (*src == '\0') break; } *dest++ = '\\'; *dest++ = *src++; } *dest = '\0'; return ret; } static char * HX_quote_sqlbackslash(char *dest, const char *src, const char *trm) { char *ret = dest; size_t len; while (*src != '\0') { len = strcspn(src, trm); if (len > 0) { memcpy(dest, src, len); dest += len; src += len; if (*src == '\0') break; } *dest++ = *trm; *dest++ = *trm; ++src; } *dest = '\0'; return ret; } /** * Encode @src into BASE-64 according to RFC 4648 and write result to @dest, * which must be of appropriate size, plus one for a trailing NUL. */ static char *HX_quote_base64(char *d, const char *s, char x1, char x2) { char a[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789??"; size_t len = strlen(s); char *ret = d; a[62] = x1; a[63] = x2; while (len > 0) { if (len >= 3) { len -= 3; d[0] = a[(s[0] & 0xFC) >> 2]; d[1] = a[((s[0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((s[1] & 0xF0) >> 4)]; d[2] = a[((s[1] & 0x0F) << 2) | ((s[2] & 0xC0) >> 6)]; d[3] = a[s[2] & 0x3F]; } else if (len == 2) { len = 0; d[0] = a[(s[0] & 0xFC) >> 2]; d[1] = a[((s[0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((s[1] & 0xF0) >> 4)]; d[2] = a[(s[1] & 0x0F) << 2]; d[3] = '='; } else if (len == 1) { len = 0; d[0] = a[(s[0] & 0xFC) >> 2]; d[1] = a[(s[0] & 0x03) << 4]; d[2] = '='; d[3] = '='; } s += 3; d += 4; } *d = '\0'; return ret; } static size_t HX_qsize_html(const char *s) { const char *p = s; size_t n = strlen(s); while ((p = strpbrk(p, HX_quote_rules[HXQUOTE_HTML].chars)) != NULL) { switch (*p) { /* minus 2: \0 and the original char */ case '"': n += sizeof(""") - 2; break; case '&': n += sizeof("&") - 2; break; case '<': case '>': n += sizeof("<") - 2; break; } ++p; } return n; } static char *HX_quote_html(char *dest, const char *src) { #define put(s) do { \ memcpy(dest, (s), sizeof(s) - 1); \ dest += sizeof(s) - 1; \ } while (false); char *ret = dest; while (*src != '\0') { size_t len = strcspn(src, HX_quote_rules[HXQUOTE_HTML].chars); if (len > 0) { memcpy(dest, src, len); dest += len; src += len; if (*src == '\0') break; } switch (*src++) { case '"': put("""); break; case '&': put("&"); break; case '<': put("<"); break; case '>': put(">"); break; } } *dest = '\0'; return ret; #undef put } static char *HX_quote_ldap(char *dest, const char *src, const char *qc) { char *ret = dest; size_t len; while (*src != '\0') { len = strcspn(src, qc); if (len > 0) { memcpy(dest, src, len); dest += len; src += len; if (*src == '\0') break; } *dest++ = '\\'; *dest++ = HX_hexenc[(*src >> 4) & 0x0F]; *dest++ = HX_hexenc[*src++ & 0x0F]; } *dest = '\0'; return ret; } static char *HX_quote_urlenc(char *dest, const char *src) { char *ret = dest; size_t len; while (*src != '\0') { len = strspn(src, HX_quote_rules[HXQUOTE_URIENC].chars); if (len > 0) { memcpy(dest, src, len); dest += len; src += len; if (*src == '\0') break; } *dest++ = '%'; *dest++ = HX_hexenc[(*src >> 4) & 0x0F]; *dest++ = HX_hexenc[*src++ & 0x0F]; } *dest = '\0'; return ret; } /** * HX_quoted_size - * @s: string to analyze * @type: quoting method * * Returns the size of the string @s when quoted. */ static size_t HX_quoted_size(const char *s, unsigned int type) { switch (type) { case HXQUOTE_SQUOTE: case HXQUOTE_DQUOTE: case HXQUOTE_SQLSQUOTE: case HXQUOTE_SQLBQUOTE: return HX_qsize_bsr(s, HX_quote_rules[type].chars, 1); case HXQUOTE_HTML: return HX_qsize_html(s); case HXQUOTE_LDAPFLT: case HXQUOTE_LDAPRDN: return HX_qsize_bsr(s, HX_quote_rules[type].chars, 2); case HXQUOTE_BASE64: case HXQUOTE_BASE64URL: case HXQUOTE_BASE64IMAP: return (strlen(s) + 2) / 3 * 4; case HXQUOTE_URIENC: return HX_qsize_bsa(s, HX_quote_rules[type].chars, 2); default: return strlen(s); } } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strquote(const char *src, unsigned int type, char **free_me) { const struct HX_quote_rule *rule = nullptr; bool do_quote; char *tmp; if (type >= _HXQUOTE_MAX) { errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } /* If quote_chars is NULL, it is clear all chars are to be encoded. */ if (type >= ARRAY_SIZE(HX_quote_rules)) { do_quote = true; } else { rule = &HX_quote_rules[type]; if (rule->selector == HXQUOTE_ALWAYS) do_quote = true; else if (rule->selector == HXQUOTE_REJECT) do_quote = strpbrk(src, rule->chars) != NULL; else if (rule->selector == HXQUOTE_ACCEPT) do_quote = HX_strchr2(src, rule->chars) != NULL; else do_quote = false; } /* * free_me == NULL implies that we always allocate, even if * there is nothing to quote. */ if (free_me != NULL) { free(*free_me); *free_me = NULL; if (!do_quote) return const_cast1(char *, src); } else { if (!do_quote) return HX_strdup(src); free_me = &tmp; } *free_me = malloc(HX_quoted_size(src, type) + 1); if (*free_me == NULL) return NULL; switch (type) { case HXQUOTE_SQUOTE: case HXQUOTE_DQUOTE: return HX_quote_backslash(*free_me, src, rule->chars); case HXQUOTE_HTML: return HX_quote_html(*free_me, src); case HXQUOTE_LDAPFLT: case HXQUOTE_LDAPRDN: return HX_quote_ldap(*free_me, src, rule->chars); case HXQUOTE_BASE64: return HX_quote_base64(*free_me, src, '+', '/'); case HXQUOTE_BASE64URL: return HX_quote_base64(*free_me, src, '-', '_'); case HXQUOTE_BASE64IMAP: return HX_quote_base64(*free_me, src, '+', ','); case HXQUOTE_URIENC: return HX_quote_urlenc(*free_me, src); case HXQUOTE_SQLSQUOTE: case HXQUOTE_SQLBQUOTE: return HX_quote_sqlbackslash(*free_me, src, rule->chars); } return NULL; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_strupper(char *orig) { char *expr; for (expr = orig; *expr != '\0'; ++expr) *expr = HX_toupper(*expr); return orig; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_unit_size(char *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned long long size, unsigned int divisor, unsigned int cutoff) { static const char unit_names[] = "\0kMGTPEZYRQ"; unsigned int unit_idx = 0; if (divisor == 0) divisor = 1000; if (cutoff == 0) { cutoff = 10000; if (cutoff < divisor) cutoff = divisor; } while (unit_idx < ARRAY_SIZE(unit_names) - 1 && size >= cutoff) { ++unit_idx; size /= divisor; } snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%llu%.1s", size, &unit_names[unit_idx]); return buf; } static inline unsigned long long p_90(unsigned long long x) { /* Perform x*9/10, but without the risk of overflow. */ return x - x / 10 - !!(x % 10); } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_unit_size_cu(char *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned long long orig_size, unsigned int divisor) { /* No floating point. Take that, coreutils! */ static const char unit_names[] = "\0kMGTPEZYRQ"; unsigned int unit_idx = 0, last_rem = 0; unsigned long long size = orig_size, gpow = 1, grand_rem; if (divisor == 0) divisor = 1000; while (unit_idx < ARRAY_SIZE(unit_names) - 1 && size >= divisor) { ++unit_idx; last_rem = size % divisor; size /= divisor; gpow *= divisor; } if (unit_idx == 0) { snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%llu%.1s", size, &unit_names[unit_idx]); return buf; } grand_rem = orig_size - size * gpow; if (grand_rem != 0) { if (grand_rem > p_90(gpow)) { ++size; last_rem = 0; } else { last_rem *= 10; last_rem /= divisor; ++last_rem; if (last_rem == 10 || (size >= 10 && last_rem > 0)) { ++size; last_rem = 0; } } if (unit_idx < ARRAY_SIZE(unit_names) - 1 && size == divisor) { /* ++size from above may brought size to @divisor again */ ++unit_idx; size /= divisor; } } if (size >= 10 && last_rem == 0) snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%llu%.1s", size, &unit_names[unit_idx]); else snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%llu.%01u%.1s", size, last_rem, &unit_names[unit_idx]); return buf; } static unsigned int suffix_power(char u) { switch (HX_toupper(u)) { case 'K': return 1; case 'M': return 2; case 'G': return 3; case 'T': return 4; case 'P': return 5; case 'E': return 6; case 'Z': return 7; case 'Y': return 8; case 'R': return 9; case 'Q': return 10; default: return 0; } } EXPORT_SYMBOL double HX_strtod_unit(const char *s, char **out_end, unsigned int exponent) { char *end; double q; while (HX_isspace(*s)) ++s; q = strtod(s, &end); if (exponent == 0) exponent = 1000; if (end == s) { if (out_end != nullptr) *out_end = end; return q; } while (HX_isspace(*end)) ++end; unsigned int pwr = suffix_power(*end); if (pwr == 0) { if (out_end != nullptr) *out_end = const_cast(char *, end); return q; } if (out_end != nullptr) *out_end = const_cast(char *, end + 1); return q * pow(exponent, pwr); } EXPORT_SYMBOL unsigned long long HX_strtoull_unit(const char *s, char **out_end, unsigned int exponent) { char *end; unsigned long long ipart; unsigned int pwr = 0; while (HX_isspace(*s)) ++s; ipart = strtoull(s, &end, 10); if (*end == '.') { double q = HX_strtod_unit(s, out_end, exponent); bool lo_ok = q >= nextafter(-static_cast(double, ULLONG_MAX), 0); bool hi_ok = q <= nextafter(static_cast(double, ULLONG_MAX), 0); if (!hi_ok || !lo_ok) return ULLONG_MAX; return q; } if (exponent == 0) exponent = 1000; while (HX_isspace(*end)) ++end; pwr = suffix_power(*end); if (pwr == 0) { if (out_end != nullptr) *out_end = end; return ipart; } if (out_end != nullptr) *out_end = const_cast(char *, end + 1); while (pwr-- > 0) { if (ipart >= ULLONG_MAX / exponent) { errno = ERANGE; return ULLONG_MAX; } ipart *= exponent; } return ipart; } #define SECONDS_PER_YEAR 31557600 #define SECONDS_PER_MONTH 2629800 static const struct { const char name[8]; unsigned int len; uint32_t mult; } time_multiplier[] = { {"seconds", 7, 1}, {"second", 6, 1}, {"sec", 3, 1}, {"s", 1, 1}, {"minutes", 7, 60}, {"minute", 6, 60}, {"min", 3, 60}, {"hours", 5, 3600}, {"hour", 4, 3600}, {"h", 1, 3600}, {"days", 4, 86400}, {"day", 3, 86400}, {"d", 1, 86400}, {"weeks", 5, 604800}, {"week", 4, 604800}, {"months", 6, SECONDS_PER_MONTH}, {"month", 5, SECONDS_PER_MONTH}, {"years", 5, SECONDS_PER_YEAR}, {"year", 4, SECONDS_PER_YEAR}, {"y", 1, SECONDS_PER_YEAR}, }; EXPORT_SYMBOL unsigned long long HX_strtoull_sec(const char *s, char **out_end) { unsigned long long seconds = 0; while (*s != '\0') { while (HX_isspace(*s)) ++s; if (*s == '-') { break; } char *end = nullptr; unsigned long long num = strtoull(s, &end, 10); if (end == s) break; s = end; while (HX_isspace(*s)) ++s; if (!HX_isalpha(*s)) { seconds += num; continue; } unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(time_multiplier); ++i) if (strncmp(s, time_multiplier[i].name, time_multiplier[i].len) == 0 && !HX_isalpha(s[time_multiplier[i].len])) break; if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(time_multiplier)) break; seconds += num * time_multiplier[i].mult; s += time_multiplier[i].len; } if (out_end != nullptr) *out_end = const_cast(char *, s); return seconds; } EXPORT_SYMBOL char *HX_unit_seconds(char *out, size_t outsize, unsigned long long secs, unsigned int flags) { unsigned long years = 0, months = 0, weeks = 0, days, hours, mins; char buf[HXSIZEOF_Z64+4]; if (flags & HXUNIT_YEARS) { years = secs / SECONDS_PER_YEAR; secs %= SECONDS_PER_YEAR; } if (flags & HXUNIT_MONTHS) { months = secs / SECONDS_PER_MONTH; secs %= SECONDS_PER_MONTH; } if (flags & HXUNIT_WEEKS) { weeks = secs / 604800; secs %= 604800; } days = secs / 86400; secs %= 86400; hours = secs / 3600; secs %= 3600; mins = secs / 60; secs %= 60; *out = '\0'; if (years > 0) { snprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "%luy", years); HX_strlcat(out, buf, outsize); } if (months == 1) { HX_strlcat(out, "1month", outsize); } else if (months > 0) { snprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "%lumonths", months); HX_strlcat(out, buf, outsize); } if (weeks == 1) { HX_strlcat(out, "1week", outsize); } else if (weeks > 0) { snprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "%luweeks", weeks); HX_strlcat(out, buf, outsize); } if (days > 0) { snprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "%lud", days); HX_strlcat(out, buf, outsize); } if (hours > 0) { snprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "%luh", hours); HX_strlcat(out, buf, outsize); } if (mins > 0) { snprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "%lumin", mins); HX_strlcat(out, buf, outsize); } if (secs > 0 || (years == 0 && months == 0 && weeks == 0 && days == 0 && hours == 0 && mins == 0)) { snprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "%llus", secs); HX_strlcat(out, buf, outsize); } return out; }